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kallie214 Friends "Fur" Life Bears
Gig Harbor, WA.
Posts: 1,534

I know what you mean Jenn....I pop in and out of TT quite frequently. I don't know why that is for me, but I always end up coming back. After a few months, I begin to miss TT and all the great people I have met here. Its fun to chat with other artists and collectors. I do think FB has made a huge impact on TT. I try to limit my time on FB because you could get sucked in really easy and spend a major portion of your day chatting away.

I agree with Karen about FB...too much usless and/or personal stuff there. I could read posts all day, everyday and never run out of reading material. I keep my FB account strictly business and rarely post anything personal there. 

As far as the market...oh yikes! It is ever evolving and just trying to keep up is a job in itself. I too used to only make big bears, but the market wont support them any longer. I have closets (yes I said closets, as in more then one) FULL of super cool vintage clothes and military uniforms that I used to dress my bears in. I have shelves of old military hats and accessories. Now that people want smaller bears, the clothes just dont work anymore. We used to fight and pay top dollar for vintage clothes on ebay.

Well that is my two cents.

I hope you consider sticking around Jenn. I think now that you said something, more people will make a point of stopping by TT...I know I will!

Bear Hugs,


Carlyle Bear Co. Carlyle Bear Co.
Ft Myers FL
Posts: 492

What I wouldn't give to see the vintage clothes in your closets for teddies!!  My bears aren't big enough to dress either unfortunately but I just love the big ones that are all dressed up! bear_happy   Most of mine are 11 inches and I even feel pressure to make them smaller.  Weird.  I thought it was just me.

kallie214 Friends "Fur" Life Bears
Gig Harbor, WA.
Posts: 1,534

Gig Harbor, WA....Decatur, TN...thats just a few hours drive. Come on over and take a peek  Lisa!! *smiles* Most of them are vintage wool military uniforms in different colors and all in children's sizes. There are some antique children's mohair coats, vintage silk kimonos and hats, sweet little dresses, a super cool burgundy velvet sailor suit with original tags still on it! I'm so sad that I can't really use this stuff anymore, but it sure is fun to look at!

Bear Hugs,


Sherroy Sarchie
Posts: 192

I would say it has been more quiet recently, but there are many factors as to the reasons; Yes the social sites do play a main part, and blogs, but I think the market is also playing a key role in things as well, some people just cannot afford to make bears atm. I hope things get better soon.

I think Teddy-Talk is more specialised then the social sites, this is where people still come to get advice and to show off their new creations. I know I prefer to come here for advice etc. The social sites are more about moment to moment goings on. The problem with Social sites is it can get drowned out with others feeds.
If people posted constantly on here about their day to day goings I think we would be flooded, it would be less about advice and more like a social site... People would just skip this place because they would find it too cluttered. I know I would.

I like hearing about new creations and good advice etc, and I love to hear about exiting news in peoples lives but I don't like to hear: Sherroy: I'm to tired to work right now, might go to bed  or  Sherroy: My cat knocked all my pins on the ground, I better pick them up. - not that there is anything wrong with stuff like this but thats where Facebook and Google plus come in. - I wouldn't go there to get advice on inserting eyes or dying techniques. Facebook etc do not document comments, so it would be almost impossible to find advice given 2 years ago...
A thread in teddy talk has been documented and labelled for easy access. I know I have used it a lot.

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I just pop along here in the mornings...I post my work occasionally. I do think it has changed over the years...there used to be great topics posted and it was quite addictive but often I find these days I am not always inclined to join in the debates. I remember feeling that my input was overlooked on occasions and also I recall the flaming that went on and so my enthusiasm cooled off as debates were pulled etc. I think members visited more regularly but i suspect the pull of other venues has curtailed the visits.
I think it's just the evolution of the industry and as new people join things will improve.
I think it's hard to dedicate time to forums ...and do the website...and tweet...and make bears!!
I like to be part of a forum that  is just  for talking about bears..sewing...the industry..etc....I do get turned off by all the other stuff I am afraid  ( sorry!).... But I agree with you Karen...all the disagreements that happened have seen people leave and not come back...shame!

Gabriele~GJOYfulBears GJOYful Bears
Posts: 511
Sherroy wrote:

I would say it has been more quiet recently, but there are many factors as to the reasons; Yes the social sites do play a main part, and blogs, but I think the market is also playing a key role in things as well, some people just cannot afford to make bears atm. I hope things get better soon.

I think Teddy-Talk is more specialised then the social sites, this is where people still come to get advice and to show off their new creations. I know I prefer to come here for advice etc. The social sites are more about moment to moment goings on. The problem with Social sites is it can get drowned out with others feeds.
If people posted constantly on here about their day to day goings I think we would be flooded, it would be less about advice and more like a social site... People would just skip this place because they would find it too cluttered. I know I would.

I like hearing about new creations and good advice etc, and I love to hear about exiting news in peoples lives but I don't like to hear: Sherroy: I'm to tired to work right now, might go to bed  or  Sherroy: My cat knocked all my pins on the ground, I better pick them up. - not that there is anything wrong with stuff like this but thats where Facebook and Google plus come in. - I wouldn't go there to get advice on inserting eyes or dying techniques. Facebook etc do not document comments, so it would be almost impossible to find advice given 2 years ago...
A thread in teddy talk has been documented and labelled for easy access. I know I have used it a lot.

I have to say quite honestly twitter and facebook drive me mad, you look something up and it's just a constant stream about nothing in particular from hundreds of people around the world and it's pointless! I love to talk about bears, tips, the industry but I don't really need to read about someone having dropped their pins LOL it was a great example Sherroy!
I am not a member on facebook or twitter as a few quick looks there told me it was going to drive me insane ~ I much prefer this site as the discussions are real and interesting most of the time.

At least there are sites though for those who want to post "nothing topics" to an audience of strangers lol. Sorry if I sound harsh about those subjects but those kind of posts totally annoy me.
It's great to come here and see that every post is one I want to look at and read thoroughly most of the time.

ThomasAdam Thomas Adam
Posts: 310

Hmm, I'm surprised this conversation is still happening...

It's worth bearing in mind (pun maybe intended) that we're no longer in the 90s when it comes to the Internet -- there isn't only one way to really search for things on the Internet (altavista, anyone?), there isn't one common set of websites dedicated to subject X, Y and Z anymore.  People now have the power to reach and find information in a variety of different ways -- and even through the lowest common denominator of Google, that might throw up blogs, papers, forum posts, mailing lists, etc...

I used to be on a site called British Bears.  I have no idea if it's still going -- it was a yahoo group originally I think (anyone recall those?) -- and they evolved into something else.  The fact that someone might have a blog of their own doesn't mean to say that it devalues all the other places that person might then *choose* to post to as well, it just means that the expectation for someone interested in a particular subject has a wider means of access to it.  Blogs are useful for very specific pieces of information, perhaps even directly pertinent to the person whose blog it is -- which might not fit on a forum, for instance.

So you see, it's not about abandoning anything -- the information is still there -- the format might be different, and as other people start to try and use these things then it might be perceived as "something lost" when previously there might have been one central place for that information to go -- but that's just diversity -- I still don't see that as anything bad.

Take books for example -- how many authors sit at home crying because they realise their book's content might just as easily be found on Google, or Wikipedia?  How many of them sit at home and fret because they can't see/know the number of people actually *reading* their book?  Yet the information in that book is still there -- in that book, and people are eventually going to come across it.

You'll note that I've not once mentioned TT specifically throughout any of that -- because the issue is not specific to TT -- and it's only until you come across other forums, other people who have dedicated forums for interests, that you start to realise very quickly that whilst things *do change* -- and *should* change, that, actually, that's just how communities evolve -- and in my not-so humble opinion, this community is very well stocked.

So I wouldn't worry -- just accept the above, and don't panic over change.

-- Thomas Adam

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

No worries guys, I didn't say I was leaving, just that I wouldn't be around as much.  I am busting my butt, trying to make things to put on Etsy.  I am raising a three year old boy who keeps me hopping.  I am desperately trying to figure out sewing so I can get into that aspect of bear making and I may be going to massage school in january.  The original post was just my venting that this forum is not what it used to be.  I was feeling a bit blue.

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

TT has changed. I have seen people drop off and new people join.  I don't blog or tweet or do face book. I don't have time really. But here in this wonderful forum, I can come and see bears, cute animal pictures that make me smile, learn/share techniques, read about things happening around the world from first hand accounts from members in different countries and meeting nice people who enjoy the art of bear/soft sculpture. It is all her in one place. It is also a place where bear hugs can be found when one is having a bad day or a fabulous day. Now tell me where else can somebody find all of this wrapped in one place? We make this forum what it is. For those of us who are still here, we can enjoy the friendships and joy of what we bring to it. I enjoy every minute I am here being a part of this  forum.

Gemma82 Wakefield
Posts: 177

Since being upset by someone here, I stopped posting and just catch up with the artists I like on Facebook.  There you can just block someone if you don't like them lol.

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Gemma, do not worry about someone upsetting you.  No matter where you go there are always people who want to make trouble and some don't mean to at all.  Just don't bother with bad posts...look on to the good ones.  By the way, I love the kitten on your picture.  I have always wanted a kitten as long as I can remember but I am allergic to them. Boooooo

kallie214 Friends "Fur" Life Bears
Gig Harbor, WA.
Posts: 1,534

I agree with Lenora. We will all meet people along the way we dont care for and there are some people that no matter what you do, you will never be able to make them happy. Dont let them control where you go or what you do...look past them with a smile. 

Welcome back Gemma!!!

Bear Hugs,


ScaliWagGrrs ScaliWagGrrs
Denver, Colorado
Posts: 1,157

I haven't been posting on here for quite awhile. Though I have still been popping on to read and see what is going on every few days. I am not a very talkative person . I just don't do much posting. I usually only get on the computer at night just before I go to bed and can easily find myself nodding off while on the computer. So I don't spend much time on it.
I signed up for facebook a long time ago but never actually did ANYTHING with it. Absolutly nothing!!!
I am still making bears though not having as much time as I would like to do so. I am doing a show next month and wish I could get more bears made than I will probably actuallly be able to make. So I haven't posted any new bears in a long time as I am hoarding them all for the show.
But TT is a wonderful place! I have learned sooooooo much here.  I have noticed lots of people seem to be missing like me, but I also see lots of new names.
I'll try and post more as I do love this site.  I;ll even post a new topic and show you one of the reasons I have been away.

Gabriele~GJOYfulBears GJOYful Bears
Posts: 511

Gemma, although I am new I can empathise with you completely. It is easier said then done to not let someone's words effect you but you really have to teach yourself to focus on the positive people as there are so many of them! Mostly these places are nice but I have experienced nastiness from others on other forums, hence I came here and so far so good!

Don't let someone upset you. They can't upset you unless you give them your permission to so just ignore the negative and focus on all of that positive as there's so much of it!!!  bear_grin Even though I don't know you here, welcome back!

Gemma82 Wakefield
Posts: 177

Cheers guys.  Sometimes it's very hard to overlook something that hurts so badly so it's easier just to leave.  I still love my bear collection and dolls - that will never change!

tcfolk TC Folk Originals
Tempe, AZ
Posts: 1,553

I do have to say that one thing about this type of communication is that there are no voice inflections or facial expressions to help with the meaning and is therefore easily misunderstood!  There have been times when I have written something and come back later to say OMG, I didn't means this as it sounds!  I've had my feelings hurt, too and found out it was not intended the way I took it.  That having been said, there are also just some plain old nasty people out there regardless of the type of communication ! bear_laugh

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Gemma, I agree. don't let the negativity get to you.  that just gives them too much power.

Pijangibears Pijangibears
Posts: 870

I remember too, that I was overlooked so many times. I felt so sad, when I didn't get any responce.
Then I was thinking, that TT was for people from US not for foreigners, so I left.
But I am still reading the posts.

wubbiebear Braille Teddies
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Posts: 671

Actually, TT is for all bear people, but it's so big and there's so much here that sometimes people may not see your posts or if they're like me, they just don't know what to say.  I know I have trouble in some threads because of not having eyesight.  If the thread is all about looking at a picture of a bear, which most of the threads seem to be about, I can't really comment on that because I can't touch the bear through the screen.  Also I can't really give a lot of answers to people as I'm just starting out.  I feel bad that I can't comment about people's bears.

Gabriele~GJOYfulBears GJOYful Bears
Posts: 511

Well you can comment Jessie as all bears are gorgeous therefore they're gorgeous even if you can't see them and so you can say that they're gorgeous because they just must be! LOL that may not have made sense.

Birgitte, it doesn't matter where you're from your bears are still gorgeous and even if you don't get a comment on them they're still gorgeous  bear_original I personally try to post a comment in every thread but it's hard as there are so many and I still need to make bears lol. I also don't care what country the members are from, what bears they make or the language they speak I still love their bears as all bears are gorgeous ~ and I try to respond to all topics possible. I got a message from a lady the other day that was in French and so I copied and pasted the message into my language translator and I'm so glad I did as it was such a lovely message! So to reply, I wrote what I wanted to say in ENglish into the translator and then sent backt to her the French version lol. I try not to overlook any postings and I believe most people here are the same, it's just we don't have to make bears too so often we don't post for a bit.

Don't feel that you have to go away Birgitte as there are people listening to you! I have to say I adore the bear in your avatar pic  bear_grin Would like to see you post some of your creations here again.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi, Birgitte . . . actually, TT was never set up to serve only US bear aficionados.  People all over the world who share a common love for teddies are certainly welcome to become a member here and post, or even just lurk.  I'm sorry if it seems that we have ignored you or anyone else - it's definitely not intentional.  Your bears are very lovely and I hope you will reconsider becoming an active member again.  I would like to have the time to respond to all posts, but it's just not possible.  Yes, we've changed over the years, but I believe it is inevitable . . . everything around us changes so we have to adapt and move forward.  Hope to see you around more often.   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

bearlady13 Posts: 177

I am new, but must say I love it here. I stop in every chance I get. Here I feel I have friends (even if I never met them face to face) that have a lot in common and can talk about teddy bears, etc.  The problems and the joys. Please do not go. Face book is not the same thing, I only go there when one of my family post new baby pictures. It is a waste of time for me. I have enjoyed it here and if I had the time I could spend all day. I have learned a lot and I am glad everyone likes to share tips and pictures of the past and present bears, etc. This could be like a big family with a lot in common.  :hug:

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