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NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

I notice we have a lot of Aussie's in our group and how wonderful to be able to even know you...thanks to Intercal and the computer age.

I see lots of things about Australia on the travel channel and it looks like a beautiful place...what is your weather like there?
I know there are lots of tourist areas...and lots of bear shops (really jealous here).

What is your favorite thing to do or where to go and what do you love about being there.
I will probably never be able to visit there, so give me a little vision thru your eyes.

Are you native or did you move there from somewhere else?
I know a little history about it, but have not studied that much...anything exciting you would like to share?


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Australiais a wonderful place. Come visit and see for your self. But make it the West that you visit and head down to Adelaide river and stay at some of the finest BB' 's. Stand in a giant Karri forest and smell the ozone. The air is soooooo clean. You would be made very welcome. Perth has Kings park right in the middle of the city and there you will see kangaroos. Only tourists though are silly enough to get close. bear_grin  I've seen what they can do and wont step near one.

                                                     Come and visit.

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

Now I want to go visit even more , except for the snakes and sharks. Not so fond of either one.

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Me too Kathy!  Matilda ... do you know Keith Urban?  LOL!

I'm packing and coordinating travel with Kathy.  See you soon.

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

I've always wanted to go as well. I just wish it was closer.

I like the idea that the country is very different, yet I'd still be able to speak the lanuage.

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

That's the hardest for peole from elsewheres to understand is that when we like them we tease them mercilessly.

Gatehouse Bears Gatehouse Gallery
Lockwood, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 227

Its hard to tell you girls about the landscape of our country because....well what would you say if we asked what the landscape of USA was like?  You'd say it has cold parts and deserts and swamp and its so big it has most climates, right?

Australia is the same size as USA and has just as many diverse landscapes.  Up north we have tropical areas, down south we have cooler climes.  Our hot winds come from the north, cold from the south and the water goes down the drain the opposite way to the northern hemisphere.....REALLY

We want everyone to have a 'fair go' and like people that are 'fair dinkum'. 
We like 'battlers' and LOVE chopping down 'tall poppies'.
We don't like people who talk 'bulldust' and we didn't ever throw shrimps on the barbie...we call them prawns and Matilda's right....they're too expensive.
Most of us were raised on vegemite on toast and even if we don't have it at home you can bet that you'll crave it if you leave oz without it!!
Being a Victorian (come from the state of Victoria) my religion is 'football' and my club is the best...Collingwood of course bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

I'm terrified of the 'S' word (I live in the bush and we have snakes, though not many people get bitten) and its harder to get attacked by a shark than win the lottery!!

Our cities are the same as anywhere in the world but I've got to say that our air is sweeter than most places I've been.  Our skies are big and blue, the stars are bright and many but the flies outnumber them and we don't 'avagoodweekend' unless we remember the 'Aerogard' (insect repellent)

We laugh when people pay thousands of dollars for our 'pink birds' (they're GALLAHS folks and they're a pest that flies into our windscreens and drive us crazy)
We can't believe it when people overseas demonstrate about us culling kangaroos when necessary (we NEEDED to cull in an army base recently as there was a drought and the 'roos were going to starve...we only wanted to cull a few thousand...there were over 100,000 in there!!!)

We smile at tourists who only see the 'tourist traps' and unless you're a born and bred Aussie we'll always call you a 'pom', 'kiwi', 'yank' or 'wog', in a loving way, of course.

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Australia is so diverse that it is said if you travel the country you can see more beauty and diversity than you would if you visted ten other countries. Most of the population lives around the coast as it's so hot and dry in the 'red centre'. Inland from the coast and we have HUGE cattle and sheep stations...some are thousands of acres and the farmers sometimes use helicopters to drove the animals, but more often horses.
The temperatures inland vary hugely and they can have early morning frosts even when they are heading for a 30 degree celcius day temp.
In Darwin at the top of Australia, the temperature is tropical all year 'round and it gets cooler as you head south. I live at the very bottom of the Victorian coast. In summer, our temps range fro 20 to 42 degrees celcius and in winter it hovers around 10 to 16 degrees (down to about 5 overnight). We do get biting winds in winter, but we live on the coast. I swear sometimes the wind comes straight off the Antarctic! Still...we don't really KNOW cold compared to countries where it snows and you get minus temps for months on end. In Australia, it only snows in the mountains in winter.
We have beautiful golden beaches, spectacular mountains and clean air.
Nance, I'm glad you asked that question....I have been told that many Americans are in the dark about Australia and see us as being way behind America in many areas. We are highly civilised, and contrary to what some people may think....we don't see kangaroos hopping around in our towns....only in the country areas! We have milk in cartons, and our fruit and veg in the supermarkets  is loose and fresh so we can choose our own...very little pre packaged stuff. In general, most households prepare fresh food for every meal, although there are those who eat prepackaged foods too often(generally the tubby ones bear_innocent )! We hang our clothes on the line outside to dry..and run them through the dryer if it's too wet. Our children start schooling at age 4 years with one year spent at pre-school. They then go to Primary school for 6 years followed by Secondary school for 6 years. They can then head off to University for further education if they choose, but it is not expected. Our kids can get their learners driving permit at age 16 but can't get their full licence until 18. They then spend 3 years on "Probationary" or "P" plates before obtaining their full licence.
I will dig out some pics taken here and there to share when I have a minute. bear_thumb

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

z-048-Small.jpgI live outside Sydney in a rural area on 30 acres , my great great grandparents migrated from England in 1855 so I can almost call myself a true Aussie. It's a great country for outdoor sports and recreation, you can swim, surf, water ski, snow ski, play football, horseriding, there's just so much to do...
As the girls have said it's hard to describe the terrain & climate, it is so varied but mostly it is a temperate climate and only snows in a few areas in winter. The winter in Sydney is quite mild, the summer can get hot..but that's fine with me I hate the cold.  I know a lots been said of snakes & sharks but you would have to be darned unlucky to be taken by a shark & most of the snakes in the rural areas around here are probably more  frightened of me...I hope!!
I love where I live I can still drive into Sydney within an hour but it looks like I'm miles from nowhere, it's so peaceful, the picture was taken from my kitchen window. I used to horseride and compete in dressage I still have my horse but we're both retired now, I got to 55 and  figured that bearmaking was a safer hobby for the "older" lady.
I live on the very top of a hill so I have a 360 degree view, we are up very high & I can even see the Sydney city skyline & have watched the fireworks on the Harbour Bridge on New Years Eve. If you don't like the country life you can live in the cities, Sydney is beautiful, one of the loveliest cities I've ever seen, the harbour is amazing, and of a weekend you can go to the harbour forshore where they have entertainment, buskers, great shopping & lots of wonderful food to eat...lots of tourists & everyone having a good time.
We have some big bear & craft shows during the year, but unfortunately there has been a bit of a decline in the number of bear shows, it's such a shame because I really looked forward to them. The big one is coming up in March and will be held for the first time at the Olympic stadium.  The craft shows are huge, one is held in June in Sydney at Darling Harbour right on the water, it goes for 5 days & hundreds of thousands of people attend.
I think we are good people and always happy to give help to whoever needs it, sometimes too generous. We like people to be open, honest & trustworthy, and as Glenys said  talk "no bulldust"
There'll always be a big warm welcome to anyone that wants to visit...
big hugs,

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

OH, a land without "bulldust."  I would LOVE it there!  Having spent serious time in both Silicon Valley (childhood) and SoCal (young adulthood), California, USA, I am up to my eyeballs with facades and phonies.

I think the landscapes are gorgeous as well.  Pretty picture, Denise!


... What about the funnel web spiders?

The blue ringed octopi?

What about THEM????


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,766

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Gorgeous photo, Denise!  My hubby spent some time in Sydney back in 1995.  His company sent him there for several weeks to do some work.  He loved the area, especially the Blue Mountains.  He would like to return some day and I'd LOVE to go with him.  You have a lovely country.

kimkc Australia
Posts: 66

I'll give you my view, from a town in rural Victoria called Irymple!
Here we are a six hour drive from Melbourne, four from Adelaide, and about eleven/twelve from Sydney. Being so isolated we miss out on a lot. As we are actually on the border of Victoria & NSW, and very close to the SA border, both the federal and state governments seem to forget about us. Our state government is attempting to build a toxic waste dump not far from our town, which would devastate our region as we sell ourselves based on the quality of all the fruit/vegetables grown here.
Speaking of which, we have hundreds upon hundreds of acres of vineyards here, much like the Napa Valley in the States. We are a town settled by Californians, so much of our street names and buildings are the same/similar as there. it was a hoot driving in california and seeing street names the same as ours! bear_grin
We get incredibly hot summers here, often in the mid 40c, because we are essentially a town surrounded by dessert. But i love the heat!
Our town is made up of all sorts of people, from Italians & Greeks (heaps of those), Turkish, Aboriginals, Vietnamese, Chinese, the list goes on. Mostly we co-exist ok, but there are times when the youth fight among the different racial backgrounds, which is sad. Because we are so isolated, there is not a lot to do here, and sadly alcohol/drugs and hormones don't mix.
My favourite city to visit is Adelaide, because Glenelg is so close, its a lovely beach. I actually nearly died there, due to having a seizure whilst swimming, but i still love it. Adelaide is similar to my town in feel, just a lot bigger.
Melbourne i adore, the shops, the food, the AFL! Carn The Pies!!! bear_grin  bear_grin
Sydney is beautiful, but i visited during the Olympics, and have been told that it wa much better then than normal.
Please come visit us, we'd love to have you all stay! bear_original

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056
Shelli wrote:

OH, a land without "bulldust."  I would LOVE it there!  Having spent serious time in both Silicon Valley (childhood) and SoCal (young adulthood), California, USA, I am up to my eyeballs with facades and phonies.

I think the landscapes are gorgeous as well.  Pretty picture, Denise!


... What about the funnel web spiders?

The blue ringed octopi?

What about THEM????


Hi Shelli,

I agree with you, I hate phonies, I just like people to be honest & up's such a pity today that there are so many who judge others by what they have not who they are....
As for the funnel web spiders & blue ringed octopi...I got to be 55 and still haven't seen either up close & with the snakes & sharks, you've got to be pretty darned unlucky and many of the people taken by sharks have gone into water where they shouldn't ain't a gone!!! put it in the no need to be afraid to visit...

Hi Sue Ann,

I just spent a few days in the Blue Mountains, I stayed in a Bed and Breakfast, you'd never stay in a hotel again, the people make you so welcome and what breakfasts, yummo!!
It's great up there only just over an hour's drive from my place, lots of little antique & craft shops, there's even a doll & toy museum in one of the historic homes. It's a lovely place to spend a weekend and just relax. Sure hope you get to come over some time,

big hugs,

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Duststorm2.jpgAustralia can be very hot and dry too.  We can get some fabulous looking dust storms not so great to be in but very awe inspiring.

melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

Glenys said

my religion is 'football'

OMG Melbourne and their AFL...I couldn't believe it the first time i was there....I swear no matter what time of day we went into one shopping centre the footy was ALWAYS on the tv - even at 8am in the morning when we were there for breakfast (I take it there is a dedicated footy channel). 

Now, I have only been to Australia three times but I love it!  I went to Sydney in Feb last year - disgustingly hot, not so bad when I was staying in the schmancy pants hotel in Darling Harbour that work was paying for,
absolutely disgusting when I was staying in the crusty backpackers in Potts Point after that.

I loved Sydney but missed out on so much because of the heat and being whacked out after a conference.  Beautiful buildings, green spaces, water etc and great shops! 

I really really love Melbourne though.  I've only been twice and still have so much more to see.  The weather isn't as intense as Sydney (most of the time) and again, lots of nice green spaces in the centre of the city.  Last time I went, we rented a tiny cottage on Lygon Street, just down the street from all the great Italian restaurants and a 5 minute tram ride to the city. 

It is all so much bigger than New Zealand - cities are WAAAAAAAAY bigger - more like medium sized US cities.

So can't wait to go back but not going this year bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  but only because I'm trying to save hard to get to the US next year so I guess it's not all bad   bear_tongue

melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

oh...and once you girls have saved your pennies to get to'll have to save a few more so you can skip over the tasman and visit NZ....I'll show you the sights!  Good thing for you, your money is worth so much more here so it'll be cheap!

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Wow Bronwen! bear_smile  Those are amazing dust storm pics! Welcome to the group BTW..good to 'see' another Aussie.

Welcome back to you too Kim! :hug:  How's the bear designing going after doing Jennifers course? I'd love to see a pic of a Kim C bear!
I still remember the story you tell of that dust storm in Mildura when you reckoned it was even in your salad roll at lunch time! Scary!
Shelli. I have never seen a blue ringed octopus either and I live on an Island with rock shelves everywhere, We do have them here, but I haven't seen one. Nor do I personally know of anyone who has been taken by a shark.....I'd say the instance of that would be akin to people in the USA being taken by bears...well maybe a little more common. But like Denise says, if we humans wanna play in their playgrounds...... bear_ermm
Most shark attacks happen around seal pupping time, so you gotta wonder if to them we just look like seals. bear_cry
But hey...we don't have as many dangerous wild animals as you.  bear_tongue Heck...coyotes, wolves bears, panthers, cougars, RATTLE SNAKES eeekkk!!!!!  bear_ermm So you are quite safe to come visit...anytime! :thumbsup:

Denise...sounds like you live in the ideal place, and it's so pretty! We are looking at farms up that way...but probably closer to Port Maquarie area. It's so beautiful....and warmer!

kimkc Australia
Posts: 66

as soon as i get our digital camera back, which hubby left at the inlaws, i'll post a pic.
I've made this year the Year of the Bear! i'm determined! bear_original

We do have a dedicated footy channel, but remember its biggest in Victoria. Carn the pies (sorry, had to get that in again!)
I prefer melbourne i think, its more cosmopolitan

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

Hi Hayley,

my sister lives in Sydney at the moment but she's thinking of moving up around Port Macquarie too, her husband was working up there for a few weeks so she went up for a sticky beak and loved the place, nice climate too!!!!

yeah!!! what about all those coyotes, cougars, grizzlys etc....yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give me a little ol' black snake any day!!!!

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

I came to Australia 25yrs ago and I can tell you if I look back on my life in the UK it is in Black and White my time in Australia is Technicolour... I love this country. It is huge and diverse, parts remind me of Scotland and England... but it is sunny. Beaches of white sand that go for miles... I live in the Blue Mountains and it is a wonderful part of the world... The flora and fauna is magnificent, I hand feed rainbow lorikeets and can have up to 40 in the garden at one time. Kookaburra's come in to be fed, magpies chorus in the mornings is wonderful.. At this time we are having alot of rain and believe me it is well needed as we were in a 5yr drought so it is not our usual summer..

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

My brother left South Africa 6 years ago and now lives in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales Australia. They bought a Horse Riding Scool called Valery Trails, and have about 50 horses. They used to own a safari game park next to the famous Kruger National park in South Africa.
They work hard, as my brother says horses do not take time off and getting help is not that easy.  Although I have been to Sydney on numerous occasions,before getting involved with teddy bears, I have yet to pay him a visit,  oz girls I am waiting for a teddy bear show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!so that I can visit.The farm looks lovely and they have lots of dogs as all the stay dogs seem to land up on the farm.

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

bn3093_41_b.jpgOpera-House-And-Sydney-Harbour-Bridge-With-Crowded-Harbour-On-New-Years-Eve-Sydney-Australia-Photographic-Print-C10260265.jpgI cant say much more you girls have said it all .I love Australia because thats all i know i have travel a bit overseas and it was always good to be back .i live between the mountains and the sea right on the south coast not to far from Sydney . now thats a great city too shop bargain warehouses all around i think Sydney is one of the most beautiful citys you could every see. thats all i can think of now silly me

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

:dance: MY BAGS ARE PACKED !!!

I love the country life (having been mostly a city girl growing up).  It sounds so beautiful and I have re-read your posts.
You never really know an area until you talk to the 'natives'...and I can almost feel what Australia is like.
I had a feelling it was beautiful with wonderful people, just by you girls on the chat and what a compliment to the be represented by such sweet ladies.

I laughed over your verbiage and how you explain things...admire the ethics and wished we had the same probationary drivers liceences here.  Our children are given expensive high powered cars way too early.  We personally have had 5 dear friends lose teenagers, just starting to drive and speeding.  It is so sad.

I am a true water baby in every sense of the word, and your beaches look gorgeous!
I won't comment on each post, but I want you to know I have read them at least twice, with much enjoyment.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write and post pictures. 
One more question....'where is Walk About Creek'?  Oh, lets see, it is supposed to be in the northern territory, right?  bear_grin  bear_grin

Hugs to you all,
and that's no 'bull dust'......


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Back in the 70's I went to college in Hawaii, a very small college.  But a good many of my class mates were from Australia. 

Here is what I remember about them and what I loved:

Always ready for a laugh
rarely negative
Fiercely independent but always ready to help
Aways ready for a laugh
Strong opinions and always had solid reasons for their opinions
always ready for a laugh
loving and kind
always ready for a laugh

Never heard them belittle or condemn another race....we had Figians, Tongans, Hawaiians, Chinese, Japanese, Samoans, Phillipinos,etc.....

Rarely heard any criticisms

my 2 cents after living with some folks from Australia

Actually I had 8 roomates:


so great big hugs to all


they were homesick though


Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Lynette...there is a huge Teddy Bear Show in Sydney in pack ya bags and head for Ozdraylya!!!! :dance:

If any of you girls ever seriously consider a trip Down are more than welcome to stay with me....what a blast that would be! :hug:

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