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Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

OOOPS! Sorry Marion!!! :redface:  :redface: And Veronica!

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

aug2006007.JPGThere is an old saying that comes to mind right now "Like the old farmer said when he kisses his cow...if we all thought alike, you would all wanna kiss my old cow"...
This foam thing is not where I want to go...and I have taught many the needle felting process as I learned it through trial & error...and much help from were the one who explained the "tennis ball" effect when I first had it happen to me!!! Bless you for that!!!...If someone wants to buy this kit with the foam bear & try it that be it...but even my niece on her first try at needle felting did it from core wool to color with no problem. Will post a picture of what she made as soon as this forum lets me...
I honor everyones opinions...but I am entitled to mine as well...and I am sure that we can agree to disagree...and the foam thing is just not for me...
Hugs &

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Very interesting read here and very interesting concept!!!

Art.... not in my opinion... that goes back to the 'artist' vs. 'maker' discussions we've had (had... therefore not having again any time soon I hope!!)

Craft..... absolutely and I'd likely try this method if I wasn't into bear making already or felting and just wanted to play around with it, get the feel.... see if I liked it before I dove head first and invested in all the right supplies, etc. I think bear making kits already sewn together are great for the same reason and I've used them to teach many bear making classes.

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Yep Daphne that's what I meant not that it ever got there  :crackup:

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

Thx for all of the PMs - and thank goodness for the individuality of every one of us!

Charlotte - the image is priceless - it exemplifies exactly what I wrote

There are few actual beginner's all-wool projects that don't have charm of their own, not matter how much improvement is needed in technique

I'm sure she learned a lot more about how the wool re-acted, and what the needle did in manipulation, by thrusting it into wool than into foam.

All of the points made are valid and I Thank each and every one of you for expressing them.

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Ah Bobbie it would be a very boring world if it were all the same.
ANd that was gives us talented people like you someone who could do something different to everyone else.  :hug:

kerrenmorris K M Bears
Posts: 349

but when you think of it the ty beanies were enormously collectable a few years ago. Folk were going mad over them. They were collectable, but nothing like owning a one of a kind artist bear. But some people like lots of little trinkets rather than one ore two quality items. I have seen at some of the fairs, that collector would buy a bear for its price and not the quality of workmanship. You ask your self why? Do they feel they are getting a bargain? Or is it the fact they don’t sew, so they don’t see if it is well made or poor quality? i really don't know.
hugs Kerren

articicle Posts: 119

people buy chia pets and pet rocks...  I am not sure who is to fault here.  its like telemarketers... someone is buying else they wouldn't be calling.

as an artist who sells art occasionally, I must admit I have done some logo work that was purely pandering to the crowd with a pretty picture because I needed to pay rent... yet I did feel horrible for lowering myself to what I call sailboats and lighthouses... but hunger is a good motivator.

maybe at least they feel a little cheap making these?  then again I remember when I was six or so and making pet rock knock offs for candy, toy, and comic money...

I think I am more offended that there is a market for things like say drugs.  You can be sure that it would go away very quickly if no one "bit"  on that sad note shame on any of you that bought one of those singing billy bass fish, what were you thinking?



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