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yosemitebearworks Oakhurst, CA
Posts: 64


After a year or so of going to shows and using a variety of cloths, I finally broke down and bought a professional table cover.  The reason was that some of the show promoters of the larger shows require that table covers be fire retardant.  I have enjoyed using this cover, as it has been made to fit the usual 3' x 8' show table and, as you said, makes a neat and professional look.  It came with a certificate to show fire marshals, which I do take to all my shows -- but have never had to show it in the five years I've had the cover.   I also bought a can of spray that I use on my table toppers to make them fire retardant also.  Am I being way to cautious?  Probably,  but I figure I have enough to worry about at a show -- the last thing I want is to be sent home because my table cloth won't pass muster.  bear_laugh:D:D   

That said -- these things ARE pricy.  Maybe someone else knows where we can get a better deal.  I wouldn't mind finding another source, as mine is starting to show a little wear.

Hugs,  Donna

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,002

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

SUE-letters.jpgShelli, the things on the lower left side of the table are, indeed, wooden letters.  My ingenious daughter decoupaged them with cute little bear pictures of ALL sorts.  What I've put up here is what she did for me with pictures of "a few of my favorite things" . . . tra la la . . . bears, cats, raggedy dolls, sunflowers, etc.  She spelled out S-U-E A-N-N and the letters just stand on a surface.  The ones that I had for sale spell out B-E-A-R-S with all the little bear pictures on them and each letter hooks to each other and hangs on the wall like   

Anyway, I always sell out of them at shows and it takes her forever to get them done, since she's got about 14 different jobs.  I exaggerate, but she does have several jobs.

Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

Hi everyone.  Im a newbie!!!  Actually I have been making bears for a few years and have just completed my own design!  I called him Hunter after my grandson.  I have been reading some of the posts for about 2 weeks now but thought I should probably write something.  I am finding a lot of great info and really really appreciate it.  My friend and I are putting a table in our local Sunflower Festival on Aug 6th so the pics of all your boths are inspiring.  We have done a few trade shows in the area although small beans (one on at the Bean Festival!!).

If I knew how to attach pic of Hunter I would but I might need some advise on that!

Anyways thanks so much for all the info this is just great.  Shelli I love the eyelids and Im going to try it on my next bear.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I'm seeing a fireman bear in your future! :)
You can never be too careful and that's the last thing I'd want to be sent home for!
I haven't ruled out buying a real table cloth....yet.....

Sue Ann,
And there I was thinking, Oooo, I want some of those letters to spell out BEARS. But if your daughter is THAT busy I won't want!!! I'm still decorating my sewing room in our new home and will be putting up a shelf that runs around the whole room about 2/3rds up the wall. All, well, some as not all would fit, of my bear collection will go up there along with some other bear related knick knacks. As our home is very 'country charm-like" her decoupage letters would be perfect! What a great idea!!

I hope we can help you figure out how to get a picture of Hunter up here! Welcome!!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,002

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Jane, a big welcome to the board . . . glad you decided to let us know who you are.  First read the sticky message (top post) on the "Bears for Sale" forum.  There is also info on how to upload a photo in the stickies on the "General Discussion" forum.  If you still have questions about how to upload Hunter, just let us know.  Hope you have lots of fun here and good luck at your show!!

Daphne . . . if you really want some bear letters, I'll let you know when Pam gets the next set done.  She does them in "cool" or "warm" tones.  Which do you prefer?

Eileen . . . the cubes on my table are made of wood and I got them at Linens and Things; but, that was back in 1998.  You might could use the crate type cubes that Hobby Lobby and Michael's carry. 

Thanks, Ladies!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I don't want to take away from ones she'd make for you for a show, Sue Ann!
BUT :D..... if, at some point, you both are willing to sell a set to me I'd love a set in warm tones and will set them on my shelves so they won't need to be attached to hang.
Oh, how wonderful!! Thank you, thank you!
I should ask, duh, how tall the letters are? Just so I can visualize and plan! :D
No rush, in between those 14 jobs..... phew!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,002

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

The letters are 5" tall and the "E" letter is a smidge over 3 1/4" at the widest point.  I should let you know that the set costs $40.00.  You may want to change your mind after hearing that!! bear_grin  If you're STILL interested, I will let Pam know to start a set of warm letters for you!  No problem about having some for the show . . . I have tons of other stuff to put out!

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Sue Ann you are such a cutie! Your table looks wonderful. I love your bears and that brochure is incredible! I showed the brochure to Garnet and he was amazedWe both agree that your brochure is much nicer than any we have seen on any subject. You could go into business with that talent alone. But please dont because we want to enjoy those wonderful bears of yours.

Hugs Louise

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Thanks, Sue Ann :D

I suspect that the postage on those crates would just about feed my family for a year!! I was thinking of making my own, maybe something collapsible.

I LOVE your daughter's decoupage letters! She could probably sell people their initials, though the stock this would require might be much more than she has time for.

Your table and Shelli's are so full of inspiring touches. Yummy.


To cover a 3 x 8 table, you could certainly use a single piece of fabric on the top, then sew flaps on each side of the rectangle to cover the empty space below.

One solution to wiggly seams is to cover them with a nice trim--flat braid or ribbon or something. It's easier to sew straight on the edges of the trim, because the line is right there. You could even zigzag with matching thread.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Sue Ann - Oh, I want them!! :D

Eileen - You really shoud see my straight line sewing - you'd then agree there is no hope for me!:( My finishing quilter has to work so hard to make my quilts lay flat so she can quilt them. She does a perfect job although she lectures me on how to stitch straight every time! I've even taken a kids class on how to do basic quilting just to learn the tricks they use to help kids sew straight. I guess that's why I love bears - I do great curvy stitching! bear_grin Thank you for the trim suggestion, though. I just might try that!

Sue Ann, your brochure truly is amazing. Just perfect!


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873




SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,002

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thank you so much, Louise . . . the brochure was fun to compose!

Daphne . . . will get Pam working on those letters!

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

Has anyone had an experience with other artists selling bears at shows that were not on sale..but had prices cut in half to move inventory or whatever..twice ive been to shows and the booths next to me were selling their "older " bears for $ 50.00 for 13 inch this a common practice? im quite discouraged about going to one show in particular..  my own learning curve has been that the first few shows i did ..i had people asking to buy some of the displays in the booth but not the bears! i do love to decorate! but realized i was not making the bears as much a focal point as i had thought!  deb  gorgeous pictures of bears and booths!:)

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Got distracted yesterday but meant to write that those letters are FANTASTIC!  I love decoupage but am not sure I have the "eye" for it like some others (such as your daughter) do.  How wonderful that you have another crafter in your immediate family.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,002

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thanks, Shelli . . . Pam really enjoys working with "paper".  She is into scrapbooking, too, but doesn't have a lot of free time for hobby-type stuff.

Debbie . . . I've been participating in bear shows since 1997, and I don't believe I've ever experienced what you have.  If it was going on, it was definitely without my knowledge.  I just keep on taking my older stuff to each show and it usually finally sells.  If at some point I have a bear that just refuses to be adopted, I will "retire" it.  Selling a 13" mohair bear for $50.00 sort of makes me ill!!  bear_shocked

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Eileen you crack me up! My husband has suggested duct tape!:lol::lol::lol:

Sue Ann, there is no rush, tell Pam to take her time. I still have to cut and stain the shelves! And get ready for my first  bear show of the season in August.

Debbie, I've never experienced that either. In fact, many show promoters would probably frown on such a thing if they knew about it. Jeesh!

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

You know, I'm sure I read on some show website that exhibitors were not allowed to exhibit bears for "sale prices".

Duct tape is great stuff!! Did you know it comes in colors? :lol:


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Purple by any chance??? bear_grin:lol::lol:

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Well, actually . . .  :D

Check out this page

(Thought you had me there, didn't you, Daph? :lol::lol::lol:)


heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

thank you for the replies! they are not actually marked as on sale..thats what the artist(s) told us us later..all the reasons she didnt like the show and why she had to reduce her older bears...and how she had to sell them to make any money at the show..i didnt know what to say!    i have used twin sized quilts to cover my table before..they are heavy enough to stay put  if you want to cover more of the front than the back,,the cheapy $ 29 repros..great for windy days but not for storing or lugging!  deb

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,002

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Most shows I attend provide the "skirt" that goes around the table and hangs to the floor.  I have a country plaid large, rectangular table cloth that I got CHEAP at Wal Mart for the cover.  If I have to provide my own skirt, I have a natural color one that I got at Party City.  If you have a store that has party decorations/supplies/accessories, you'll be able to find one in many colors.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Ooh, great idea, Sue Ann... especially since Chico DOES have a store like that.

I've only done one show and everyone brought his/her own table drapes.  I've never heard of shows that only allow fire-retardant cloths, but I have seen those cloths on line (I did a Google search for "table drapes" when I was prepping for my show.)  They do cost in the hundreds of dollars and don't come in a wide variety of pretty colors so it's good to know there are other options available.

Donna, you're kinda close to me geographically.  Just for my own information, which shows require the fire-retardant draping?  Do you remember off the top of your head?

Thanks, all!

Donna Donna's Duin Bruins
Burbank, CA
Posts: 900

Different Donna here, but I think Linda Mullins now ABC San Diego show require fire-retardant covers.  I know Nancy Jo's in Vallejo also.  I know the one Pat Moore did in Napa did.  It depends on the Fire Marshall in each seperate county or city.  If anyone in the San Francisco bay area is looking for a show we have Pat Moore's next weekend July 22-24.  Another good one is Larry Herman's Sept.  17 in Hayward, CA.
I have a question for you about the mugs.  I hate to admit that I did not tune into anything on your table at Nevada City except for your wonderful bears and that great smiling face behind the table.  Do you think it was the price point of the mugs or was it that everyone was so enchanted by you and your bears that they did not give a second thought to the mugs.  I'm asking because I can get the mugs through the Scott's and think it could be a good promo.  I have done some of the mugs for gifts, more of a good times together thing, but would like to work them into the show table if it would be worth my while.
One thing I have found to give a different look to the table is to find a sheer curtain panel to cover risers and go from one theme on your table to another.  You can also use them as a backdrop it you want to cover what is behind you without blocking out light.
Donna M.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, Donna, you hit it spot-on.   Everyone was sooooooo enchanted by me and my glorious smile that they just glossed right over the mugs I was selling....  :/:P:lol::rolleyes::)

NO, actually I did have several people pick them up and say, "Oh look!  Mugs!" and then ask the price and put them down.  I really wasn't trying to make any kind of big profit but if they cost $15 just to get made and then even more than that (worked out to about $1/mug) to ship, I couldn't justify selling them for a loss.  If you have a way to get them for less -- and I mean a lot less, like under $10 would be my guess -- then go for it!

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