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pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

This morning I went out to pick my blueberries to put on my Cheerios for brakfast. Apparantly, a Robin got stuck in the 'bird netting' and died. I had to cut him out of the netting beofre I could pick the rest of the berries. They didn't taste quite as good this morning as they have in the past.  bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad


TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry
I'm sorry

Karon Posts: 751

Hi Ellen

That is indeed very sad.


boohbears Booh Bears
Glendale, Arizona
Posts: 1,833

I'm sorry, Ellen.   :hug:

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  So sorry, Ellen . . . guess it's the downside of trying to protect your blueberry crop.

rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

Aww, sorry to hear that, it wasn't a great way for either of you to have to start your morning  :hug:

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

That is very sad. Poor little thing.  Is there another way to protect your blueberrys?

Jo W Posts: 22

It was a sad way to begin a day, but by posting on here you have shown your heart! Perhaps your hardware shop has another more bird-friendly alternative mesh? Or try leaving part of the crop uncovered, to share with the birds? You didn't WANT to hurt the birds; it was an unfortunate accident  :hug:

Karon Posts: 751

your wee robin reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago.

I was a work one day in the summer (on nights) and left the kitchen door open.  Later on in the evening I went to close the door and it would shut - then I heard a "pop".  The sight I saw was horrendous - a toad had been trapped between the door frame and the door and to make matters worse he was still alive with his vital organs hanging out.

I was absolutely distraught, and being so soft I couldn't even put him out of his suffering - it took him about 2 hours to die.  I cannot even express how upset I was.

Now I always look behind the door before I close it.

I have tried to make up for it since by carrying them to safety when they try to cross the busy road to get to the stream on the other side.

It was terrible though - even now it haunts me.


TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454
Karon wrote:

your wee robin reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago.

I was a work one day in the summer (on nights) and left the kitchen door open.  Later on in the evening I went to close the door and it would shut - then I heard a "pop".  The sight I saw was horrendous - a toad had been trapped between the door frame and the door and to make matters worse he was still alive with his vital organs hanging out.

I was absolutely distraught, and being so soft I couldn't even put him out of his suffering - it took him about 2 hours to die.  I cannot even express how upset I was.

Now I always look behind the door before I close it.

I have tried to make up for it since by carrying them to safety when they try to cross the busy road to get to the stream on the other side.

It was terrible though - even now it haunts me.


Oh Karon, I can see how that would still bother sad, but look at all the little toads you have saved and looked after due to that little one that died  :hug:  :hug: Bless you

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

Karon, I can't believe you had the same horrifying experience as me, I pulled our garage door shut late one night a couple of years back and wondered why it wouldn't close and then I saw I'd crushed a poor little frog, thankfully he had died instantly but I still think about it everytime I close that door...I just felt sick and sad about what I had done, but I guess these things happen and it was just a terrible accident.

Karon Posts: 751

Denise and Tami

Thank you both so much for your comforting words.

I think what upset me most was that I myself had caused his sufferring, all be it by accident.  For a long time a wept when I thought about it - even now it is an image firmly imprinted on my mind.

Perhaps though that poor toad was a sacrifice to others of his kind - I ALWAYS look behind the doors before shutting them now - and I will NEVER ever force a door shut again without looking to see what has caused the obstruction.


pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

so sad to hear all these dead animal stories. I uncovered my blueberries the next day after the Robin incident. Then a few days later I had a really nice smile. I was mowing the lawn and I saw the weeds moving in my raised flower bed (or should I say weed bed) and wondered what was living in there. When I got to end of the bed, a tiny bunny hopped out and hopped across the road and the neighbors yard. Then a 2nd bunny hopped out and across my yard, a 3rd one followed and then a 4th! They were all soooooo tiny. Made me very happy that day!

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Dear Ellen: What a nice surprise to see baby bunnies. Life does go on. I have to say, when I was young, my dad helped me plant a vegetable garden. I was thrilled with I saw sprouts popping out of the ground. But as they grew I noticed several of them missing. I did not know what to make of it. Well one day we saw a rabbit in my garden eating the carrots! My dad said, "you know Michelle, if you are going to loose your garden, at least the rabbits got it...they have to eat too..," So I surrendered my garden to the rabbits!

Karon Posts: 751


Now thats a NICE story!

Baby bunnies ARE adorable

Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

Baby rabbits are adorable!   bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  My children saw one today when we stopped on our long drive back from shopping.

Karon Posts: 751

Am sorry to get back onto this subject again!

I was on my way to work on Monday and saw a BEAUTIFUL ginger and white cat that had been knocked over, lying dead on the pavement.

It quite spoilt my day, not least because it bought back memories of finding my own beloved ginger and white cat, Thomas, in the same circumstances - I shed a few tears that day for Thomas and the unknown cat and his owners who will feel the same grief I felt for Thomas.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

That's something that peeves me off!

When people hit animals on the side of the road like that!
They are either driving too fast, acting recklessly or else they did it on purpose.  There's no damn excuse!

I don't mean to imply that drivers should swerve to miss every last squirrel and rabbit that darts out in front of them.  Some times there is no avoiding it.  However, killing somebody's cat is over the line... WAY over!

I'm not a big cat lover.  I like cats but I like them as well as any other pet.  I like cats and dogs and rabbits and horses and all sorts of animals.  It bugs me to see any animal dead on the side of the road regardless of what it is.

Like I said, I can not imagine any reason why somebody would not be able to avoid a cat that wanders along the side of the road or even runs into the road.  If you can't stop, slow down, swerve or otherwise avoid that cat, you're doing something wrong 90% of the time.

If you AREN'T doing something wrong...  driving too fast, recklessly or willfully targeting the cat... you would have stopped and done something to help the cat.  Wouldn't you?  Even if the cat was a goner you would have moved it off to the side of the road so that other drivers wouldn't accidentally run it over again.  Wouldn't you?

Maybe you would have even called the owner (anonymously?) if you could and apologize.  Woudn't you?
(Yeah, I know that's a tough call.)

No matter how you slice it, even if it was an accident, hitting somebody else's cat with your car then driving away is a callous, thoughtless thing to do!

What is that cat was some young kid's pet?  (It probably was!)
I would feel bad for the kid who has to face the fact that some IDIOT killed his or her cat and drove away.

I think that people who do that should have to face the kid and apologize.  They should have to look into that young child's crying eyes and say, "I killed Fluffy."    bear_cry

Okay...  Enough ranting for one day...

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