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Here are some of my collection The white girl in the bonnet is Bronte' by Lynda Hite, The two bears sitting back to back with the cone hats are my newest additions by Lori Baker called Crispin & Harlow. The red guy in jean jacket is Zeke by Heidi Steiner. On my antique table is another beauty called Hunter by Lynda Hite, also with Hunter is my French bulldog and crazy eyed dog by Deb Beardsley Elertson and a bear by Roxanne Propp. Also have a Murphy bear dressed like a clown with his friends Miss Goose and an antique Piglet. Big red and cream guy is RazzBerrie Toddie by Deb Bearsdley Elertson, and then the sweet faced panda is Shou Cheng by Kim Endlich with Tundra by Kim as well and backed up by Symphony by Michelle Lamb. I am so glad to have found Teddy Talk where I can share my passion with other collectors! Thanks so much ~ Debbie 5
your bears are wonderful and exceptional
Thank you so much! I am a certified bear-aholic! Here are a few more ~ Debbie 5
This is Jax by Kim Endlich flanked by Miles by Kate Berlin, Big dark grey guy is Wills by Kate Berlin, and the teddy & golli pair in my cabinet are a collaboration by Kate Berlin and Mary Dowd made from the book called Teddy Bear's Circus
Wow! All are truly beautiful, and I love your Sweet Pea, too.
Ohhh, a Bear Cave!!!! Absolutely wonderful!!!!! I love that gray lamb!!! And the cream and red one -- divine! So glad to know there's other people out there who are bear-aholics!
Hi Debbie. What a happy hug. And I'm glad they all have names! - Phil
What an excellent collection of bears you have by many wonderful artists!
more please
Thank you all so much for all the sweet comments! Here is a sweet girl by Oz Matilda. Her name is Victoria Rose. I purchased her on the secondary market and when I got her, she had moth riddled paw pads. I sent her to amazing bear artist Deb Beardsley Elertson and Deb worked her artistic magic on Rose's feet. What an amazing mani-pedi she gave my girl! Little Rose now has roses embroidered on her paw pads that match her pale pink colour beautifully
Thanks again for letting me share ~ Debbie 5
Whoohoo, you have a great hug of bears, Debbie! They are all special bears and many of them made by famous artists. :love:
I especially love Bronte (the first one) and Victoria Rose (the last one).
I am always glad to see that there are other bear-alholics out there.
Awww, thanks Peter! That isn't all of them either....... I have another by the same artist that created Bronte, and more Steiners, a Karen Meer Bear, and several others. I will post more as I resize my pictures! I love the bear world and am really enjoying sharing ` Debbie 5
A fantastic hug! Zeke is wonderful
Thank you Michelle! I am pretty fond of Zeke, too! Heidi created another like Zeke that is a beautiful blue! His name is Zack Here is a pic of him from my Pinterest board called Artists Bears ~ Debbie 5
Thank you Michelle! I am pretty fond of Zeke, too! Heidi created another like Zeke that is a beautiful blue! His name is Zack
Here is a pic of him from my Pinterest board called Artists Bears ~ Debbie 5
Although I am not partial to blue bears, I must admit that he is a gorgeous specimen!
Oh now I don't know who I like best they are both so handsome!
BTW I like that your hug is in a 'bear cave' it makes me thing of batman and lets face bears are always good in any kind of crisis just like batman
Here are more of my bear cave residents! I hope you all have a safe & happy weekend! Bear Blessings ~ Debbie 5
The peachy smiling bear is Chubby Chuckles by OZ Matilda. The big guy in the naval uniform is Anderson by Booh Bears. He is the biggest, heaviest bear in my collection. The blue bear is BoBo by Kate Berlin and he is flanked by my first bear that started my love of teddies. His name is Little Tim and he was a hand-me-down from my brother. I have had Tim since I was 3 years old. I don't know who the maker is. Tim is in such wonderful condition, but for the lipstick I applied on him when I was but a tiny person
I can't forget my Mi Ren. He is a fabulous creation by Denise Purrington. The detail in this bear and his ensemble is stunning! I keep him in a glass cabinet. Thanks once again for letting me share some of my bears ~ Debbie 5
I don't prefer blue bears, but I love Zack
Here is another blue bear from my bear cave. His name is Harrod. He was created by Victoria Dickinson. He was made to look like a very loved fellow and came with a little hand carved bear and his travel pillow.
Wow even more beauties! I expect Tim doesn't mind a bit of lipstick and am sure doesn't detract from his wonderful condition
I have this bear coming from Abracadabra Bears. I can't wait to get him! I love the Pat Murphy bears His name is Mickey
He looks great and has such a sweet expression.
I love Abracadabra Teddies: Marsha is such a sweet lady and she always has great bears for adoption.
i love your red bears (and am slightly jealous)!!!!!!!!! This newest one is FABULOUS!
Thank ya'll so much for the kind, sweet comments! I love that there are those I can share my "bear joy" with! Here is my most recent addition to the bear cave. This handsome fellow is Alexander by Sharon Barron Bears. He is #1 of an edition of 4. Just something about these red bears that is so appealing, or maybe it's the ever so slight smile on Alexander's face
oh my! Love Sharon Barron Bears (especially the red ones)!