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Teddy Bear Academy - Online teddy bear making classes
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Oh, most defintely, Christine! In fact, this is his last chance to be relocated before he has to be euthanized. bear_sad I feel so badly for him, and I sincerely hope he does stay away this time. He is just a beautiful animal, and I am soooo inspired to try and make one now!


image002.jpgHello all!! I promised that I would show you all the pictures of our bear that has been raiding garbage cans and generally wreaking havoc in our town in Red Lodge- well, here he is, in all his flower munching glory! Isn't he stunning??? He is in the process now of being trapped and moved further away in hopes that he won't come back.
Anyway, enjoy the picture!
Big bear hugs,
Anita :)
(P.S.- This was taken right ourside of town, on highway 212 leading up to the Beartooth Highway, on the side of hte road. I was in my car at the time, as I really did not want to be eaten by this lovely guy!)


Awww, thanks you guys! Well, Etsy handled it this morning, and I do think that perhaps she may have thrown it away not realizing, but at this point, I am just glad it's done! Now, I do not think she can leave me a neg feedback, because I had told Etsy what happened. It really does stink that people try and take advantage, but I suppose that's all part of doing business! I am still learning, and truly, truly appreciate that you all took the time to respond and give me your input. You guys are the BEST!
Oh, and as soon as I can go to Wal-Mart, I will post pics of the gorgeous black bear that I saw yesterday- he was only about 30 feet from the car!!!!
Biggest hugs,


Hello my bear friends! I am thoroughly enjoying my summer here in Montana- I saw a grizzly cub, a few black bear, it has been amazing! BUT, I am having a bit of a problem. A woman ordered 2 bears from another website, I shipped and packed them together, in the same box. Now she is claiming that she never recieved the little bear. I have Post Office insurance and delivery confirmation stating that the package was recieved, etc, but now she filed an abuse report against me! I really don't know what to do- I sent her a refund so that hopefully she will not leave me neg feedback, but other than that, what should I do?? I am sick to my stomach about this- I have worked very hard to build up a reputation on this site, and don't want it ruined! Any advice? At this point, I am ready to just give up!
Biggest hugs,


Great advice all! THANK YOU! :)
Yes, it is somewhat of a blind date, and actually (you are going to laugh out loud at this one!) he is my father's best friend's nephew. He seems really nice though, and I do promise to come back here and tell all!
With much love and hugs,


Hello all my lovely bear friends! I have a date tomorrow night, my first in a few years, and I am FREAKING OUT!!!!!!! I know, I am going to be myself in all my teddy bear-lovin glory, but I am still so nervous! What do I say? Talk about? Wear???
Please, lend me some advice, or at least a bear hug until tomorrow!
Love and hugs,
Anita bear_original :pray: he was really nice, and really cute, but I am pretty sure it was a one time thing. bear_original But, it's okay, because now at least I feel much more confident and able to do this again sometime! Thanks for the hugs and advice all!
Anita bear_original

MAY 11- Okay guys, so he emailed me and we are going out again next week!!!! bear_original THANK YOU for all your advice and hugs! Wish me luck!!!


Oooh, I love ALL of them!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been on Etsy for a few years now, and really love it. I have bought tons of things there too- it is quite addicting! Here is my link:

Big hugs all!
-Anita bear_original


Thank you all, thank you so much!! It's so funny- it really is the biggest roller coaster ride I have ever been on, being a teacher! One day is absolutely wonderful, and the next can be he-lll on wheels! But through it all, I just truly try and reflect on what I am doing. Thank you all so very, very much for the support!
Love always, and big (sick- ANOTHER COLD!) hugs,
Anita bear_original


hi everyone! I am hoping that this message finds you all happy and healthy! So much has been going on these past few months, it is unbelievable!
First off- my 2nd graders KICKED MAJOR BUTT on out state tests!!!! We scored on average, about 50 points higher than any other class in our school!
I had my formal observation this past week as well, and my principal was just lovely- she really liked what was going on in my room! I am SO PROUD of all my kids!
Then, I got a message from one of my parents who wants to nominate me for a Golden Apple award!!!! Just to hear that she is pleased with how her son is doing was enough to completely make my year!
Finally, I just finished a new bear, and will post him soon. I am so blessed, and feel so grateful for everything that is going on, and just wanted to share with all of my bear friends!
Love and hugs,
Anita bear_original


Lol, Daphne, I know!! I saw a TON of really cute primitive patterns! ;)
Thanks so much for trying!!


Hi everyone! :)
Because I am really, really, impatient, I want to try finding a PDF or e-pattern for a dog. I REALLY want to try making one, and I have googled my bottom off trying to find a place that sells stuffed animal e-patterns! Does anyone have any ideas???
Bear hugs!


Great questions!

Ok, I am going to just spill all here, since every single teddy person I have ever met has been so incredibly sweet...I know you all won't mind, right?
I began making bears because I had a really terrible bout of depression. I had just gotten out of a really terrible relationship, and had moved back home to be with my parents. Well, we went to our home in Montana for some much needed downtime, and hte mountains certainly helped in the healing process. But it wasn't enough- my most favorite bear, (Mr. Bear) was with me at the time, and I got to thinking how cool it would be if I could ever learn how to make my own bear. I went to the bookstore in Billings, and lo and behold, there was a huge book on bearmaking!! I took it as a sign! Since we were all stuck in hte house together in a Montana winter, I just started, teaching myself using others' patterns. It was a great feeling! My first bear is in my sister's room, and seriosly looks like Kermit the Frog. But I found that bear making is the best form of therapy around!!

Thanks for bearing with me- didn't mean to post so much! bear_original
Biggest hugs,
Anita bear_original


Oh, she is such an angel!!!!!!! Congratulations to you and Mom! :)
How incredibly beautiful!! :)


tee hee- how cute!


Oh, the spaniel looks JUST like my grandma's old dog, Pal! What loving dogs those loyal and sweet! Have fun, and give them lots of doggy kisses from me!


Oh my!!!!!! Aaaargghhh... I think Im in love, matey! :)


You know what else helps a bit? Take a thin piece of cardboard, and cut it out to fit the foot pad, then slide that into the bottom of the foot. Put your stuffing on top of that. That helps mine to stand! :)


Well thanks all! It is just amazing, the wealth of information here that no book could ever provide! I am learning every single day- now I know what my future students feel like! bear_original


That's a bunny??? OMG, how adorable! :)


Oh my goodness! This past week, I have been reading some archived posts and topics. I just want to send a humongous thank you to teddy-talk, becuase as a result of those posts, I now have some concrete ideas for improving my craft!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Biggest hugs,


THANK YOU for this info!! I swear, just this morning I was sitting at my kitchen table trying to think of a way to make some cool wings! Oh my goodness, thank you for this! :)


Glad to know I'm not alone in the broken eye club!!! I thought I was really, really daft to break the eyes! I know it's frustrating, Sarah Jane, but you will totally make it work!!
(I have a broken eye collection too- I keep thinking I am going to give them to my future students to use in collage or something maybe?!?)



Oh Laura, my heart goes out to you and your family. I will be saying prayers and sending good thoughts your way.
Give a hug to Isis for me, from my poodles Fancy, and Gidget too!
Love and hugs,

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn