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Hi Shelli
How do the rest of us do your avatar designs???????????
Well Miss Loonie, it's simple...
Abandon bearmaking entirely. Devote yourself instead to working day and night, staying up until 4a.m. at least several times over a seven day period, dorking around the entire time on Adobe PhotoShop 7.0 to the absolute exclusion of all else, including human contact and good nutrition.
What can I say? When I glom onto something, I'm driven! It's my new sideline passion -- digital graphic design. Unfortunately, I am developing a serious nerve damage issue in my rump from all this sitting at my computer!
That's pretty much it, in a nutshell.
Have fun!
Hi Shelli, I showed your designs to my son David and he was really impressed so I have just bought him Adobe Photo shop 7.0 from eBay. David loves to make web graphics so maybe he can teach me how to make my own avatar...not that it will be anything as good as the wonderful creations that you've made.
Have a great day!