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Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Hey everyone. does anyone have any knowledge with hair straighteners?? of the human kind not for bears..for my own hair.. i got my hair cut into a new style and the stylists used straighteners on my hair after she blast dried it with the hair dryer, I've never used them before until today and i didnt get the same results as the stylist did, my hair is more flyaway than when she did it. she sprayed my hair with something (which i assumed was water) before she used them, wonder if that makes any difference?? or maybe the heat setting? i used the lowest heat settings as those things BURN, the heat left on your hair is amazing !

Well i sure do hope i can master the use of them by tuesday or i will be going to the hospital with flyaway hair that sticks out at the ends like a ski slope if i dont use the straighteners LOL


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original Pipa, I sympathize!

Hairdressers can blow dry even the curliest hair straight!

My daughter uses Frizz-Ease products. They sell a daily leave-in spray that strengthens and straightens so long as you brush it dry.


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

hehehe yep they do seem to have a knack of taming wild hair don't they ???

the mad thing is my hair is as straight as can be, it's never curly or anything until i got it cut short. now when it dries naturally it flicks right out at the end. so i need to straighten them with hair straightners but alas... it didnt work as well when i did it LOL !!!

i might need to try some of those frizz ease products next time !

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Hello there. Maybe I can help. I use a straightener all the time. My hair is wavy and frizzy if I don't straighten it. I doubt that the styist misted with water before hand. Unless you have a straightener with ventilation holes than your hair should be dry. There are lots of products that you can mist on before straightening. I think they kind of prime your hair for all the heat it's about to take on...less damage. What I use is by MATRIX brand called iron smoother. There are lots of different brands that carry similar products.

Also, when I straighten I start at the bottom clipping most of my hair at the top of my head. Then straighten in real small sections. When the bottom layer is done let down some more clipping the rest back up top. I find that if I take my time and do it this way the results are really great. Sometimes I don't clip and just do a quick run through and it's not so good.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Aww honey the nurses wont be worried about your hair, they will check to see if you shaved your legs!  :hug: :hug: :hug:

OK that a bad hospital nurse joke....the ER bad jokes are worse.....


Did I miss something really important-you are going to the hospital?

I am so sorry to hear this, unless it is for something you really want, like a hysto or something.  Otherwise I am really sorry you have to go .....I hope everything will be ok.....

Keep us posted ok Pipa... :angel:...may all the hospital angels watch over you while you are there....

.and don't orget to take your business cards and one of you bears.....

nurses are suckers for teddies....really!



Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Hi Pipa,

My daughter uses a ceramic hair straigtener and always uses a product, when she does it.
Ask at the hairdressers as there are a lot that help to seal the strands of hair and make it
look sleek and shiny and does not dry out the hair too much with the heat.
I am lucky enough sometimes when I am going out and she does mine for me and it does
look really good.
Best of luck with mastering your new hair style and hope that Tuesday goes well for you.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Our hair expert, Jenny, will know what to do!!

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

The trick with using hair straighteners is to bend the ends under ...just slightly...or you are destined to look like a thatched cottage if you have straight  hair. Do use an iron oil before hand (it has no oil in it ) ...or you can get ones that you use on dry hair. I like the GHD products...but there are plenty around, Toni and Guy ones are as good as any. Steer clear of Frizz-ease, silicone type products...what people call 'serum''s a nightmare and will build up on your hair and scalp giving you brittle hair, itchy scalp and if you colour your hair can affect the out-come.
I can't recommend the GHD straighteners highly enough....there is nothing else as good...and we've tried the lot...believe me!!

Good luck!!

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

I used to have the same problem until I realised they have to be hot. The GHD ones I think heat upto 200C so My old ones just were'nt hot enough. You can get ones now that have a temperature switch so you could use a high setting at first then a lower one for later tidy ups. Ceramic plates are a must to. Good luck ,my hair is the bane of my life, I'm naughty and cut and colour my own.

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Hello Ladies. wow Such great tips THANKYOU all SO much !! the straighteners i have are fully plated (no holes) but they do have ionic holes in the side to let out some ionic thing (according to the box) LOL !!!!

Oh Jenny..the thatched roof., mine kinda looks a bit like that when i did it hahah ! i will try curling it in a bit next time !! bear_happy thankyou for the tip !!!!! i was pretty scared to try them having never used them before. i was very afraid of burning my skin or something. so once i build up confidence with them i hope i can get better at using them bear_original

Amanda- Yep mine goes upto 250 degrees Salon temperature heat. , it has a setting from 1-25..i put mine on 1.. it burns your face when you let your hair go the heat coming off it and you better not touch your hair after doing it because it BURNS ! lol. and that was on setting 1.. LOL next time im going to try it on number 3 ! i probbly end up burning my hair off if i use 25 LOL

Dilu - I am going to see a wrist specialist for my bad wrist, see what this one thinks.. so lucky for me he wont be needing to see my hairy legs *chuckle* unless he is a kinky old devil and asks to see my legs in which case he will get a black eye tee hee, i will let you know how it goes bear_original just an outpatients appointment !! : )

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

The main reason to use a straightening product is to prevent the frizzy hair later, the products keep the moisture out. I use a brand called Enjoy or Redkin.

Those that like their hair curly, can also use the straightener products, makes the hair really curly and not frizzy! I use it everyday, curly or straight!!

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

I wear my hair curly so I'm no use to you Pipa! I did have my hair straightened once, at the hairdressers, but didn't like it  - I don't think it suits me, and my head felt so small!!

Jenny, I didn't realise that about serum (not that I use it much!). Do you have something you'd recommend to calm the frizz? This cold, damp weather plays havoc and I often end up feeling like a scarecrow! bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

My hair is naturally straight. everyone in my family have straight hair. not a kink, wave or curl in sight so it's pretty amusing to me to have to use straightners when you couldnt get any straighter than my hair LOL!

oh Helena i can imagine how small your hair must have felt after having curly hair all your life bear_original a friend of mine when i was at school had lovely thick curly hair !!

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Hi Helena.....Yep, there are loads of products on the market with a type of silicone in that doesn't easily wash off the it builds up...why do you think they brought out 'build-up removing shampoo'? This silicone becomes brittle and coats your scalp...we see more dandruff these days than ever before. I recommend Aveda products which are all natural and have water soluble ingredients. For cheap and cheerful, I like Schwarzkopf...they don't test on animals and it's real good stuff....and reasonably priced. Not too fancy.
The GHD products are good too...and, from supermarkets...Toni and Guy range is great.
Anything that looks too high-tech...don't buy's generally those all these fancy 2 in 1 shampoo conditioners, and the hair glossers that cause the problems..they make your hair feel fab when it's wet...and when it's dry it's all dull and lifeless.

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Hmm, that's knowing, thanks Jenny  :). I guess the baddies will have silicone in their ingredients list? Well I'm going out shopping today so I'll have a look for something suitable....because I'm a cheapskate I tend not to use the fancy stuff, but have used aveda (which someone else recommended to me too). I don't actually like the feel of those serums, and if my hair feels dry (this time of year) tend to put conditioner onto dry hair instead. Is that a really bad thing to do?!?! My hair just soaks it up....

Wish I could pop into your salon. I'm always on the lookout for a good hairdresser!!!!! (And we can talk bears too!).

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original Thanks, Jenny, for the great info!

I'd better warn my daughter about the FrizzEase. Her hair is long and curly as a lamb's back, and tends to be dry anyway. I'll be looking for the Aveda . . .

I cut and color my own hair (I've never had a good experience at a salon!), comb it out, let it air dry, and try to remember to check it before I go out. I've got my Dad's wave-pattern, which stoops to no style. It just IS!  :(
Hair and self live in a state of mutual tolerance.


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Jenny thankyou for sharing your rcommendations for hair products with us. bear_original i just use Herbal Essence because i like the colour of the bottles and they smell fab LOL

Wash&Go tends to make my hair more flyaway so i avoid that, but i am going to try these products you suggested see how they go bear_original

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I used a straightener once in my hair - makes my hair extra crispy!  I dont know why i used it, my hair is pretty much stick straight... I myself have a new haircut (I have had it before) it is really really short... I use my hot air brush (it is around brush) and curl the ends out and use lotsa hairspray!

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

extra crispy LOL! im going to try doing mine again today. fingers crossed i do a better job this time bear_happy

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Flicks are IN Pipa - even Madonna has them  :rolleyes:

Straight hair is going out of fashion apparantly so throw the straighteners in the bin and grow an afro he he he

Penny - the woman with the worst hair in the world bear_shocked  :doh:

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

hehehe an afro ? i'd be lucky. my whole family have plank straight hair bear_happy oh and when i say mine flicks out.. it flicks out that far you could go ski-ing on it LOL!

i actually tried them again today and my hair came out really good. i did what the girls suggested and curled it in a bit at the ends so now it doesnt look like i ran the iron over my hair  bear_grin

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