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Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Hi All!!!

Whew!! I am SO beat!  I am looking forward to seeing EVERYONE's reports of whoever attened the show!  Everyone has a slightly different experience and I think it's fun to hear them all.   I attended ABC's April show as a collector this time as I did not think I could get ready for a show so soon after moving.  I had a BLAST! 

For me the day started on Friday morning... with Art Roger's teddy bear necklace class.  George is his assistant and boy, they are both a hoot!!  We all had a great time bear_original  I love taking these workshops as I always come away with some new technique that I had never thought to use before.  Art and George did a fun thing during their class.... they had door prizes bear_original  Everyone put their name in a box and when their name was drawn, they went up to the table to choose a teddy bear related goody. 

The neat thing for students in these ABC workshops is that the artist does all the cutting out and sewing of the pieces ahead of time.... so all of your class time is spent on the more fun part of bear making.  This also allows most people to be able to finish their project in the 1/2 day or single day that is allocated for the class... (course, there are some of us who finished up in the hallway after class LOL!) 

I was the first one into the classroom on Friday morning... and soon afterwards another lady joined me.  Turns out we both live in the same Chicago suburb, both lived in the same Chicago suburb before moving to our current home, both love making teddy bears and both love racing!!  Talk about fate LOL!  Needless to say... we exchanged phone numbers bear_original

Art's mom and dad also joined the class and they were awesome!!!  They kept me in stitches the entire class LOL!!   Someone in the class talked Art into bringing in his bears and creatures for a sneak preview... Oh My Gosh... WHAT a TREAT!!  There's some talk about MAYBE that Art may do this class again next April only this time with a bunny.... but nothing's for sure on that yet.  If you do want to attend... be sure to drop Connie and Amber an email to let them know!  Here's their website:

I did not get a chance to talk to anyone in the other class... which I would have LOVED to take.... "Learn to Articulate" by Armella Dana.  This was an all day workshop also on Friday in which you assembled a whole bear using locline!  It was tough to choose between the two....

After I put the finishing touches on my teddy bear necklace, I grabbed a  bite to eat in the hotel's restaurant... a huge delicious burger!!!  And then I wandered back to find Mindy's “Teddy JeoBEARdy.”   I ran into Amy Thornton (Mutz Tootz)  It was hillarious and we all had a great time....

Soon after that the artists were able to start setting up their tables.  I offered to help Amy with opening the doors.... forgetting that they were automatic LOL!

I then met up with another friend who I had not seen since the October ABC Schaumburg show and spent some time catching up with her.... and then went back to the hotel's restaurant to meet Amy and some others for dinner.  I was a little late but in time for some great conversation.  I was still kinda full from lunch so I just had a diet Pepsi and french fries..... thank goodness my mother didn't see me LOL!

After that the artists got changed for the dessert reception and the early bird opening of the showroom. 

The desserts looked fabulous!  I didn't get a chance to see the table... couldn't eat any anyways since I can't have sugar... but the chance to get together and talk with everyone was great! 

I was so happy to finally meet my friend from New Mexico... Kären!  She and her husband Ed came all the way JUST for this show!!  It was wonderful to meet them in person... when we started talking it was like talking with an old friend... we've been emailing for so long bear_original

And then.... the showroom opened!!!!!  As a collector.. it was fabulous!!!  YES, I was able to go shopping!!  It was so hard!!!  I could have had $10,000 to spend (I WISH) and STILL not have been able to get ALL the bears that I wanted!  So many high quality collector teddy bears in one room!!  This is a juried show... and it certainly shows bear_original  I decided to look for something entirely different than what I already had in my hug.... and chose one from Art Rogers. 

  I have to admit though... I was bad about picture taking...  I saw Mindy from Teddy Bear & Friends doing a great job of picture taking... so I wasn't worried LOL!  Actually, I was so busy ooogling all those beautiful bears and talking with eveyrone.. I usually forgot that I had my camera with.  (and it was ONLY for taking photos with permission as general photography of the showroom is not allowed)  The showroom closed at 10pm.  It was hard to tear myself away LOL!  Since I live within 30 minutes of the hotel, I drove home and then collapsed into bed.

The next day I rose bright and early at 5:30am so I could shower and get ready to go back!  I attended the Theodore Society Breakfast and Award presentation.  (Thank you Kären for saving me a seat!!!   I was running a tad bit late..)  The Marriott sure knows how to put on a delicious breakfast buffet!  And... any desserts that were left from the night before were available for the morning! 

Cooperstown very generously donated the centerpieces for the tables:  Chicago White Sox teddy bears (in honor of the incredible 2005 season!!).  Somehow Amber and Connie were able to find  Chicago White Sox World Championship pennants to go along with them.

This show is the 20th anniversary of ABC Unlimited Productions - Schaumburg was their very first show!  To celebrate the anniversary, talented artist Martha Burch created the souvenir for all who bought the Collector Weekend Package.  It is a darling little bear inside a box which has been decorated with memorabilia from ABC's past teddy bear shows!

There was a lot of good natured ribbing and fun.... and then it was decided that Tyler Crain would now take Jared Monroe's place for all the teasing etc for being the youngest bear artist... for which Jared was eternally grateful LOL!!

And then.... it was time for us collectors to relax a bit while the artists got ready for us again!  I did remember my camera bear_original  And asked Donna Manthey to take a photo of Kären and I.  I wanted to be sure to have a photo of the two of us together!!! 

Afterwards a bunch of us decided to sit and relax in the hotel lobby to wait until the showroom opened....  Kären introduced me to some of her other oline friends... from the Classicteddybears yahoo group.  Pam, Marge, Cathy, Nancy, "Peoria" bear_original  and Sarah  (please FORGIVE me if I forgot anyone!!!  it was a crazy weekend bear_original )  What a great group of people!!!  Many of them were in Art's teddy necklace workshop, so I had gotten to know them a little bit the day before.  Nancy taught me the "secret" to getting a Diet Coke in this hotel.  You see, the hotel only serves Diet Pepsi in their restaurants and vending machines.... but if you ask nicely...they'll find you a Diet Coke!!!  Thank goodness..... there's just nothing like a Diet Coke!

And then the showroom opened again!  Once again I was overwhelmed by all the fantasic creations and friendly teddy bear people bear_original  I normally stay the entire time the showroom is open.  I just can't get enough of all of those quality collectible teddy bears and friendly bear talk in one room.   I had a wonderful time meeting up with old friends... and making new ones.  I had the pleasure of meeting in person...  Mindy Kinsey & Kellie Love from "Teddy Bear & Friends" and Carie Ferg - the new editor of "Teddy Bear Review". ... all great people!

However, this time I just didn't have enough stamina.... and I actually left about 1:30 in the afternoon...That is unheard of for me!  I was very disappointed... as I really wanted to go to dinner with Kären and Ed!!!  However, when I collapsed at home I immediately fell asleep for 2 hours, woke up in time to make dinner... and then soon went back to bed until 10:00 the next morning.  I'd say I was a little wiped out.  I think it was from the long Friday the day before the main show day.  I can't imagine how I would have made it all day Saturday if I was an exhibitor!!  And all of the exhibitors had a MUCH longer trip home than I did LOL!

I heard that one collector made the suggestion to have the workshops on Sunday instead of Friday.  So many people have to work on Friday... so this would make it possible for more people to attend.  Although I think workshops are a great fun way to "kick off" the weekend... I think it might be a little easiser that way... IF it's feasible with others schedules and the hotel.  I know I may not have been so exhausted on Saturday if I didn't start so early on Friday LOL!

Below are the few photos that I did remember to take during the weekend... hope you enjoy! 

  [size=18]A Few Photos from the
ABC Teddy Bear Show
in Schaumburg, IL[/size]

"Pudge" Teddy Bear Necklace Class
by Art Rogers




IMG_0004.jpg I ended up getting the bear on the right...




“Teddy JeoBEARdy” with Mindy Kinsey of "Teddy Bear & Friends"




Amy Thornton of Mutz Tootz!


Me & Kelly Zimmerman of Canna Bear Paint


Collector's Package Souvenir by Martha Burch


Kären (from New Mexico) and Laura (me)
and then also with her husband Ed.


The Crew from ClassicTeddyBears Yahoo Group!






kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Neat pics!! I love the little bear you got! I can see why you did!!! I would love to attend a bear show sometime bear_original I think I would go broke though! Thank you for sharing, LL!  :hug:

Those little necklaces are too cute!!!

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Wonderful Laura Lynn...Thanks so much for sharing.  Like you Kim, I'd love to attend a a collector first...then a big HUGE maybe an an artist.  HA HA!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Looks like a great time, and isn't Mindy just as cute as a button?  She looks so YOUNG!

Laura, these are great photos. 

I've seen Art's work before in magazines and on the net but somehow yours, being so up close and personal, really bring them to life.  I think sometimes photos just don't do these creations justics, which is why it's so great that we still have shows where we can touch and feel and just see them in real time, in the flesh.

Thanks so much for sharing!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thanks so much Laura . . . your photos are wonderful as well as your report!  I appreciate the time and effort you made to keep us informed - looks like it was totally fun!!

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Awww ~ Laura Lynn ,
thanks so much for sharing your pics !
I'm glad you had a great time at there. bear_flower
  I could understand how you got so exhausted !  bear_wacko  Friday class may made you so tired but the little bear
"Pudge" is so cute !!! it's die for !  bear_wub

I love hearing bear show report,
this is so fun.  :dance:  bear_grin
Thanks !

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Oh thank you Laura!! What a beautiful show it must have been! Looks like everyone had a HOOT!!!

Many Hugs Louise

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Laura thank you for that wonderful view of the Shaumburg Show ...

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Great report and pictures Laura. I love the bear necklace, he looks so cute. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us.

Hugs Jane.  bear_thumb

Jill West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 184

Laura Lynn,

Nice reporting - thanks for the pictures.  Love the little bear you bought and the necklace you made.  Thanks again for bringing the show to us.


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Thank you Laura! Wow, what a great time! Must've been alot of bears to see in 3 days. Soo jealous!

I also love Art's work. I would've grabbed a bear from him as well. Tough to just choose 1 I imagine.

Thanks for sharing.

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Thanks for the great virtual tour of  the show Laura !  Someday I'd love to attend a real bear show.  Sounds like you had a blast and I love that bear you bought.   :dance:

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Great post Laura.  I wish I could have been there too.  Great necklace!! bear_thumb

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original Wow, Laura--Thanks for having such a good time for our sakes!  bear_laugh

I wanna gooooo!


Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Thanks for sharing your stories and pics with us, Laura. I'm so bummed I didn't get to go. Daniel's flight from Vegas didn't get in til 6:30 p.m. Thursday so there was no way I could talk him into going to Chicago on Friday! What a party pooper!

I'm glad to hear you had a fabulous time!

zemeski Posts: 434

Laura -
Thanks for taking time to share such an exciting event!! The pictures are great!!! bear_thumb

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

I was so glad to report bear_original  I know I always enjoy everyone else's show reports!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Laura, I loved your show report, which you must have been posting more or less simultaneously with my own report on the NC show.  Great pictures, and it looks like you got to hang with a number of terrific bear lovers like yourself.  Art's bear necklace is darling!  I heard that he's just the funnest and nicest person from some of the NC folks this last weekend.  I hope to meet him someday.

Thanks for posting so many great photos and your description of time spent at your show!

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor


I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Thanks for the report and the pictures.  I enjoyed reading it.   bear_original

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Thanks very much for reporting and sharing your photos of the Schaumburg show, Laura Lynn.
Looks like a great time, was had by all!



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