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duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

Hi Everyone,   

Completely off topic but I have an opportunity to relocate to Dallas.  I know nothing of Dallas other then it sounds interesting and I have always found Texans to be very nice.  If this goes through it will happen really fast (next 30 days).   Terrified by this part!

I have been researching all weekend then it suddenly dawned on me, you all are such a wealth of information, that you might be able to add something to my searching!    What I have found by consensus it it is hot/humid in Summer, has big bugs, and that Texans are friendly.  As I am currently in FLorida, I hardly think I will be phased by the big bugs and Humidity  bear_tongue   

I am in desperate need to shake up my life  (I feel am in a personal and professional rut!) and figured Texas just might do that for me. 

Possibly someone here has an opinion or two?  Any experience with any of the cities in and around Dallas? Any recommendations? 

:pray:   I'll take anything I can get my hands on!

Thank you so much!!!!!


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Sue Ann is in Texas... I know nothing about texas  bear_ermm

duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

Kim, your so funny, you always have the good info!      Thank  you! :hug:

I'll PM her!

zemeski Posts: 434

My husband is a photographer and he has been all over the place. Texas is one of the places he has practically lived in. I have gone with him on the long Texas trips. It is very flat in Texas, you can go for miles and see nothing. The people are all friendly and nice that I have met their. Dallas roads can be confusing. You'll learn them. I can't drive through Dallas. It just makes me to nervous!!! It also gets hot in Texas as it is in Florida. That is about all I know or remember about Texas. Sue Ann will help you out more as living in Texas is different than visiting.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Got your PM, Duff, and the three things you found out about Texas are correct.  It is hot/humid in the summer, we do have lots of weird bugs, and most of us are friendly.  Dallas does have a lot to offer in the way of cultural activities . . . lots of museums, opera/musical opportunities, art exhibits, and then there are a lot of not-so-cultural things to do, also.  My older daughter left the area because she hated the hot summers, but I, on the other hand, don't like the cold - so I'm not so picky about it.  Being from Florida, you might find a few days in the winter to be on the blustery, cold side . . . but it doesn't last long.  I live in Double Oak, which is about 30 miles NW of Big D.  It's a nice, serene, country atmosphere, quiet, suburban neighborhood that is experiencing quite a growth spurt.  In fact, the whole area around Dallas/Ft. Worth has some of the fastest growing communities in the country.  Unfortunately, urban Dallas has a fairly high crime rate, but think they're working diligently on that problem.  Out here where I am, I feel totally safe.  I can send you some info if you like.  Boy, they are having you make a quick decision - 30 days?  EEEEK!!

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645
duff wrote:

Kim, your so funny, you always have the good info!      Thank  you! :hug:

I'll PM her!

he he he  bear_laugh   No problem bear_original  :hug:

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Wow - 30 days is quick!!!   Hope all goes well for you...   bear_wub  :hug:    How exciting!! 

All I know about Dallas is JR and Miss Ellie, so I guess I'm no help at all!!   bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_whistle  :doh:

beary_clairey Luton
Posts: 518

Me too Clare. LOl !! And Bobby Ewing !!!



duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

I am terrified at the time line!   The whole idea came up when talking to a co-worker last week so I have really only had the weekend to digest it all.  At first I thought it was a good idea (thursday) by Friday I was think to myself, no I will jsut stay here.  Then by Saturday I thought to myself what do I have to lose?   I have no family here in Florida (Mom & Dad are actually in New Mexico) so that makes the finaly decision easier but still really scary.   I have not been able to sleep, unsure of how on earth I will actually get my house sold, packed, find a new house and get me and all the dogs to TX by then!           

Let the whirlwind begin!

Oh' and good news I think I'll fit in, my littlest doggie is Little Miss Ellie   bear_grin

SueAnn, just sent you a Pm,  Thank you!   

Thank you everyone, I just knew you would have some ideas for me!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Duff, the Dallas Morning News is online, so I'm gonna send you a link.  They have a large classified section, so you can spend some time looking at possible homes.  You may call me anytime, but I probably would prefer mornings since I try to be working on bears in the afternoon.  I'll send my telephone # to you via a PM.  Wow, you would only be one state away from your parents if you move here.  Arlington and Grand Prairie would be okay, but you might check out Plano, Carrollton, Lewisville (I'm close to Lewisville - in fact, used to live there), Frisco (very up and coming right now), Coppell, Grapevine, Southlake - and it goes on and on.  This area is just amazing for its booming growth right now.  You can 'Google' any of those places and they probably have a website.  Good luck!!

lulubears Posts: 280

Thought I'd jump in here.  I actually live in Austin, which is about 4 hours south of Dallas.  I'm a died in the wool Texan.  I was born here and after my husband's retirement with the Air Force, we settled in for good.  Like Sue Ann mentioned, I'd probably look for someplace on the outskirts of Dallas, rather than right in the city.  Everyone commutes anyway.  There are a lot of bear artists in the entire state, not to mention 3 shows!  That's a pretty good incentive in itself.  There's a bear show in Albuquerque in May as well, so things are looking up already.  Ha!

I would check with the local Chamber of Commerce as well for information, as they are usually very helpful.  Looking up the various towns online can give you a lot of information.  Best of luck to you!   Luann

Sue@Peggotty Peggotty
Posts: 56

Duff, hi
I have just moved from the UK to Dallas as my hubby is on a two-year assignment over here.  We live in Plano which is about 40 mins. from downtown Texas ... and we are just loving it!  So much to do and the Texan people are unbelieveably friendly.  After 3 months I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from being away from the fantastic UK bear community so It would be great to keep in touch if you do come over.  Maybe we could all get in touch - Sue Ann and Luann  - if you do come.
Good luck in your decision making.
Sue bear_laugh

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Hi Duff, I'm from Texas , just moved to Denver, colorado a few years ago.
From Odessa, but visited Dallas often, great place to live I would say.
People from texas are some of the nicest people you will ever
meet. I have not felt that warmth here in colorado! :(
If you decide to make the move I wish you the best. Plus you would be closer to
your family right? That would be nice!

duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

Hi Everyone,    Looks like I am one step closer!  Boss is in agreement that this is a good idea for me and the company.    Now just need to finish negotiations.   

I am so happy to hear from so many of you confirming what I was hoping to be true!    Friendly Texans and a bear community to boot!   What more could I ask for?   :dance:   Thank you to everyone for chiming in, I can't tell you how much this has helped me in making my decision.  In my list of pro's and cons' to moving, nothing of consequence has popped up on my con list.     Big bugs (I swear we just have to have bigger bugs in Florida - red ants my the ga'zillions, three inch flying roaches just to name a few, eeew!) We have humidity here also, I don't know my way around, I will miss all of my friends, and I don't know but three people in Dallas.   That is the con list so far.  The pro list just keeps on growing bear_grin 

Although I must admit I am terrified!  bear_cry  But without change what is there? 

I look forward to getting this off the ground, landing in Dallas, and with any luck possibly all us Texans could have a bear party of our own!     I am so glad to hear there are a few of you in Dallas and surrounding area. 

Thank you for all the updates on Texas and the support!    I hope to meet you soon SueAnn, Sue and Luann!

Duff  :hug:

millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

I'll just jump in here with my 2 cents worth.  I lived in Houston for 5 years.  My husband is from Houston so we have family there.  Texas does grow on you.  When we discuss the chance of returning to Texas, we look in the hill country area.  I am not a city person and it would be hard to fit my horses and rabbits into the city atmosphere.  Texas summers are hot, but spring and fall are absolutely beautiful there.  I envy you having such an adventure before you.

Sue@Peggotty Peggotty
Posts: 56

Let us know when you get here!

Sue@Peggotty :dance:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

One of my best girlfriends spent a good number of years in Plano and loved it.  She's a SoCal girl at heart and her family is there and so are the graphic design/art director/corporate branding/television and movie jobs, so she and hubby (who she met in Texas!) moved back to SoCal a few years back.  But she spoke highly of Plano and Texas more generally while there.

She did mention, however, that to truly fit in, you need to bring along EXTRA HAIRSPRAY.


Good luck!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Shelli wrote:

She did mention, however, that to truly fit in, you need to bring along EXTRA HAIRSPRAY.

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh

Yes, Melissa, you are right when you say Texas is flat . . . a large part of it is definitely that!  But, because of its size, it has a very diverse topography.  Very mountainous in the far west, the flat plains from the panhandle down to central west Texas, the Dallas area is in the part known as the lakes/prairie section, the eastern part has thick forests, then there is the seacoast - but my very favorite area is Hill Country - just a magical place.  Millie . . . sounds like you are fond of it, too.  We are thinking seriously about moving there at some point in our lives.  Guess it better be pretty soon before we're too old to enjoy it!  I talked to Duff this morning and she sounds like a super wonderful lady . . . very articulate and knowledgeable . . . and I look forward to having her move here!

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684


What a big decision!  Where are you in Florida?  I'm in Boca Raton. 

I haven't been to Dallas in over 15 years so I can't help you too much with that.  Good luck with your decision!

duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

OMG...  bear_wacko  The deal is done.   Nervous wreck!  Last year about this time I put a simple sign over my office door on an 8x10 sheet of paper that has the words "I am Ready" on it.   I needed a change and I figured that when the time was right it would come.   Dear god, it has has come. bear_tongue

SueAnn, Thank you for taking the time to speak with me and the kind words!   I really appreciate it and it looks like I will be visiting Dallas next weekend for a house hunting trip.  As we spoke I have a friend in the real estate business in the area and gave him the names of the various areas you mentioned!  Currently working with a few friends here to get my house ready to sell.    The only real issue so far is temporary housing due to the three dogs.  But I suppose that will sort itself out.   This is really the only part I am really concerned about!  Two movers have been by to give me quotes and the third comes out monday.     Here we go!   

I love Teddies - I am up here in St. Pete area!   Thank you! I need all the luck I can get!

Shelli - I figured I should hold off on getting the hair spray, no need to pay a dollar a pound to get it there! But it is on my initial shopping list  bear_tongue     

Thank you everyone, I'll be checking back when I can to see all the fun that is going on but it may be from Texas!

Thank you everyone!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Duff, I'm getting a package off to you with LOTS of real estate info . . . hope you get it before you leave next weekend.  Good luck to you and I look forward to having you in my area! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

I´ve only been to Fort Worth for about a week, but I know a few people all over the US.
Lemme tell you something: if everything else fails- Texans are probably the nicest people with the biggest hearts. Or maybe they have two  :doh:

I wish you good luck in relocating!

Gaby  bear_flower
PS: in the whole week in Fort Forth I didn´t see one single cowboy  bear_whistle -

duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

Needed a break from a hectic week!    And look where I found myself at!  Here, once again catching up on all the fun!   

Thank you SueAnn, I bet it makes it here by then!   I don't leave until next Saturday Morning.

Gaby, I have a  feeling that I may actually run into more cowboys here in Florida!   And I have heard the same about all the folks in Texas!   Where is Wien?   

I am getting more excite and a bit surprised that I am not more sad in leaving.  I would guess that means this must be the right decision! 

Thanks foR all the support!

Does anyone have any tips or pointers on relocating?    Trying to get a list together on things to do before hand!

Happy Saturday!


Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

relax! It´s easter  bear_original
But I bet you´ve got loads to do still...

You might be right about the cowboys in FL, but I didn´t even see any there *giggle* I think,they are a spoof! They don´t exist bear_tongue

Wien, or Vienna as it is called in English, is the capital of Austria, a tiny country in the heart of Europe. We only have abt. 8 Mio inhabitants and an increasing number of teddy bears.
If you find the time to sneek a peek :
I even downloaded Google Earth, as suggested in this homepage to have a view over Wien, and guess what: I even foud my house in the outskirts of Vienna. I even see my car parked in front of my house!!!! THIS IS FRIGGIN SCARY!!!!!

A completely flabbergasted Gaby bear_wacko  bear_flower

duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

Oh SueAnn!    I owe you BIG!   Thank you so much the package arrived today, wow did you ever get a ton of stuff bear_grin    I just can thank you enough  :hug: ,  This will keep me busy the entire flight out and then some!

I'll buy you lunch once I get my feet back on the ground!    Oh So much to do!     Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Gaby, I did take a sneak peek, looks absolutely splendid!   Thank you for the link!   

Stressed out Duff  bear_grin

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