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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca


JoAnne ... it was so nice to meet you and your wonderful bears ... I must say ...they are even more marvelous in the fur.   Thank you for the extra effort you gave by presenting your class on bearmaking ... everyone enjoyed it.

I was so busy I did not take very many pictures at all thank you for taking the time and effort in doing that.  The Quinlans did a superb job and I do hope we can have another show like this in the very near future.  Everyone I talked with was positive and having fun.... collectors and artists alike.




I live in the Midwest and am lucky I'm on the east side of the storm ..On Christmas Day the temp was 48 and by afternoon it was 19 with blowing snow and gusty winds.   The rain before has flooded the well pit and I have no water, but thankfully still have electricity and a warm house.   Will get a sump pump for the pit and hopefully will have water soon.     This too shall pass!!!!

Hoping others have fared the weather without drastic impositions or hardships ...come on spring !!!





Wishing you continued health .... and if it came to a choice of a party or you feeling better, I'm sure everyone would forego the party !! ...  hopefully there will be next year !!!!   Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year !!!



Merry Christmas ...let the festivities begin !!!



And to you and yours Christine ... May God richly Bless you, comfort you and bring Joy in the days ahead.



Merry Christmas Ann-Marie ..... and a Happy New Year !!!!




I have seen that face on several people ... Christmas almost here ???

Cute greeting !!!!   Merry Christmas to you too!



2009-Bear-Card-009-TTCrd.jpgand to all a Happy New Year !!!



I sent each of my grandkids a message from Santa saying they were nice, and then I sent one to their mother, my daughter, that she was naughty, spending money on shoes and too much shopping, .....the kids loved it!!!!    Later ...Santa did send a message that mom was nice .... so there is room for improvement right before Christmas.

Merry Christmas All !!!!



The Chicagoland Teddy Bear Show was AWESOME ... it was the second show this year in which I participated.  The collectors were there shopping and enjoying the day ... the atmosphere, to me was fun and fellowship.... everyone had a smile on their face.

Thank you Daphne and Laura for all the hard work and the extra touches ...also ... many thanks to their immediate family members who contributed to the success of the show.

I  took only a few photos (was too busy enjoying the atmosphere and having a good time) which I will post to Face Book and put the link here.

Again, thank you Daphne and Laura ... please hold my spot for next year.




Sorry I haven't been as active a member of Teddy Talk, but the past year has been a challenge for me ..both physically and emotionally.  It was one year June 2 that my husband passed away and my world has changed completely.

I am responsible for EVERYTHING now .... keeping up the house, mowing yard, paying all the bills, meeting with the insurance people, holding a full time job, helping my daughter through a divorce and bankruptcy, being there for the grandkids .... and on and on and on.   

I have scheduled a couple of shows this fall and am just starting to get back into the bears.... although I'm not making as much progress as I would like..... but with God's help, I'll get a few little critters made and enjoy once again being with all the wonderful members of the teddy bear world.

I have been thinking of several other avenues of creativity to compliment the bears, but so far, they have only been tossed around in my mind.


Wanda Carson


TT-032-DrkPrt-72.jpgOh my goodness !!!  I almost fell off my chair at work when I read the list of TOBY nominees.  Since I had not gotten any phone calls, I had resigned myself to trying again next year ... "Bennie" is such a little "Plain Joe" ... I didn't think he could stand with all the extraordinary and amazingly wonderful pieces I have seen here on Teddy Talk.  The artistry and creativity I have seen here is outstanding and makes me humble and honored to be among those listed.

Here's "Bennie"


Just saw an article in the Wall Street Journal dated 1-14-09 entitled "Pelosi's Toy Story" about this very thing.

It says "Responding to the uproar, CPSC has issued a rule-making notice that would exempt natural materials from having to be certified as lead-free .... but it will need to go further to avoid an economic trainwreck in February.   The real responsibility lies with Congress, which rushed through "kid-friendly" crowd-pleaser legislation without considering the consequences."

Since the mohair we all use is a natural product, there might be hope, but what about the glass eyes, joints, cotterpins, etc.

Sounds like someone jumped the gun without thinking things through ... a typical government move.

Where's the petition ... I want to sign ????



Before my granddaughter was born, she had not turned and caused some concern with the doctor.  He told my daughter to place a radio playing music between her legs while she was lounging on the couch or lying in bed and the baby would turn to the music.   It worked !!! ... She turned and was born in the correct position.

Good luck !!

Wanda Carson



You poor thing ...I know how it feels .. pretty awful.  And when you try to do grip anything, the cracks spread or get bigger and bleed.  I usually tape mine so any pressure I apply to my fingers won't create further damage.  Let me know if you can not get the creme in Europe.   I would be happy to send it to you.


Yes, this  type has Alpha Hydroxy in it.  Probaby to stimulate the growth of new skin cells to repair the damaged skin.  There is a warning about exposure to the sun, but during the winter, there's not much sun to worry about. 



My fingers not only get rough and dry ...they crack ..bleed and are very "ouchy" ... painful to do anything ... usually tape them so they don't tear more.  I have tried all the cures mentioned here without good results.  My fingers will just not heal once they get cracked and the dry cold weather doesn't help.

Discovered the cure ... "Eucerin" Dry Skin Therapy  Plus Intensive Repair Hand Creme.  I felt instant results the first time I used it.   After the second time, I could see the cracks healing.  A fellow co-worker who just finished radiation treatments told me about it.  The doctors recommended it for healing the radiation burns and I see it is good for hand eczema too.

And ... this too can be bought at Walmart.    A small tube (2.7 oz) costs around $5 but so worth it.  It is non-greasy and absorbs quickly. Just thought I would pass along my solution in case someone else out there has badly cracked fingers.




Big Congratulations to all the winners ... it is a real honor to be nominated.   And an "Atta Girl/Boy" to those who made the effort to enter the competition.  Big hugs to you all



I let my first domain expire (not negligence ..just ignorance) and someone in Europe bought it and now it is a [INVALID] site ....egads!   Didn't realize it until I gave the address to someone and they told me about it.  Oh my Gosh !!!!     In some circles the word teddy, teddies, etc means something entirely different than we interpret here at Teddy Talk.

I was so upset, but nothing I could do about it.   Hope this doesn't happen to every domain when it expires.



Good Luck Everyone!!! ...It was a year ago today that I got the word about my TOBY Nomination ... what an awesome feeling.   Here's hoping you all get to experience your "fifteen minutes of fame" this year.

I didn't create anything worthy of entry this past year, so not on "Pins and Needles" .... Wishing you all success!!



Wow ...After a hard's day work in Santa's Shop ...I take a spill on the slopes ...but then I get to party with a couple of handsome lads !!!    Sooo much fun!!!   Jane your parties are the best.  Haven't had this much fun since your last party.

Thank you for making my day was a hoot!!!   You are just too kind and giving of yourself ... I do thank you.




Did I get a surprise in the mail today or what?  Chad and Victoria of BraggAbout Bears outdid themselves.   Not only did I receive a wonderful personalized Christmas Card, but a yummy treat ...  Mistletoe Kisses .... three Galaxy chocolate pieces with an "indulgent Mousse and caramel center" ...    I also enjoyed the "extras" that spilled out when I opened the package too.

Thank you so much for the Christmas surprise ... it made my day!!!





AMAZING  ... What a teriffic display !!!   You have put a lot of time, effort and talent into this one.  I especially like the bear Christmas tree cute!!!       No way would I have thought of all the different aspects you have displayed.   Thank you for helping others to see the world of the teddy bear.




My tree has been up for a week now ...finally got it decorated this afternoon..... the ornaments all have special memories balls with pics of the kids when they were small and now pics of the grandchildren too.

Of course there are lots of bear related ornaments which I have received as gifts.   




So glad you went to the doctor to get a diagnosis, but to me it sounds like a good old-fshioned panic attack.   Been there ...done that .... ER room, everything.

It is hard to relax and take it easy when your life is so hectic.   For me, I have found that if I can stay away from the caffeine (love the cappucinos), get plenty of fresh air and exercise, that I have fewer of them.

And when they do come, I get out of bed and walk ... turn on the late night shows and try to get my mind off myself and walk while listening to insignificant rantings on the tube.    It works for me.   Thank God I haven't had any for quite a while.

As I get older, I have learned that I can't do everything, some things have to go undone, but you know what, 9 times out of 10, no one notices that they haven't gotten done!!!     

Please take care of yourself, be kind to yourself ..... and see the doctor when and if you think you need to do so .... it is better to have them tell you there's nothing wrong than to put it off when it could be something.



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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn