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Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

> Subject: Can you read this?

> ??????????? Olny srmat poelpe can.
> ??????????? I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
> ??????????? if you can raed tihs psas it on !!

This makes me feel alot better.  I feel like such a typo queen so much of the time.   :doh:

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

YIKES, Judi that's amazing, I can read it no problem!!  By the way I just saw the article about you and your bears in TBCI and it was fantastic :)


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Thank you Catherine.  I will treasure that article as long as I live.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Oh, here's another one from my Dad.  He is just the sweetest guy.  I stilllearn so much from him:

> Happiness keeps You Sweet,
> Trials keep You Strong,
> Sorrows keep You Human,
> Failures keeps You Humble,
> Success keeps You Glowing,
> But Only God keeps You Going!
> You are so special!

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

That is amazing, I could read it without any problem. bear_laugh  bear_laugh
That is an awesome quote from your Dad, Judi.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Was there something wrong with that?

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379
Dilu wrote:

Was there something wrong with that?

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko  :hug:

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

i can too
bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Dilu  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  Judi I love the one from your Dad .....

Roxanne Bear Paws by Roxanne
Odessa, Tx
Posts: 917

That is what all of my letters look like before spellcheck!! TEEHEE bear_wacko

ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

As a person who has had to deal with learning disabilities all my life with SPELLING being the main one your post really hit home with me. I spend endless amounts of time typing out a email only to have spell check not be able to find the word because I just don't have enough letters right. Disabilitys can be cruel my reading level as a child was of college level and my spelling never developed past a 4th grade ability this difference is how they diagnose a true disability . My life has been about hiding my disability and using skills to fake it became a way of life school was difficult because teachers would default to just calling me lazy and unwilling to learn . College was better because the school was in san francisco and had a department of disabilitys and the Professors allowed me to use tools to work with my spelling disabilitys and I achieved a grade point avg that reflected my true abilitys and made the honor roll three semesters in a row. But when you have disabilitys you learn that all it only takes  one person in power who does not understand disabilities to put you off course after lots of hard work. I entered a nursing Program and was accepted as the top recruited incoming student and started with a great excitement. As I moved through the program using the tools (like a spellchecker) the director of the program started to make rumblings that she thought it was unfair to other students that I was allowed to use the tools to acomplish the same tasks as the other students. Her old world ways and her generation had very little knowledge of disabilities and in the end she decided that all the tools that I had been using would not be allowed in the program going totaly against the students with disabilities act. It was like having my oxagan cut off within six weeks my grades had dropped so low that I was dropped from the program. The whole thing became a huge story about  students with disabilities act and she was over ruled by both the college and the state. You would think that all would be fine and I would go on but this is the rub I had to reapply and because of the huge slip in my grades I did not meet the GPA standards for the application prosses. I never went back and I never set foot on that campus ever again.
I am telling this story for the first time because your post just hit me so hard because of the total real truth that lays just under the surface of it
...Many times we look at whats wrong with something and make decisions based on that
...BUT our true inner eye has no prejudice it only see's the whole and true meaning
...May we always try to see the whole truths and not make judgements based on snapshots

(typing and spellcheck for this note took 2 hours and one phone call to donna mettling lol god I hate spellcheck)

Gatehouse Bears Gatehouse Gallery
Lockwood, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 227

Judi, I think its neat that we can all read this  way.

Scott, I thank you for sharing your disability with us....what courage you have to share your deepest fear....knowing all the caring TT's though I'm sure you will receive wonderful support and encouragement.

What fools those institutions are that BREAK THE LAWS regarding Disability Discrimination.  My son is disabled and had similar problems with schools and tertiary institutions and it makes me so mad...... bear_angry  bear_angry  bear_angry

You now must realise though that we can read typos and misspelt words so the presure to spell perfectly can be reduced, like the rest of us and if a typo slips thru don't get stressed out, we don't love each other for our spelling, you know. bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

BRAVO SCOTT !!!! What a story....I  know and feel what you is so true , many people just don't realize that their standard is soooo old fashioned and narrow minded...
I use to manage and train  staff and clients in  a work rehab. facility teaching skills and placing people on jobs within the community for 6 fact I headed up to start the NEW  part of the facility when no one had any idea on  how to do it...I borowed a manual from Pearl Buck  Rehab Center in Eugene , Ore.

The first thing I did was start a teddy bear making workshop and put a person that had the most to overcome to stitch them up...Why?   because she really wanted to but did not have any confidence and she had a nervous condition that made her shake a lot.
I told her she could do anything she wanted to ! I would help her no matter what it took...and you know she did learn to sew and keep the seam at 1/4" . change a  needle, etc...In the end she did a great job and blew the old fashioned minds to smithers.....Later I visited her at her home and her family was so proud of her..her sis bought her a machine... the rest is history...her success was so sweet. My best parts pinner was a guy that had palsy so bad in his right hand ...but somehow he managed to focus for just the right amout of time and then attack with a pin and get it in just right...amazing.

I got my clients brand new out of Salem hospital ..project 88 was in full swing. Many of my  clients had never lived outside the hospital , they had profound disabilities so we had a lot to work on...extreme behavior problems, lots of medical problems..and so on....One thing which was great is.... I was as green as they were..LOL.

1 year  BEFORE the state had any real information on just how to do this....we were very successful with this program, our placement was high but even better...the clients that everyone said had too much of a disability against them would become a failure. at their job......HA! So much for them...we proved them wrong because we worked with the clients as if they did NOT have a disability...and only focus on the positive !I think that after a few years those kind of comments died down as they begin to see the good results...and I am sure they were astonished.

The irony of this is after 6 years I moved back home to be with my family ....and went out to get a job managing the same kind of job....guess what I got for feedback ???" Sorry , you need a BA for this"  Whaaaaa ???
And...Calif. was just starting their programs like this...I guess experience and facts of success in placing the clients and they kept their jobs...did not count for enough ...I swear I won't, I figured maybe  the Lord had other plans for me.
I will always remember the clients frustrations of not only their own disabilities but the ones that " normal " people shoved onto them.." you can't "...Id follow after them and say " don't' listen to them...yes you can"..... Winney

PS...I have to use spell check all the time...its  great tool , I like to see how many I don't get wrong..or how many I can get right ...he, he.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Scott, I'm so sorry that you've had to put up with insensitive people and their lack of understanding learning disabilities.  I'm so proud of you that you were able to tell us your story - what a brave thing to do!  Teddy Talk has some of the most incredibly understanding and supportive people in any kind of community - online or off - so I think if you were going to tell any group about your disability, this was the place to do it.  I bet you would have been an outstanding nurse - but I know FOR SURE that you are an outstanding bear artist!  Your work is incredible and I certainly don't care if you can spell, or not.  Big hugs,

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Oh Scott That bear of yours is awsome ! Is he a big one or a mini ? Is he  a whaler ?... a beautiful Alaskan bear very authentic...and you are NEW...Yeah, we love new bear makers.. !!!! Welcome to Teddy will love it here, there is soooo much to learn and everyone shares so much suff...this is a great bunch ...Winney

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Back when I was a KID THEY didn't have much in the way of classes for mild to moderate dyslexia....everyone thought I was just they know differently.  I loved your story Scott....I also spend a long time going over the more serious e-mails and posts....and poor hubby is worse than I am.    bear_wacko

We are both very grateful that we were born then and not now though cuz they'd have kept us both drugged for ADHD if were born now.....maybe I got in a lot of trouble, which I did, but I prefer it to the icky drugged I have with headaches now..... bear_tongue

so,  I kinda meant my first post, in a left handed way, but that's OK since I'm left-handed  bear_original

so gollyhugs to any and all who can't spell and or are dyslexic.....(you and I know it isn't because you aren't smart or that you are're just wired differently!
WoooHooo  vive la differance.......I I'm not sure......Actually German was much easier....

Scott dontcha hate the spell check?  I do, cuz if I'm not even close its a real hassle... bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

I did have an understanding piano teacher who told me that he thought music came easier because the notes all looked alike-I just had to learn the spaces and lines.  He made me try harder because he told me 'normal' people have trouble learning music and it really is a foreign language. 

Silly me, I believed him, however he had a good strategy and it worked. 

I have often wished that there was a dictionary for dyslexics....that would make the same typos we make so that we could more easily figure out how to spell whatever it was we were were aiming for.  I have a bad spellers dictionary-it helps.....but.......

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh yeah Scott

You don't have to hide it here....theres a lot of know who you are    bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin



ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

A dictionary for the way our minds work would be a millions dollar idea !!! editing it would be the end of some one hahhahahahahah

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

This is a great post - Scott, I had a slightly different problem, but still no understanding.  We had four kids in our family and we were all very smart - we all started school early as well as skipped grades - my sister skipped two grades.  I was 12 going into high school, my oldest sister was 15 going into university after 5 years of high school (we had grade 13 in Ontario).  I did well at short term things, but when it came to projects or working on my own, I was hopeless.  By high school, it was a nightmare as more of the work was self-directed and I watched other kids that I knew didn't do well in school, do after school sports and have part time jobs.  I also hated being in the school setting - I have always preferred to be on my own.  Anyway, to make a long story short, my sister was diagnosed at 50 as having ADD, then my daughter and then me, my niece, great niece and on and on and on.  Back when I was a kid, no one knew about ADD and girls are often missed.   It has taken me 6 years to finally get to know myself and understand my strengths and weaknesses.  I do take ritalin, on some occasions and it definitely helps.  I am more confident and can spot another "ADDer" a mile away!   



kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

Hi Judi,

That is amazing! Crack me up! 
I didn't realize that about the first and last letter....that is so cool!
Thanks Judi ...that put a smile on my face.  :)

I have problems with numbers and sometimes letters .... I see them backwards....they have a name for people like me!  bear_grin But, I don't like labels, so I don't use them.  bear_grin
Besides the numbers & letters, it shows itself in my work...paintings etc. If you were to take one of my paintings and hold it up to a mirror, you would see what I see.

And Scott....BIG BIG HUGS TO YOU..... I know just how you feel or felt.  :hug:

Big Bear Hugs

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Well we'd have to edit it ourselves, but heres the hysterical part, the publisher would also have dyslex a bit or it'd never get published.  Can you imagine?


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Judi,  it's really interesting to find out that we only need the first and last letter - I had no problem at all reading it.  I also think your dad's post is really lovely.



Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_laugh  Judi,

I've been over and over that garbled passage, trying to understand HOW it could be so easy to read! Verrrry interesting.

I love your Dad-quote. I'm going to pass it on to my kiddies and students.

Scott, I know what you mean about the unthinking system. It makes the blood boil.

I've got a brilliant youngest daughter with OCD and anxiety disorder, and we had to fight every inch to get her any help or consideration in high school. She graduated with honors, and got As in her first year at University of Toronto. She's taking this year off to catch up with Life. Good for you and the Students With Disabilities Act.

I'm an English tutor, and I've got several students with reading and writing problems, dyslexia, OCD and anxieties so severe that they just can't write at all without a coach at their side. I focus on their abilities, which are very high, and work from there. It takes time, but it pay off. I burn CDs of audiobooks for literature students to listen to as they read their texts, and find that the listening itself really improves their writing--they begin to 'hear' the cadence of well-written English, and to reproduce it in their own writing. They start to 'hear' sentence structure too--phrases, clauses, appositives, etc.--and begin to write complete sentences with all the punctuation in the right places. I've got an account at that gives me access to all the audiobooks I need.

One of my student's term papers showed such improved writing that her teacher doesn't believe she wrote it, even though she turned in all her drafts! My OCD-sticken student was convinced that he had no future at all, but he'll be going to U of Toronto as a math major next fall. He still hates to write, but he can do it.

Winney's right. All it takes is having someone who believes in you and your goals, doesn't take 'I can't' for an answer, and the feist to contradict those who think they have more power than they actually do. Your university should have invalidated the low grades you were given, and found another way to test your knowledge of the course material. They didn't follow through, but most organizations don't.

You would have been a great nurse, but I think you were born to be a Bear Artist. Your work is really extraordinary!

I still can't figure out how we can read Judi's passage, but I'll bet we could read your uncorrected posts too, Scott!


ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

I have watched and read all the posts today and cant get over how revealing a part of oneself invokes such a heartfelt response from such kind and interesting people . We all have our own storys and many time we forget to share them forgetting that they may bring a bit of comfort and incouragement to others.


nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

I had just seen one of these garbled messages.My daughter brought it home from school.Aren't we all amazingly brilliant to be able to read it.
I find it sad that there are so many stories like Scotts.My daughter has a motor deficiency which caused a lot of problems through primary.She has the physical skills of a two year old starting school.Some teachers were great others ridiculed her .I have had many trips to school to complain.She now looks at it differently and can laugh at herself.Luckily she is clever and beautiful and I just say we can't have everything.
My late brother and I both have the spelling dooda.I am a bit better now thanks to spell check.When I first started work in the bank many years ago  the manager used to call everyone round at the end of the day and read out some of my work.I seemed to make words that should have been easy into rude ones quite often.The whole office used to be in hoots of laughter.Luckily I found it funny too.My brother was an art editor for the BBC and wrote many articles for magazines as well as being an illustrator.He could not spell even simple words like house.He came through school and college unscathed thanks to understanding teachers.What a difference these people can make in all our lives.It isn't always possible but if we can find some humour in our weaknesses it does help.

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