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Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Oh Judi , I am SO sorry about your kitty.  You must be heartbroken !  It is so sad to lose a special pet. I don't envy you having to tell the kids.  They will be sad for sure, but I think the having a special burial for here will be a a nice way to say goodbye.  Kids are so much more resiliant than we are !  Hugs to all of you  bear_cry  :hug:

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

That is so sad, Judi, I am sorry to hear about your kitty. News like that is never easy but kids are tough and a special memorial will make it easier. We had to put down one of ours just before Christmas and even though she was 17 and our kids are young adults it was still a very sad time.

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Oh Judi.... honey, I just want you to know I'm thinking about you and wishing you an extra dose of strength and an extra measure of comfort as you tell your beautiful children about the passing of Tigger. 

Tami, the Rainbow Bridge makes me weep like a baby with colic each and every time I view it... not the sad way, just the Oh.. that's so beautiful way!  I haven't lost a pet for a LONG time, and I still find it so touching ...... You might enjoy seeing Judi, if only to cry a few cleansing tears....

Thinking about you!   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Kingfisher Farm Teddies Kingfisher Farm Teddies and Folk Art
Posts: 135

Oh I am so sorry. One thing that comforted me when I lost my dear kitty was that I kept a whisker. It was something tactile I could hold in my hand............sounds crazy.........but I couldnt let go.
I am so sorry for your loss, Pam

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Oh, Judi, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. I'm sure you'll find the right words to tell your children. And I think burying Tigger on your property will mean a lot to your kids. I know as a child, I was always grateful when our pets were treated with the same warmness and respect we would give a person when passing. And I was grateful to have a place to go and remember my beloved little friends. We're all thinking of you, Judi.  :hug:  :hug:

Dilu Posts: 8,574


you'll tell them the truth, as only you can.  They will be OK, mainly because they will see from you that it is OK to grieve, and that death is a part of life.  You will do just fine, and so will your kids.  They have experienced life on the farm, baby cowykins coming along?  and they probably remember last year, with the tragedy with your sister and Bro in law and nephew.

I think it is good that they will see your pain is as great as it is for all of God's creatures, the fur friends and family and everyone.  This is important.  Too many of our kids don't recognize life as a gift to be treasured.

It is a sad lesson, but I can't think of a better mom, more full of compassion and love than you, to teach this lesson to her children.

I am sorry you are having to sell one of your Toby entrys. 

I am sad about your fur baby.  I know how hard this hurts.  Hugs to you, my friend,



Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

:hug:  :hug:   bear_cry  Judi,I'm crying so hard for your loss but Pam's keeping a whisker did cheer me up.
My thoughts and heart are with you.We lost our beloved cat two years ago just before Christmas,she was hit by a car and it was a shock.A neighbor called to tell me she was on the side of the road and my kids had just gone to bed and I tore out of the house and drove up and down searching for her.My boys thought I had lost my mind and when I came back in bawling loudly (I'm not a crier), they were sure I had.I think I took it the hardest and felt guilty for letting her outside and for being cross at her the day before.Each of my children took it differently and my middle boy had to see her to prove to himself that she was gone.We had a service and burial on our property and each child wanted to keep something of hers(collar,toy,etc.) My husband choose to get another kitten right after Christmas even though I said never again.We love Cassie but still miss Crispy very much.
Hugs to you and your family,you have lots of awesome advice and time will heal. :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

bear_cry Bloody Hell Judi - i am SO sorry  bear_cry

I think you've just got to tell the kids the truth - mostly they handle it well and they would probably hate it if you lied to them.

It's soooo awful when this sort of thing happens but there's nothing you could do to stop it Judi and sometimes lifes a b***h.

I shall be thinking of you and your family and of course, poor puss  bear_wub

Sending you loads of hugs  :hug:   :hug:   :hug:

Penny xxx

Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862

Awww Judi, so sorry for your loss. I too have lost pets and know what its like.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  bear_wub  bear_wub

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Judi I am so sorry to hear of your is always hard when you lose a member of the family ...... :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

baggaley bears Baggaley Bears
UK ( nottinghamshire )
Posts: 2,192

oh Judi so sorry to hear about poor tigger, sending hugs to you and your family  :hug:  :hug:   :hug:

I know what its like to lose a pet that means so much to you, i cut a piece of my dogs hair when he passed  away and made my little boy a bear and put the dogs hair with the stuffing in the bears tummy so now when my little boy hugs his special bear he tells me that he is hugging our special dog.
All my love to you Judi,

Gatehouse Bears Gatehouse Gallery
Lockwood, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 227

Dear Judi, You'll know what to tell your kids when the time comes, as everyone has already said, honesty and emotion teaches us life lessons.  Just know we all care and are thinking of you.  'Been there done that' too many times over the years and it never gets easier. 
Sad you have to sell your TOBY entry but I try to believe that there is a greater plan for us all and just maybe this is meant to be for a reason that none of us can see.....doesn't make it easier though. :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Oh Judi, I am so very sorry Hon about your little Kitty! We have four dogs that we love and adore so I know how you must be feeling. Our Dalmation Michah has so many health issues that she should not be with us. We pay approximately $150.00 CND a month for her perscriptions and most of our family with the exception of Garnet and Myself think we are absolutely crazy!

She is over twelve years old and we just absolutely love her as if she was one of our kids. I know however if the Vet felt that she was suffering that we would do exactly what you had to do with your dear cat. Just remember the little one is in a better place and you will see them again!

Much Love Louise

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

I'm so sorry to hear about your poor kitty Judi -  :hug: I am sure your children will be fine - just give them time.


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Well, the first thing my girls asked as they were walking in the door was , "How's Tigger?"
I think they knew by the look on my face.  I told them he did not make it.  My 8 year old sobbed.  My 14 year old cried too.  SHe will hang on to this for a long time but my younger one recovers more quickly.

I had to have my husband go and pick him up...I could not do it..I knew I would be crying like a baby.
We buried Tigger by some beautiful ever green trees....with lots and lots of tears.

We are feeling better now that that is behind us.
I know I am feeling better because of all the kindness I am seeing on this board.  All I can say is I am so grateful to all of you.....even overwhelmed by the caring and kindness. bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

YA know I do believe that the more you love, the more you hurt.  But it is better to love and lose, than to never love at all. :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  bear_cry  bear_wub

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I am glad you got through this tough time as a family and that Tigger will be with your family on your land and in what sounds like a beautiful location.


Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

:hug:   bear_cry
I'm sorry I hope your family is allright.  Its hard when you thinkits all going to beokonly to find out differently.
When our kitty had to be put down My eldest wanted to be there to hold heras she drifted off to sleep.  She cried alot but her last memory of her is purring and then going to sleep.  Not just found on the road unable to walk.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:hug:  Judi, I'm so sorry for your loss of little Tigger!  bear_cry

I have nothing to add but that when I had to take our beloved Hodge to be put down, he actually purred so loudly that the vet couldn't hear his heartbeat, and had to blow into his face to shut him up for a moment! This was the first time Hodge hadn't needed to be dragged out of the carrier and restrained. I couldn't believe it, but I think he knew what was happening, and he was happy.

Hodge had developed tumors all around his heart and lungs, and suddenly had trouble breathing. We grieved furiously for a time, and still love him dearly.

You absolutely did the right thing, letting the kids participate in a beautiful ceremony, and sharing the hurt. I know it's true of my much older kids that experiencing the deaths of someone they love, and understanding that all lives are subject to time and chance, has made them cherish living creatures much more than they otherwise might have.

Hugs for all your family  :hug:   :hug:   :hug:   :hug:   :hug:    :hug:   :hug:


bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

Judi, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.  We get so close to our pets, losing them is hard on the entire family.  My thoughts are with you and yours at this difficult time!  Remember to hug the kids and hug your bears as needed  :hug:


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh goodness, Judi . . . I am truly sorry for your loss.  As so many of us have gone through the same experience, you have a lot of compassion and empathy from all of us TTers.  There's no doubt you will say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done with your children.  When we lost our Little Luckye last summer (she was killed), both Paul and I mourned for weeks . . . and still miss her every day.  I wrapped her in a soft blankie and put her in a pretty box, then buried her in our back woods.  Her grave is covered with the natural sandstone rocks that are a part of our property and I've topped it off with a vase of big sunflowers.  Every day I look out the window and see her sunflowers - bright and perky just like she was.  Big hugs to you and your family.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Celena Oxford
Posts: 461

Awww...Judi, I am truly so sorry for your loss  bear_cry  :hug:

Lots of hug

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oh Judi, I too am so sorry about your kitty.. bear_cry
I'm praying for you and your family and
for kitty's peace....  :hug:

Gentle Hugs/Marie

marie Debonaire Bears
Virginia, USA
Posts: 30

Dear Judi, I am very, very sorry!  I have always been very attached to my kitties and know how heartbreaking it is to lose a dear pet. 

I was about ten when one day my beloved Martha never came home.  I think a wild animal attacked her because we found a little bit of her skin and fur near our house.  I missed her terribly! 
Shortly after I lost her we brought home a litter of four orphaned kittens, about six weeks old.  Having them to care for was very comforting!  We kept two of them, Sugar (my kittie) and Biz (Mom's kittie); and gave the other two to friends.  If you are able to, I think getting a new kitten would be wonderful for your kids.  Sugar did not replace Martha, but did help me get through a very hard time.

sewzanne Raccoon Creek Bears
New Jersey
Posts: 151

Judi- I also am very sorry about your kitty. I hope you all feel happier soon and just have fond memories of the ttime you had with your pet.  :hug:  Suzanne

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Judy,
     This is the first chance I have had to check Teddy Talk in a few days, and when I read your post it brought back so many memories.  My heart goes out to you - we had a big black male named Toby, who had exactly the same problem.  It was a few years ago and it was so hard to watch a cat we loved go through such trauma.  Toby had the same procedure - they unblocked his urethra and he lived the first time it happened, but even with a special diet it recurred two years later and we finally had to have him put down.  Like you, we had spent hundreds of dollars (which we didn't have) to fix him but in the end it didn't do any good.  I did want to tell you that one result which I always felt badly about was that after the first procedure and 10 days in the vets, his personality changed dramatically from an even tempered, friendly, wonderful cat to a timid, scared of his shadow kitty.  I always felt maybe we hadn't done him any favours and as sad as it was to finally lose him two years later, in one way it was a relief.   My kids were in their early teens, but my son made a wise comment, when he said "now Toby doesn't have to be afraid any more".
     Kids are pretty intuitive, but its so difficult when they are young.  The ceremony would be lovely for them - they can come and visit your kitty when ever they want if you bury him in your family yard.   I think your girls will understand that Tigger was in a lot of pain and was just too sick to get better.  They will always have him with them, in their hearts.  The girls may evey be able to explain it to your wee son better than you can.   If you involve the girls with the wee ceremony, your son may not understand everything, but I'm betting he will be okay.   
     I'm sending a big, warm hug to you and your family tonight as it will be very sad.  I don't think it's a coincidence that teddy bear makers also seem to be the biggest marshmallows when it comes to animals.  They make our lives brighter in every way.  Take care and bye for now.

                                                                             Hugs, :hug:  :hug:  :hug:


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