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enchantmentsart Feather Heart Creations
Posts: 419

photo2.jpgOh Oh so happy just had to share!  I just found a singer 15-91 machine in a cabinet with all the extras (feet, button hole foot,paper work etc..) and bench for $40!!! Oh and it works!!! I'll be sure to upload pictures soon!!!!


Here we go.  It needs a good cleaning but works great.  I might have to do a little rewiring as it's from 1952 but for the most part the wires are not showing signs of cracking.  This thing can sewn threw 4 thick pieces of leather  :dance: or so I've seen on YouTube ^_^


dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

:dance: whoo hoo! :dance: What a great deal! Happy sewing to you.


desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I would love to see those pictures. 


dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

It's a beauty, alright bear_original Have fun!


desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

Wow!  It is a real beauty.  What a great find.  I love seeing the old machines.


Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

You lucky duck! That is a real find. enjoy.... bear_original

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,766

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  Great looking Singer!

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

Major score!  :thumbsup:

Any Bear or plush friend would be proud to have been made on such a fine, old sewing machine! :cool:

I thought only guys fell victim to G.A.S.  (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)   bear_whistle  bear_tongue  bear_happy

enchantmentsart Feather Heart Creations
Posts: 419

Oh boy.  This thing was soooo dirty on the inside.  We rewired everything and I've ordered new brushes for the motor. I think I've washed everything 10 times and it's still dirty.   :crackup: Just re-oils and greased it.  The old grease was so gross LOL.  Should have it running smoothly soon. A lady at the thrift store said she go a similar machine off a guy that was going to take it to the dump bear_sad So sad to think people would throw out these old machines.  :doh:

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

Seriously!  That machine's got steel gears inside.  Most consumer grade machines made today have plastic gears that won't last more than a few years with regular use.  With reasonable care, your machine will be in working condition longer than you will. 

As you said, that sewing machine will sew multiple layers of leather.  Sewing plush would be like cotton candy.  ;)

Anybody who would get rid of a machine like that has to have an I.Q. lower than room temperature.   bear_wacko

enchantmentsart Feather Heart Creations
Posts: 419

LOL  :crackup: I know right LOL That lady said she had $7 on her & they told her to take the machine!  So glad it didn't end up in a landfill.  This one was only $40 and it has tons of feet, including a ruffle foot, a rolled hem foot, quilting foot and tons more.  I've been playing with it all night, can't wait to sew some real fur on it.  I don't think it will have any issue with the leather backing like my other machines have ^_^ So I'm sure you'll all be seeing more real fur plush from me soon as I just found some vintage coats at a yard sale!

tcfolk TC Folk Originals
Tempe, AZ
Posts: 1,553


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