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I thought this was interesting! The New Yorker magazine has an article online this week about an art exhibit at the New Museum in New York called the 20th Century through the eyes of the Teddy Bear! I think I'll go! Lots of wonderful pictures on the article located here: … teddy-bear
Check it out!
Very interesting . . . thanks for the link, Esther!
It sounds fascinating! (Though I disagree with the artist's minimalization of the teddy bear as phenomenon of the 20th century.) If you do go, I'd love to hear what you thought of the show!
Oh, I'm definitely going...My husband Steve says, "Hmmmmm, even though your knee is bothering you, it doesn't seem to hurt anymore when teddy bears are involved!"
So true!
Here's a picture from the museum's website to give you an idea of the size of the exhibit!
Wow, impressive! And lucky that the knee pain can be overcome for special circumstances.
Oh my goodness . . . how could one see everything?! It'd take me hours to look at all the photos - and I would certainly want to.
Wow, I wish I could see it too.
So I went to this exhibit on Saturday, and wowowowowow! It was amazing and wonderful and fun and sad and moving and overwhelming all at the same time. I wondered what happened to all these teddies and all these people in the pictures!! Each teddy on display had a coordinating original photograph with its owner for its provenance. I only got one good picture of a photograph of a little girl with the cat on wheels with the teddy. (I hope you can see it.) There were a lot of people there that day. I hope it encourages new interest in bears!
Here's some pictures:
Steiff Titanic bear (first time I've seen one in person!)
20 inch Steiff sitting on a chair, both of which are in an original picture.
Strunz bear, about six inches sitting. Amazing little bear with pearl buttons
Steiff cat on wheels with his bear friend.
photograph with the steiff cat and teddy
Oh my goodness!! How fantastic it would've been to be there!! Thanks for the photos!
Oh yes, it looks fabulous! Thank you for sharing the pictures, Esther!
You're very welcome! I hope the artist will put them on display again somewhere!
Wow indeed! You did a much better job than the press photos of showing us the in-the-fur bears that were on display. I'm pretty smitten with the little Strunz!
Thanks for sharing,
Wow!! EJ Thank you for posting this What a wonderful conceptual piece of art and of course terrific to see teddy bears getting some well deserved attention/appreciation
I'd love to have seen this and glad it was so busy too. Thank you so much xx
Wow! Just seeing this post. Thank you so much for sharing So glad I was from a generation of teddy appreciation! ~ Bear Hugs ~ Debbie 5