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NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Don't you want to join in???....we would sure love to have y'all !

I notice on almost every thread there are sometimes hundreds of COME ON IN  bear_flower

I know the few of us that keep all the chatter going would dearly love to have you comments, ideas, experiences, brought into our conversations.

So, if you have been waiting for an Invitation...well, here it is  :clap:


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Great idea Nancy  bear_thumb

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are  bear_flower

Penny  bear_wub

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650
nanc*e*bears wrote:

I notice on almost every thread there are sometimes hundreds of viewers...

Also usually always a different name under Newest Registered User.  But they don't always join in.   bear_sad

gotobedbears wrote:

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are

Oh no!  So now I have that song from Wizard of Oz stuck in my head for the day!  bear_grin

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Nancy's right! We'd love to have you join in. Everyone here has been new at some time or another. The only way to get past it is to start talkin!  bear_tongue

Thanks, Deb! I don't have that song stuck in my head but it made me think of a song that likes to get stuck in my head! Actually, I don't mind if my fiancee is home at the time, because it drives him crazy. And I do so enjoy that.  It's from the Lime-Coke commercial a while put the lime in the coke, you nut, and drink it all together...

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Well Done Miss Nancy!

Such a wonderful invitation.....we should have done it sooner....thank you so much!


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi Lurkers!  We can't identify you, but we know you're here!  Please do introduce yourselves and say hello, or ask questions.  We like to help!

lbbears Wind Lake. Wisconsin
Posts: 191

Hi Lurkers!  We can't identify you, but we know you're here!  Please do introduce yourselves and say hello, or ask questions.  We like to help

Ok, you found me, I am guilty of this.  Its just there is so much to read and learn from you wonderful artists.  And all the beautiful bears to look at, I run out time to post.

Hopefully someday I will be as good as all of you  :pray:

Thank you eveyone - I have truly learned a lot. :hug:

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Oh yes ,lurkers please join in .  We were all lukers once and are so glad we introduced ourselves.  EVERYONE is so warm and friendly.  We don't bite  :lol:

UPDATE:  Welcome Laurie.  It is great to meet you- i like your avatar. Is it an ornament ??

lbbears Wind Lake. Wisconsin
Posts: 191

Hi Tammy:

Thank you, yes it is an ornament.  I took Nancy Tillberg's Hanging around class at  the Ebear Z University.  It is my first.  I want to design a body for it instead of using it as an ornament.

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

You know, we HAVE you now Laurie...and you can't get away. :hug:

I am soooo pleased, if we just found one new friend from this thread.
Imagine how interesting it would be if we had input from all the people who just like to read.

We all love to read and learn from these posts, but it is so narrow right now.  You only learn from a few.

  If we had a lot more input, this group would be the worlds best (not that it isn't close now)...but I want to learn more and we NEED YOU!!!

Come on...won't you please join in?  I know you have something to offer!


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

OKAY LURKERS - join in or all the bears get it!  bear_tongue  bear_grin

Why are no Lurkers joining in? Are we so terribly bad and scary?

Admittedly we're a bit nuts sometimes but we don't bite and it would be so nice to hear from other TT members - sometimes it's like being a swan constantly posting on TT, all graceful on top but underneath we're paddling away like mad trying to come up with more interesting topics and informative ideas.

We like to keep TT lively and fun -  so come and join in cos we're getting worn out  :pray:

C'MON GUYS - GIVE US A BREAK  :pray:   bear_flower   bear_wacko

Penny XXX

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

I lurked for a long while before I even joined I just felt so out of my league.  And then when I did join I felt like a fraud and that I am not really good enough to call myself a bear artist.
I started posting as I realised there was a lot to be learnt here and that no one seems to be critical just offer constructive help.  I want to become a great artist I know I can with help. 
So all you lurkers out there come on in.

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

YAY BRONWEN!!  :clap:   :clap:   :clap:

Good for you hunnybunny - we don't bite and i for one am glad to see a new face here on TT.

You know i never thought that maybe we were a bit scary. But looking at it from an outsiders view i suppose we may seem a bit of an 'enclave'.

We all have to start somewhere Bronwen and believe me we're all still learning!

Glad to see you joining in  bear_flower

Penny x

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Penny you wont be able to shut me up.  bear_innocent
I'm a real chatterbox and could talk the legs off a chair.

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Good! Get chatting Bronwen cos i'm off to bed now - i pass the floor over to you! ha ha ha


Night Night  :hug:

Penny x

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153
gotobedbears wrote:

But looking at it from an outsiders view i suppose we may seem a bit of an 'enclave'.


I think I have this quote thingy...we shall see.

Anyway, YES...Penny, I agree and that is why I started this post.  I know there are alot of ladies out there who could offer so much and perhaps feel like we have this 'closed circle' going on.  But if the truth were known, if it weren't for us chatter boxes, who would be here?

That is exactly why the LURKERS need to come out and get into this (unless of course you are a un-reformable nasty...NO NASTIES allowed)
We would love to hear new stuff  :clap:  ideas, comments..........JUST JUMP IN!


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Amen to the above.  I like to think we're the least clique-y group in the universe.  Might be wrong on that, but I doubt it.

Everyone is welcome... beginning or advanced bearmaker.  And, of course, our beloved collectors!

Please do drop in and say hello.  I promise you a warm greeting, friendship of the most real kind, and lots of fun,  await you here...


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Welcome, Kitten!  What a great name.  So glad you've emerged from lurkdom...

I don't know that there's one "best" way to start.  I found that those hard-to-find books you're mentioning were really helpful; I can recommend, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TEDDY BEAR MAKING TECHNIQUES (Merrett & Stephens) and anything by Nancy Tillberg (esp. 101 BEARS TO MAKE) very highly.  You'll probably have to order them.  Try eBay or

Your kit probably contains a lot of useful information, too.

I found, personally, that the little details matter.  Those things you will probably discover piece-meal along the way, in forums like this; by studying artist websites and auctions; and by asking lots of questions to get you from what's in your head, to what's on your studio table!

Good luck and don't be a stranger.  Check out our REFERENCE LIBRARY category from the main INDEX page of the forum; you'll find especially useful threads on bearmaking therein.

Welcome again!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, Kitten - welcome to the board.  Where do you live?  Hope you will learn a lot from Teddy Talk and also hope you have some fun.  I know you will get hooked on making teddies, so please make yourself at home.

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Welcome...this is a great place to learn so much and everyone here is more than gracious (my new word of the week) with their secrets. 


Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Yes guys, please join in!

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Yeh, Kitten  :dance:  :dance:
I am so glad to see some lurkers joining us.
I don't have time right now to chat much, but I do have some ideas for you.
Also, your questions (any questions) are greatfully accepted by everyone, because that is how we all learn.
You may think of something that no one else has thought about AND there are always the ...Lurkers out there who may be beginners as well and look forward to questions and answers.
Until I can get back....I am listing a Westie tonight...
I am so glad you joined us and we look forward to having you in the group.
Blessings to you Kitten,

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Welcome, Kitten!  Glad you came out in the open!   bear_original

Join in, lurkers!!!  Everyone is really friendly.  You don't have to make bears to join in.  I'm only a collector and couldn't make a bear to save my life, but everyone has been really nice to me.  When I first joined, I was worried that it would be a closed group, but then I started posting and everyone has been so nice.  So don't be afraid to post!  Come join in the fun!   h010.gif

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Welcome to the board, Kitten!
This is a great place to chat! So many friendly people!

good luck with your teddy bear making,
Beary hugs,

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Ok I know I'm late to this topic but I could'nt go by without my 2cents.
I have found clickies at other places and just about everywhere in my life. BUT here at TT I genuinely believe it doesnot exist here. Every one I have found to be entertaining ,helpful, clever verging on to brilliance at times ,sympathic ,giving, caring and the biggy...."KIND'. I see these as  good reasons to come and join the chatter. It will be a move that will enhance your life.    So "GIDDAY"


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