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I just went to facebook and found out about another update re: Morning Glory stuffing.
Here is the link:!/sea … 1607203596
So there is still hope :-)
If the link doesn't open up. Paste it onto your browser or go to facebook and type in Morning Glory Stuffing in the search box.
Have a great week,
Janets Creative Pillows


Thank you so much for the stuffing information. This is so good to know. I am not happy with the stuffing I have been using either. Thank you for writing to Wal Mart. Let's hope that they change their minds and bring it back. I can't understand for the life of me how they can take away a good product and replace it with something awful.

I think I will write to them again. We need to keep on complaining. Maybe that will work.

Anyway I appreciate that you got in touch with me.

Have fun creating!

Janets Creative Pillows bear_grin


I found your cute teddy site by chance and saw how unhappy many of you are without Morning Glory stuffing so I thought I would share some possible good news. Here is a link to other crafters who have also been unhappy..!/pag … 380?ref=ts

Mornng Glory has been invited to speak to Wal Mart about carrying the fiber again!

Hope this brings you smiles.


Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows

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