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Kristina Kristina Bears
Posts: 110

So today we were driving down a very busy street when we saw this little dog on the side of the road(not the actual road but the lane in front of houses..I can't remember the correct name) Anyway it just didn't look right and it was a step away from the main street where it would get hit by a car. So I said to turn around and my boyfriend turned and jumped the curb and I ran out to see if it would come to me. It was all disoriented and I have NEVER EVER seen a dog so skinny in my life. It brings me to tears just thinking about it!!! The bones were just popping out and it couldn't see cause of all this crap in it's eyes (I thought he was blind and deaf) and not to be to grafic but it's testicles were so distended that I was afraid of picking him up in fear that I would hurt him. After I made sure it wouldn't bite me I tried to coax him of the road and there's my boyfriend stopping traffic..I finally scooped him up and we went to a few of the houses to see if he belonged to someone but honestly I didn't want to find anyone cause I would of ended up punching them in the face for neglecting this poor little thing. So we took him and drove all the way to the SPCA only to find out they were closed and got redirected to the emergency. Well they took him right away. I can't describe enough the looks of this poor baby...I was literally crying when we left cause I was soo upset and it's not even my dog....but I knew that he was safe there and going to get some treatment.

Well I decided that I needed to see him again, so my guy and I went back cause I just needed to see him......only to find out that he is a SHE!!!! What??? They were not testicles but are very big tumor!!!! She's 15 years old!!! The lady let me hold her for awhile and she said that someone called them saying they were missing a dog fitting that discription and they were coming in..said that she has bad teeth and hasn't been eating!! Can you believe that! How does a 15 year old dog with a massive tumor hanging of her just get away from you NOT to mention NO food or water!!! I am soooo angry!!! I'm happy to say that the puppy looked sooo much better even with just a little fluid and she ate some mushed up dog food. I was so worried that these so called owners would show up and they would just hand the dog over but the lady said if they beleive there is abuse they don't give animals back. That was a relief! cause there is no denying this dog has been severly neglected.

So I called the clinic about half an hour ago  and they said that nobody has come. NOT surprising! and a relief to cause I know she will be safe there. So I did offer my home...I don't know what kind of medical conditon or anything like that or how long she has or if it's better that she be put down. All I know is my heart hurts for this dog. I think I will go there tomorrow and see if I can talk to someone about how things work and what is the best thing for her. They did put me down for"special consideration" I guess that's for adopting purposes.

I'm sorry this is long but I just had to share this cause I know that there are animal lovers here!!
You  know sometimes I really hate the human species....we are the only living creatures that will do that to another living thing. I know the majority of us don't but well you know what I mean. I just can't handle animal abuse I get so upset cause nothing is more innocent then them, other then children.

Thanks for letting me cry cause seriously that's what I'm doing.


edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Oh, Kristina, that is just so awful!!!! Thank goodness you found the dog and were able to get some help for her - she will certainly have a good home if she is able to go home with you. It does make you wonder how anyone could possible that cruel or unthinking or whatever their problem is! Big hugs to you -  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

It is terrible to see abuse & neglect, but it's people like you that can make things so much better for these animals.  Thank you for taking the time to deal with the situation and not ignoring it!  You deserve the biggest hugs!!! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

ScaliWagGrrs ScaliWagGrrs
Denver, Colorado
Posts: 1,157

Oh that poor dog!!!!!! How can people be so horrific to animals!!??? Thank you for being so kind and helping!  Let us know how the poor thing fares and if she is able to come home with you.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,766

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: What an angel you are, Kristina, for having such compassion for that poor animal!
It's is much beyond my comprehension that someone would let a pet deteriorate to that condition.  Whatever becomes of her, she will have good care the rest of what's left of her life.

EvaJ EJ's Crafts
Fort Mohave, Arizona
Posts: 829

I have to thank you for being such a caring person.  You deserve the biggest hug for stopping and doing what you could for that poor dog.  I have had to put animals down because of poor health but did everything I could before I went that route.  Then cried for days when the final time came.  I just don't understand why people could do what they did to this sad little dog and after having it as long as they did, it had to be like one of the family. 
Super hugs to you and please let us know what happens. :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

It just makes me sick bear_sad  I'm glad she was found by someone like you  :hug:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

bear_cry Oh Kristina.......this wee dog finally found an angel at the end of her days. Thankyou for being there for her bear_cry  :hug:

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Good for you, Kristina - this sort of thing is terrible and utterly heartbreaking to any animal lover. It beggars belief that anyone can be so cruel, but sadly it DOES happen all to often.
Lots of huggies to you, for being such a kind and caring lady
Maria :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

:dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

This poor doggie will obviously have a wonderful time in her new home, because i am sure you will be able to take her home.

Pooor little one!

Well done! We need more people like you!

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Beary hugs,

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Kristina you are an angel on Earth and was meant to find this poor darling girl. Thank heavens there are such loving and caring people like yourself and that you found her. Let us hope she can be treated for her tumor and it can be removed without there being any more problems from it. It's good that she started to eat and drink, but it will take a long time for this poor dog to get better. Knowing you are there for her will help, can you go visit her? Thank you Kristina and your boyfriend for being such wonderful caring people to one of our furry friends.  bear_thumb

Hugs, Jane.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

it makes me sick what humans can do to these lovely innocent animals, I am so relieved that you found her and that she is in the best place getting care, I do hope she will be ok.  Sending big hugs  :hug:  :hug:
Catherine x

Barling Bears Barling Bears
Nr. Maidstone, Kent
Posts: 1,523

Hi Kristina, bear_flower

Wow, what an ordeal.  I had tears in my eyes just reading your account of goings on with this poor little dog.  To say that things like this make me SO angry, is putting it very mildly and I honestly don't know how I would have reacted if I'd met the "owners".  Bless you and your boyfriend for all you have done for this poor dog, you are angels in my book.

I pray everything works out well and that the dog is soon being able to enjoy a well deserved happy life with someone who actually cares about it.

Big hugs to you. :hug:  :hug:

Marilyn bear_flower

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Oh Kristina...  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  for what you have done for this poor little sweetheart!  I totally understand why you are so upset!

Kristina Kristina Bears
Posts: 110

Everyone...Thank you sooo much for all your kind words and understanding!!! Just reading them brought me to tears. My night was terrible every time I woke up I would see this little darling......I was listening to the wind just howling last night and I was so greatful knowing that she was safe and warm. I of course sent her a prayer.

My boyfriend and I are going to go visit and I hope to get some more info on how everything is handled for here. The lady on the phone yesterday said they do what they can and then it's up to City By-law..I'm assuming that means the pound. I think the pound would let me know if she's adoptable  but really who else wants to adopt a 15 year old dog who has medical conditions? I would hope that they would do the humaine thing if she is really sick and in pain.

That's what my mom called me her"angel"...I was supposed to be there at that time....I'm so glad I was, even if it made her last few days better.

It's so cute my boyfriend was calling her Oscar cause we thought it was a boy........."Can we still call her Oscar?" he says...LOL it was very cute. I said I don't think she minds....

I will keep you posted! I just want what's best for her!

Thanks everyone!!!  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Kristina, I'd be crying buckets of tears too in between fits of anger and wanting to give the owner a piece of my mind if not my fist too!

You've already done the biggest and most important thing you could for the poor dog... you rescued her... be it to receive medical attention and a new home or to be put down if she is sickly enough and therefore she won't suffer anymore. Either way, as others have said, you are an angel!

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Kristina Kristina Bears
Posts: 110

OMG They gave the dog back to the owners this morning!!!! I am soo upset I can't even think straight. WHY!!!!
Apparently By-law officers and the owners came at the same time. The clinic is not legally allowed to keep the dog. Thsy vet spoke with the owners and told to do the humaine thing and that they would be watching them. That's IT!!!! WHY would they do this to this poor thing. I am so angry!!!

My boyfriend is now on the phone lodging a complaint. I can't believe they would allow this!!!

Wish me luck!


tindlebears Tindle Bears
Xenia, ohio
Posts: 116

I would totally call your local tv station, make it go public! Make people aware of the flaw in such a law! This in essence IS abuse! even if the owner was not capable of caring for their animal, you don't give it back!!!
Seriously, contact a tv station get this crap on the air!
Sending thoughts her way and yours :pray:

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Kristina, hun, you're not going to want to hear this, but yes, they did the right thing by giving the dog back to its owner.  What you saw was a very elderly dog.  Very elderly dogs, just like very elderly humans do not look their best.  I used to dog groom, and believe me, my stomach did flip flops at some of the beyond ancient dogs that would dodder in with their owners.  The sad fact is, the owner was not willing to put the dog down.  Most of the time it was a case of taking extreme care, giving the dog the rest it needed and always remembering this was a very elderly dog I was grooming. 

In the case of large tumors.  If the dog is old enough, you cannot safely sedate them to remove the tumor.  Think of trying to sedate a human that's 95-100 years old.  There's such a slim chance of the person surviving the anesthesia.  Worse, I've had owners that did remove large tumors on their dogs, only to have the tumor regrow in the same spot and aggressively get even larger within two months of the original tumor being removed. 

The gunk in the eyes, I'm betting this was a small breed, possibly a toy something like a yorkie, toy poodle, shih tzu.  These breeds tend to have gunk that builds up in the corners of the eye.  This does need to be removed daily, but most owners do not do so.  Its just like the sleep you wake up with in the corners of your eyes, it just needs to be washed away, but yes it will build up and will be alarming to see if not cleaned away.  I'm not saying this dog had them, but fleas will make this encrustation even worse.  I never could seem to get owners to clean the eyes frequently.  Never could seem to get them to understand this could lead to eye problems. 

Age and bad teethl will have a huge impact on the overall health and eating abilities.  Age itself will also cause problems with being able to keep weight on, because as the dog ages, it loses its ability to absorb food correctly in the intestines.  I'm glad the owners were at least sat down and talked to in this case.  In a lot of cases, I think the owners are surprised to find out how simple things can help. 

To me, it sounds as though this dog had managed to get out the door and out of her yard.  That you stopped and caught her before she toddled into the road was a grand thing to do!!  Kudos to you!!!  bear_thumb   And you did the right thing by getting her to the people who could give her treatment and help to reunite her with her owners.  The fact that the owners even called shows that they do indeed love their dog.

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Grrr...  The nerve of some people! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

susiray Bear-Hands
Algarve, Portugal
Posts: 482

hi Kristina i understand how you feel i have recused 4 dogs now here in portugal and i have to agree with Debbie. if the owners were really bad they wouldn't have even bothered looking for her, but maybe the your dog rescue people would be able to do a follow up visit if the go through the vet.
one of my rescue dog is like a grey hound and his weight goes between 21 and 23kg and he looks skin and bones but our vet thinks when he was dumped as a very young pup and was found nearly dead, his body has never really recovered, but he has loads of engery and when he finally stops he goes out big time for the count.... bless. so see if a follow up call can be done it will make you feel better. at least you found her before something bad really happen

bear & dog hugs
susan xx

Off The Paw Artist Bears by Lesley
East Neuk
Posts: 1,101

Well done to you and your boyfriend for saving the little dog. If you hadn't stopped and gone out of your way for the wee scone, I doubt whether there would have been a dog for the owners to collect, she would have proably been run over, caused a traffic accident or died of thirst. Well done, this world needs more people like you  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  I hope the owners take better care of her now.

Kristina Kristina Bears
Posts: 110

I really do understand that when I dog hits a certain age they will lose lots of weight and their teeth go bad not to mention numerous amounts of other problems caused by age. I also know that doing surgery on an older dog generally is not the best way to go, they never fully recoope not to mention being put under is a huge risk. However......she had not eaten let only had fluid for god knows how long, and I would like to know how a 15 year old dog gets up and walks out of a home?? PLUS these so called owners phoned the clinic at 4:00pm, they didn't go to the clinic till this morning. Now you add all those things together...and it's my opinion the dog should never have been released. The clinic said that the owners would be monitored....what a load of crap! I know my emotions when it comes to animals is VERY high bear_wub but that poor dog was being starved to death and her issues were not being looked after. When it was in the emergency clinic she ate some dog food had an IV and looked better just from that. I know I don't know the whole story but there is no accuse for any animal to suffer like that. They depend on us to do the right thing and to keep them safe and healthy.

BTW I just got off the phone with my boyfriend and someone from SPCA returned our call and they said that they will investigate. So that's at least something. So we have two different people saying they will look into this. I know I've done pretty much all I can I just want to make sure. Thanks again for listening to me vent :hug:

Big Hugs

Teddy Tales My Teddy Tales
Posts: 523


I read your post earlier today and felt so bad for the poor dog. You are an angel for doing that. When I left my house today with my boyfriend , we were driving around before we went to pick up our daughter from school, and I couldn't believe what I saw, I thought of you and the dog you found, we saw this poor brown dog limping in a front yard and all you saw were ribs. this poor baby looked like every step he took was more painful than the other. Because he was in someone's yard I think I couldn't just take him and bring him to the animal hospital, I didn't know what to do but I knew I had to do something, I wouldn't get any sleep if I hadn't, so we wrote down the address and went straight to the police station to speak to animal control to let them know about this poor little guy. they sent someone down right away. I can't believe that someone can let this happen!! It does brake your heart. We called the animal control to find out about the dog and he was under weight and they where going to do more tests. I'll be in contact with them again tomorrow. I felt so bad for the dog you found, that the same thing happened to me.

Bear hugs,

Louise    :hug:

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Hi Kristina,

Well done for saving the poor old dog and getting it to the Medical Clinic.
You had me in tears as it sounded so neglected and I really hope now that the owners have the dog back and they will care for her a little better and not
let it roam near the road where it may get hit by a car.
You and your boyfriend are Angels helping out like this.



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