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Dilu Posts: 8,574

Can I dig out my old nursing cap, that I haven't seen since graduation and post a little reminder to one and all?

We are heading into what I call The Season  but this has to be said in a low and spooky voice.

It truly is the time of year, at least here in this northern hemisphere, where we have less sunlight, more depression, more suicides, ( but not amongst beary people, just those poor folks who don't know that bears and gollys can help them,) more stress, MORE EXPECTATIONS  And it can become a very stressful time of year.

We will want to keep up with our friends here, but probably all of us have bears or gollies to make and stuff that we think is expected of us.

So we will read faster, not reread what we post, and we can get ourselves into a wee bit of bother and maybe even hurt someone without meaning too....

:redface: :redface:  Says she who wished the wrong person happy birthday yesterday, just because of all these reasons!  :redface: :redface:

Ahh well, for all you newbies, you can always count on Dilu to be just a tad off - kilter, probably about every 3rd day.....or every other day......Oh bother....OK EVERY DAY

So, because this is truly such a great place, and we have grown to know and love our friends here, and look forward to getting to know and love our newcomers who will be old friends before long, I just wanted to mention that:

We need to remember differances in slang, idioms etc.....and if we aren't sure what something means we need to ask....but not take offence if an American idiom is totally different in interpretation to a New Zealand idiom or whatever.....because most assuredly there was no offence meant

We also need to remember that except for the smilies that Quy has given us-( which I do believe help alot-and sometimes wish we had more but don't want to ask because he has been so good to us already) we don't have facial expressions or body language to go by......

The United Nations could learn alot from this board, dontcha think?  And maybe they need fewer meetings and more smilie faces in their own e-mail?

Anyway, to sum up, lets just slow down and take a little extra time here to make sure we don't do a UN but do do a TT.  ( I am the last one here to be able to be politically correct, but don't want to hurt any feelings, so I am hoping no one here works at the don't do you?  Yikes! I've done it!!!  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

:hug: to all


Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

My dear Dilu,
Totally off topic......where exactly are the backwoods of Oregon anyway? We've just moved here from Seattle so I'm still getting to know my way around.

Here's a giggle for you.  I live in Happy Valley, just off Sunnyside Road and my company name is the The Silly Bear.   bear_original  It couldn't be more perfect!

Silly smiles,  bear_original

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

You rock, Dilu!!  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I think you rock, too, Dilu.  Well said!

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

You're right, Dilu....
I myself feel more often depressed with so short days. So each time I feel depressed, I rush to our dear forum where I always find the comfort I need.
I try to check what I have written before submitting, but sometimes I miss some mistakes... The other day, I had messed up the name of someone I was whishing happy birthday... with the name of someone else; by chance, I saw it right after I had submitted my post. So i quickly changed the name...  :redface:

Beary hugs,

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Excellent post, Dilu  :)

The night's are dark so early here....and getting up in the dark is really hard on the system too. I really think I was born to hibernate, the amount of yawning I'm doing!!!

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Going to work in the dark, coming home in the dark ... ugh.  SAD ... seasonal affective disorder.  Few years ago we had a whole department complaining of symptoms of depression.  They were located in the basement, so basically spent the winter months in the dark.  Honestly, it was awful.  Started referring to themselves as "bottom dwellers" and "the basement people".  They'd come upstairs for a meeting and were openly hostile toward anyone not residing in the basement also.  Segregatged themselves and hated everyone else.  Became a pretty serious problem.

Now I think I'll go eat a mountain of chocolate ...

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Well said Dilu, Having lived in England for 33 yrs I used to get down in the winter.... since I have moved to Australia things are alot diffrent ...... I love this place.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Yayyyyyy Mis Deb!!!!!  Chocolate....while we may think it cures all ailments-it actually does have chemicals in it that mimic our own chemicals in our brain....happy food!  :dance: :dance: :dance:

Aleta, the Silly Bear, off Sunnyside Road in Happy Valley-  bear_wub :hug:

boy did I giggle at that one ....We are in Southern Oregon, The Siskiyou National Forest....I call it the backwoods, because until just a few months ago the Illinois Valley ( which is where we are) was the poorest county with the highest unemployment in the country.

Now?  We're just second poorest or something like that.  :doh:

But Government Stats don't take into account the primary crops; Marijuana and mushrooms,

and the biggest industry; Methamphetamine.

We have several entrepenurs up and down the road from us. 

My motto- smile wave and don't get friendly, keep the gate locked and thank God for Canada's  The GoodBar company, as we have all the windows in our house and garage fitted with bars.

(You have to or you come home from some outing and everything is gone-everything!  Lady down the road didn't even have toilet paper left!)

Now things are changing here:  Property values have gone from 100,000 for a simple house on 5 acres to 300,000 for the same house in 2 years!  Boy I am glad we got our retirement place when we did.!

And because of this the druggers can't afford to stay here much longer- the people who own the properties are selling, making a bundle and ridding the woods of some potentially questionable neighbors.

But these are not nice people, would as soon as shoot you as say "Hey"

Kind of reminds me of a movie......what was it called....had great music, "Dueling Banjoes".....ahhhh yes  Deliverance- great movie

The yards around here either look like upper middle class America without litter and  lots of flowers or Deliverance.

It's really kind of neat to watch the little microcosom of culture clashes....I really love studying what how and why people do what they do...

And then I remember  that these adults have little kids and my heart hurts....but we have 'soup kitchens' at the churches and places where they can take showers and all so....

times are a changing  :whistle:

Sophie!!!  Bless your heart my least you caught the birthday mistake....meanwhile I guess I will brazen it out and hope the right birthday girl knows I meant well.... :redface:  and in a week no ne will remember!  :D

Wow Deb, those folks at your business could really benefit from full spectrum florescent lights down there!  I hope it doesn't get too bad....but....

Watch your back

maybe we should send regular doses of chocolate down there? ol' Tiny Tim would say, 'God Bless Us everyone" and may we all get through the dark in one piece.

Of course our New Zeland and Aussie friends did promise pics of beautiful gardens to help us!  bear_wub bear_wub bear_wub bear_wub


PS oh ouch  :doh: :doh: :doh:   I pushed submit instead of spell check....

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

LOL ... they've long been out of the basement.  Actually, they had lab requirements but also wanted to be located in close proximity to the rest of the division, so they were put in the most logical place (where there was enough space and the rent didn't break the bank).  It just turned out that it wasn't such a "bright" idea!

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Yep the nighst are dark now. it's dark about 5pm here now, i hate the dark evenings!! makes you feel goomy huh !!!

and on a side note Dilu - i just wanted to let you know i had my hospital appt today and the Dr didn't want to see my hairy legs. he was rather fascinated in playing with what he described me as having as "floppy joints" and after a MOST UNPLEASANT AND PAINFUL steroid injection into the side of my hand i can barely type lol

Dilu Posts: 8,574

yikes, an intrajoint inj.  Oh Pipa, honey  bear_cry bear_cry bear_cry bear_cry

Those can hurt sooooooo bad!!!!!!

But when the medication kicks in you'll feel a whole lot bettER!!!  And while Steroids are powerful medications and not to be used lightly, in the right hands ( bear_grin ) they can be miracle workers!!!!

Tomarrow I hope we hear you're a new woman!!

hang in will get better.......

:hug: :hug:


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Thankyou Dilu. yes it hurt BAD BAD BAD !!!!  and still does. he pulled my wrist one way and he told me to pull my arm the other way (kind of like tug o war with my arm) and then he injected it with his other hand he said doing so would open up the joint.. i never want to repeat that experience EVER AGAIN LOL !

okies must dash. time for bed for me i think so i can go sulk and feel sorry for myself hehehe

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:hug: Dilu, you da bomb, girl! Thanks for the heads-up!

My youngest now uses light therapy for SAD. She wears a really freaky pair of glasses for 15 minutes every morning. Little bulbs on the frames shine light at the retinas at just the right angle. Meanwhile, you can walk around, eat breakfast, watch TV, do just about anything but shower.


Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

I can totally sympathize with the dread you are all feeling of the oncoming winter, having just come out from it. All of a sudden the days are warm and we no longer have to rush up and get the horses rugs on before dark. Now that daylight savings time has arrived, it's getting daylight in the mornings at 5.30am and dark at another month it will be 9.30pm.

I love this time of means there is life after work hours and tea can be around 7.30pm instead of 6pm. It's so hard to imagine a cold Christmas...just once, I'd like to experience a white Christmas, instead of one with a hot northerly blowing!
We rarely have a hot Christmas lunch now...just seems silly to heat up the house with the oven and all when it's usually too hot anyway. We opt for a Barbeque and salads and leftovers for tea. Still have hot Chrissie pud though! (although last year we had a frozen icecream Chrissie pud too, which was popular with the kiddies.)

Dilu...I'll try to take some 'warm' pics am post them to cheer you all up! My roses are in full bloom now so I'll snap some pics of them. The smell is divine in the evenings when the air is warm and still. :rose:

And you are so right about being careful how you word things and being mindful of others. This place is such a have for us all and we need to keep it that way. :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Thank you, Nurse Dilu!  :thumbsup:

Aleta, Very cool how your addy and business name and all just evoke happy thoughts and laughter!  :lol:

Deb, I wish chocolate cured SAD!  :P

Eileen, I too, suffer from it and will begin light therapy this year. So, if I get testy, you all know why, but I'll try to be careful!  bear_innocent

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Rock On Dilu...and CHOCOLATE HUGS for everyone!!!

I totally agree. bear_wub

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650
Daphne wrote:

Deb, I wish chocolate cured SAD!  :P

Well Dilu and I are trying to test the theory with Matilda's cake recipe, but we have to know what ice magic is first. bear_happy

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oh Thank you, Nurse Dilu.  :hug:

Hi Hayley,   I would love to experience a hot Christmas , we can exchange christmas gift at beach wile BBQ! no? teddybear: 

Now, I'm craving for a real chocolate~  bear_whistle
Hugs with more chocolate ~ Marie

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Eileen do those glasses have a name?  I would love a pair and my doc is such a sweetie, when I do the homework she goes along with it.

Oh Pipa, I know how bad it hurt.....he wasn't fooling you though, you have to open up the area enough to get the syringe in there.....keep us'll be better in the morning.....although you may still have a wee bit of bruised feeling......

Deb!  Yes!  What is Ice magic.....I hope our down under friends answered the double cream.....and Caramel filling.....oh dear.....I hit the grocery store tomarrow.....If my guesses are wrong I could end up with a mess.  but it'll be a yummmy mess, and the Hubster doesn't care as long as it is chocolate.  How come he never gets fat?

Hayley, you will be our life saver this winter....and its starting to look like a really bad winter here in the states....

.hows it looking in France and England you guys???

:hug: :hug: :hug: like Miss Judi said, chocolate hugs to us all!!! :hug:


I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

If you don't like the cold, come down to South Florida!  It's 75 degrees Fahrenheit right now, and I'm in shorts and a T-shirt.  Tomorrow is 83/71.  We need more teddy people down here.   bear_grin 

Marie, you said you're never experienced a hot Christmas before.  I've never experienced a cold Christmas before.   bear_original  I've lived in South Florida my whole life.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Chrissie,

I think it would be a wee bit confusing, like being in Australia for Christmas......and truth to tell, don't tell, I like being rained in cuz I get to putter on my projects all the garden!


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I can't imagine not having snow on Christmas!!!!!

I went to Arizona for Christmas one year. The palm trees had christmas lights on them and the lighted lawn ornaments of snowmen and santa and christmas trees were every where. It was just weird!!!!!! Only of course because I wasn't used to it!!!

Yup, snow, hot chocolate and a fire in the fireplace... THAT'S christmas!!  :lol:

Now, round about mid-January I'm ready for SPRING!!

Pipa - I feel for you! I've had shots like that in my wrists and fingers and it's NO FUN! You'll definately feel better tomorrow. All the steroid fluid has to get absorbed which takes a little time.

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Thanks Daphne & Dilu. my hand is still real sore i can't use it all that much but it's a tad better than yesturday. they said it would be sore for a few days, i hope it does the trick i am not having one of them again ever LOL!

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

Tis the season all right. Hang in there Dilu. Definitely check into that Light Therapy.
Myself I enjoy the winter, bear_tongue but where I live even when it snows alot here the sun always comes out and we have great sunny days with feets of snow on the ground.
though I don't enjoy the late spring. last year I didn't think it would ever end. It snowed til june 15th and June 16th it was 70 F. Crazy sometimes.

Here is a big hug for you, Dilu  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:.

Me it's not the weather that gets me down. Somedays it's nothing at all. but I get over it. Good Friends and a wonderful husband always help. :rose:



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