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I've just picked out my Christmas bear for this year, and I think I've made a fine choice:
A whopping 31" seated, and very snuggly looking! I don't know if I'll be able to wait for Christmas.
He looks like a really good hug ~ Debbie
wow, that one huggable teddy bear!
I hope his fur is soft. He's made by "Carousel by Guy." Anybody have one of the smaller versions (or even this version)?
What a fantastic big hunk of a bear; I wouldn't be able to wait until Christmas.
Did you get that bear? He looks very hug-able .
Yes. He IS very huggable. He takes up a whole armchair, all by himself! And he's so incredibly fat!
Ha I love a fat bear! (plus it is always good to have some one around who looks like he ate more pies than you and blame for the chocolates getting eaten in one go