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Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

Hello dear friends, please be with me in the next few weeks (exactly one month from now) - my son left for a tracking-tour with 2 friends to India, he is actually in the air from London to New Delhi and they will then do a tour through India crossing big cities and watching the nature  bear_whistle  Can you imagine what my nerves are doing in all this time????? They are extremly trembling !!!!!!!!!!!  bear_sad  I'm really in a worry although many friends here in Austria told me not to worry, many people has been to India and returned home save. Well I believe it - but anyway - it makes me nervous knowing my son this far away just walking around with a big Rucksack .......... OMG  :pray:

So please cross your fingers for my "little boy" (he is almost 21 years old - hihihi) and I will report, when he will send any sign.

thank you so much and have so many beary hugs!!!

P.S.: btw - does anyone know if there are some bear-artists in India???? I don't know if there the bear-making is known .... bear_wub

Littlecrow Posts: 71

very exciting for him but as a mom of 5 I udnerstand your worry, just part of our mom  (hugs!)

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Keeping our fingers crossed your "little boy" will be safe, Andrea!

But I don't think you have much to worry about, my colleague who is one year old than I (so 49) did a trek through India last year and it was very safe (but he did admit that he had to stay in some awful hotels and guesthouses  bear_laugh ).

I don't know any bearmakers in India, though.

Hugs,  :hug:

Peter & the bears

Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

Thank you Peter for your kind words - and also Littlecrow - well it seams to be really the mom's gene - hahahaha

Dawn J Hugs Unlimited
West Yorkshire
Posts: 310

We always worry about our little ones no matter how big they are!
I am sure he will have a brilliant time.
There are some collectives that make bears in India - Mumbai Bears use a pattern originally designed by Lynn Bowie of Madabout bears to make colourful bears that they sell to raise money for their village.

It was featured in  Teddy Bear Times last year.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,765

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi, Andrea . . . of course, we as mothers are always going to be concerned for our kids' welfare whether they are 4 or 40!  But when they get to be adults we know to 'back off' the hovering and let them be adults.  Ha!  Easier said than done, is my experience.  Anyway, just know that there are a lot of moms that understand your worry.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

Hope he has a fab trip.  Can't really comment, I was the 16 year old that moved away from her parents to a whole other continent 3,000 miles away  bear_laugh  I came back after a year though, they really needed to try harder  bear_happy

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Andrea I know just how you are feeling. My daughter flew of to Austrlaia on her own last April. She was fine and has so many stories to share. Your son will come home full of tales of his journey and you will be so proud that he did it. Mum genes just take over at times like these, it's just part of being a mum.  bear_flower

Big hugs from one mum to another, Jane.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

Oh my dear friends - thank you so much for your lovely words - yes it takes me to tears and of course I will be proud of my son - and also of my little daughter (she got 16 one week ago), who said, that once she has the age of my son, she will also travel around in the world

this means - Mom save some money .........!!!!!  bear_thumb  bear_wub  bear_thumb  :clap:  :dance:

valewoodbears Valewood Bears
Posts: 6,537

Hi Andrea, I won't tell you not to worry cos its no good, it is such a worry, I have had the same thing with my Daughter over the years, but it is such a wonderful opportunity for them too good to miss and he will be the better for it for the memories he will have and share with you.  My Daughter started her travelling at 19 just out of Performing Arts College and went straight to Portugal for 6 months singing and dancing, then it was over to Japan for 2 years, then she joined the Swedish National Circus and travelled all over Sweden and Norway, then lots of places in Greece and the Islands, Egypt..... it went on until 2 years ago when she decided she had seen enough and settled in England.  You miss them so much but at the same time are proud that they are taking opportunities up.  Let us know how he gets on.


Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

Today I had some news from my son via Facebook - he wrote me a message!!!! Oh you can't imagine how happy I am!!!! He is doing his trip with an organized leader, he and his two friends have a leader who takes them with his own car from one city to the next and he already saw so many amazing things - he said, he has done over 200 photos already and is doing much more again. He has chosen the budget-form of guidance and is wondering what the luxury was like, because the hotels they had till now were all real palaces.

Oh I'm so happy he can see all those wonderful things and in my mind I'm with him. Can you imagine, I've tears in my eyes and my heart is beating faster because of happyness!!!!!

Will report again, when I know more about my son!!!!  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

valewoodbears Valewood Bears
Posts: 6,537

Sounds like he is having a wonderful time and all those pictures to show you already you see  :hug:


Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

Happy happy happy again - I had a chat with my son on Skype - he arrived actually at Agra, where he will see the biggest sign of Love a man ever did for his beloved wife - he will see the Taj Mahal.

He told me, that he is fine, and that he enjoys his stay there. He said, that he will surely come back to India in the future, but not for one month only (!!!) OMG - poor mom!!! My nerves!!!

But I'm so happy, he likes it and he enjoyes his stay there. I had to laugh, he told me, that he is  eating so much vegetables, he never ate so much before - well he hates veg ....... maybe this deserved to make him eat some good food!!!!

He will be back on the 11th of February, so another few days for me to worry!!!
Hugs to all of you and cross your fingers for my "boy"  bear_wub

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Great news Andrea, I bet you were so relieved to hear from you son. Not long now untill you can give him a big hug...I wonder if you can get him to still eat lots of yummy vegetables when he is home.  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

Hugs, Jane.  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb