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maraybears South Australia
Posts: 14

Hello everyone,

Can anyone please let me know the web page address where you can go to find out the current prices for both old & new Steiff bears.

I used to have the link on my computer but a while back I had a hard drive melt down :-) & lost a whole heap of information.

Would really appreciate it .

Many thanks


Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

Hello, Margaret,

Sorry, I don't have the answer for you.  Have you tried a search engine search, like Google?  That's a cute pink bear in  your avatar.  Don't be a stranger here, OK?  Hope you get your answer. bear_original

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Hi Margaret、
Sorry me too, I don't have the answer
but I wanted to say your pink bear in
avatar is sooooo cute !   

I hope some one can help you out.

Black Forest Bears Haus of Bears, Inc.
Posts: 311
maraybears South Australia
Posts: 14

Hi Laure, Marie & Rita

Many thanks for your kind words re. my bear avatar photo .

Her name is Lucinda, she is a bear I made for a TV company over here a few months ago.

When I dyed the mohair it came out a lot pinker than I first thought :- ), & I thought Oh! Boy .

But she turned out to be a really nice fun bear.

Many thanks Rita for the infomation re. the Steiff site, it was just what I wanted.

I was thinking of reducing my hug a little  & maybe selling some of my Steiff bears.

But I honestly had no idea about prices.

So this site will be a big help to me.

Off to stuff a cat - in the middle of working on a cat I will be doing a workshop for in Osaka in October.

Have decided that cats no matter if they are real or stuffed have minds of their own :-).

For some insane reason I decided to make my cat out of a lovely long pile, think its going to work in the end .

At the moment though it looks like a big ball of fluff :-).

bye for now,


millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

Hello Margaret,

Cute bear.  When you are ready to sell, you may want to look at what some of the Steiffs go for on ebay.  It seems to me that some of them bring a really nice price.  Good luck with that cat.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Hi Margaret.  PINK!  That's my favorite color.  What a beautiful bear!

Bofore I started making bears I used to make cats.  Yes, I have to agree with you, they have a mind of thier own!

As stated above here, ebay is a great resource for Steiff bears.  Good luck.

notice all my "edits"..tee hee...I am SUCH a TYPO Queen!!!!!!! with a quick "submit post" finger!:o

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,998

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Lovely little pink teddy, Margaret!  Good luck with selling your Steiff bears!

maraybears South Australia
Posts: 14

Hi everyone,

Many thanks for the good advice.

Will go in & have a look at the Steiff bears on Ebay as you are right it will give me an idea of prices they are selling for .

Still working on my cat, have had to put him to one side for a few days, as need to work on a bear order.

Think hes going to be kinda cute though :-).

Have a fun weekend everyone, off to work on some furry friends.

bye for now,

beary hugs


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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb