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Delartful Bears

WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Exciting.  I think I'm going to try to get enough guts to enter a competition! Since it's Australian, I think I will be extra game. 

Thanks Sandra- how very exciting.  About time!  You go girl!

Delartful Bears

Congratulations Paula!!!  What a fantastic article!  Congratulations, much deserved  bear_thumb  :clap:  :dance:

Delartful Bears

Wow how awesome!!!!  Hope you have a fantastic time here! I'm in Canberra Gemma... would have been fun to meet you...

Oooh I wonder if we could organise a TT meet up in Sydney?  :dance:

Delartful Bears

I want the bunny!!!!!!!!! So adorable!  Gorgeous bears aswell of course - clever man your dad is!

How lovely to see what your father has been up to.

Delartful Bears

Oh they are stunning! I want I want!

He's very talented Daph!

Delartful Bears

Hi Everyone,

Firstly I would like to appologise for my lack of participation lately.  Some of you probably have no clue as to who I am even LOL

Anyhow, the real reason I'm posting!  I would just like to gather thoughts on eBay's new feedback policy. 

The read up, visit:

I appologise if this topic has already been explored - I'm unaware of any thread and have looked.

So, thoughts?
I hate the idea that sellers can no longer leave negative feedback!!!


Delartful Bears

Wooohoo!! Congratulations to all the nominees - wonderful news, I'm very happy for you all!!!  :hug:  :dance:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Delartful Bears

Clare, take no notice at all!!!  What a bunch of idiots!  YOu really are a beautiful person - inside and out!


Delartful Bears

Ooooh she is sooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!  I just think she's as cute as a button and in my eyes just as cute Marion's daughter LOL


Delartful Bears

Hi Catherine,

If most of your sales are in the US - I would go with the US$ then.  The only thing I hate about that is with the way the exchange rate fluctuates... 

I'd go with whatever you feel most comfortable with.  The 95% is a huge percent, so personally I'd go with the US$ - but that's just my opinion!

Delartful Bears

Whooohooo!! I made an appearance!  Fantastic jane - you have outdone yourself AGAIN! I can't even imagine how many hours you put into this.

What fun we all had.  HUGE Thankyou Jane  :hug:  :dance:  :clap:

Delartful Bears

Oooh Iva!  That's fantstic!  Congratulations - hope you both have a happy and joyful life together!!!

You made a very beautiful bride!

Delartful Bears

:dance:  :dance:  :dance: I just LOVE my box - thankyou so much Wendy!!! It was very exciting to open it!!
Thankyou Wendy for the beautiful box - I am so very lucky and greateful to have received it.

Danni xoxo   :hug:

Delartful Bears

Oh Krista, I hate some people sometimes also.  How could anyone do that to a living thing?   bear_cry  bear_cry It just breaks my heart.

Thank goodness you have come to her rescue and she can now count on you.  You are a wonderful woman.

Delartful Bears

Ooooooooooh she is adorableeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want one so bad!

Delartful Bears

Oooh we just had carpet layed Wednesday!!!  So I feel your pain with packing everything.  Unfortunatly - we were only given notice on Monday afternoon LOL

Have fun!  But new carpet is fantastic!

Delartful Bears

WOOOHOOO!! That's wonderful news Clare!!!!

Congratulations to you both :hug:

Delartful Bears

Hahha I LOVE her bears!  It makes me giggle - so cute!
Lucky you!

Delartful Bears

I haven't even started yet - but my supplies arrived this week for what I have in mind....................
:dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

Can't wait!!!

Delartful Bears

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup: That is so funny - you handled the situation very well, I know I wouldn't have cracked up laughing LOL  Oh gosh, that is classic!


Delartful Bears

WOOHOO!!!  That is wonderful news - have a wonderful life together Celena & Paul!

Delartful Bears

Shelli - your son is a character!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:   How gorgeous is HE!!

Actually all the kids are gorgeous  -  makes me want my own even more!

Delartful Bears

Great photos Bobbie - thanks for sharing.

Delartful Bears

I am so jealous - I wish I could have been there - it looks like soooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun!!!


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