For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hi guys,
Have any of you had experience dying loubear mohair? I've been looking for a dark grape coloured fur and figure that my cheapest option will be to dye some white fur to the right colour. I know the composition of the loubear mohair is slightly different though (some of it is 30% viscose and the backing almost feels rubbery, like the back of a non slip bath mat) and if I dye it, I want ALL of it to dye, including the backing.
I haven't decided what kind of dye I would be using yet. Probably RIT dye, as apparently some have had trouble dying purple with Kool Aid in that it comes out a mauve colour instead of the rich dark colour I'm after. For any of you that are interested, however, here is a colour chart of wool dyed with kool aid for reference. … t-high.jpg
Thanks to anyone who can give me some pointers!
Hi Erin, I have dyed the Loubear fabric with Rit powder dye and it dyed really well, backing and all. No difference to dying other mohairs- I have to admit I don't get too technical when I dye lol, just wet it down well first, throw it in the dye- if it works it works;) I did a couple of shades of pink, one very strong hot
pink and the dye took really well.
Good luck with it:) Karen
Excellent! Thanks so much for your reply :)
Shall be ordering some white fur and off to the shops for some dark purple dye now. Woohoo! :dance:
I just got my Loubear order yesterday, fantastic stuff!!! I think they have a page about dyeing and washing on their site, have you seen that? I got their Nora two toned along with some others and oh gosh, its beautiful!!!
I dyed their Nora blue with the brown tip a very dark navy blue. I put it in a pot of boiling dye. It came out at true navy with no sign of the brown tip. If I were you and want a deep purple. I would start with a colored mohair. When I was doing a lot of dying, I used a stone or tan color when I wanted a dark rich color. Since I used boiling liquid I did feel like the back got a little gummy but it did not cause any problem.
Have Fun,
One thing about buying LouBear mohair is that you overseas guys have the exchange rate in your favor. So stock up now.
Bernhard Kossman from Lou Bear will only be to pleased to help you with any queries etc
Thanks guys! And yep, I did see the information about dyes on their website, Sarah. Just wasn't sure if it would work on the already dyed and 30% viscose furs as it looked like they were only referring to the natural furs. I think "natural" is only referring to the colour, but having jumped in head first to too many projects and then realising too late that I read the instructions wrong, I wanted to check first before I wasted my money!
Have placed my order now, so it's all good! I did think it was weird though that they asked for a "delivery date." I wasn't sure what to put there, so I just counted 10 days from tomorrow (2nd Jan when they come back from xmas break). And there was a field for a "free 1/8 metre" so I filled that in too. Couldn't find any info about either of those boxes so I just had to wing it!
If I remember correctly they are having a special right now. If you make a certain purchase you get 1/8 meter free. As far as the delivery date, I always just put in the date that I place the order. I think that form was designed for large companies that do bulk ordering that need delivery throughout the year or quarter. If you are concerned about how you did just send Bernard an email and he will fix it for you. He is wonderful to deal with.
Have fun with all your new fabric.
My mohair on my website is Lou mohair and i dyed it with earth pallette dyes. Fantasic results.
I've been making bears for 8 years now and just FINALLY got up the courage to start dying earlier this year... and I used LouBear. It dyes beautifully. I used RIT in boiling water and it worked perfectly, I recently dyed some "Denis" with the black tips.... dyed it a Taupe color... it came out so yummy! The backing changes a bit... becomes softer and yes, a bit 'sticky'.... though I could still sew it on my machine no problem. The pile becomes fluffy and shiny.... much like it would if you were to simply wash it.
I began buying LouBear about 2 years ago and have always been thrilled with their turn around time on orders and you can't beat the prices!
yep, I was confused by the delivery date too, I put asap lol, but Bernhard is so nice and contacts you straight away with an email, it was a great experience. I got the 1/8 free too, and wow isnt the exchange rate something! I kept adding fur and checking my total....going back and buying more lol and you guys in south africa have pretty stamps Erin, good luck on the dying!
I'll be trying it myself soon
Yep, Bernhard contacted me right away too to let me know my order was underway. He also cleared up a few things for me!
The delivery date field is just a part of the shop system of their service provider, so it seems that entering the day you order or a couple of days ahead isn't going to look too presumptuous on their end as the field is required anyway. Bernhard mentioned though that it does come in handy if you want your parcel shipped later on so it doesn't arrive at a certain time... ie. if you're on holidays. Pretty cool I thought!
He also said that lots of his customers have great success dying the fabrics, so I'm feeling pretty confident now! Apart from the backing getting a bit "sticky" a bit apprehensive about that part. If anything makes the needle harder to push through then I get sore fingers and get impatient. The synthetic fur I'm using at the moment (because I'm out of mohair but can't wait to try a new pattern) came with some sort of suede type backing on it (I assume to prevent stretch) but it really grips the needle so it's going to be a slow one!
I do feel guilty posting about purchasing from other suppliers when this is an Intercal forum, but I just can't afford to order for from Intercal Our exchange rate is pretty terrible at the moment and I only have a limited amount I can spend on supplies. :doh:
ETA: Whoops - forgot to mention that the field for the "free 1/8 metre" applies to orders over 300 Rand. My order was only 10 rand under but Bernhard was kind enough to include my free 1/8 anyway as he'd been reading our posts Had I have known though, I would have gladly increased my order so he wasn't being left out of pocket!
Also - Sarah how long did your order take to arrive? Never had something shipped from South Africa before!
The sticky feel or tackiness seemed to go away after it was completely dry. I had no trouble sewing it at all. It is just something to be aware that might happen so you don't freak out that you have ruined the fabric.
Not to intentionally drag this thread on and on forever, but after going to the only two craft shops near me (and they're both huge!), one of them had a very poorly stocked range of Rit, and the other only carried Dylon. I didn't buy either of them - both out of disgust at the lack of availability and not knowing how dylon dye behaves.
Have been researching and found this, in case anyone is interested.
I have thoroughly confused myself with which brand of dye to get and what KIND of dye. All I know is I want a really dark rich grapey purple colour, that Kool Aid purples don't dye vibrantly, Rit isn't spoken highly of on Craftster, and I have no idea what kind of dye the Dylon was when I went to the shops!
Every time I go shopping for supplies it becomes harder for me to get what I want. It's gotten to the point where I have to order EVERY single bear supply off the internet. It's getting extremely frustrating, disappointing and unmotivating not being able to just pick something up when I need it! (yes, I know... whinge, whinge whinge )
I ordered $300Aud worth and it took about 10 days including weekends. I really didn't have to wait to long. Excellent customer service they have. Love their mohair to. My backing didn't go sticky but i use a cold dye system, so that maybe why not sure. and then I put them in the clothes dyer to fluff up. I love how shiny the mohair comes out and the colour results I got. You will be very pleased. I have to do another order very soon, as I have a show coming up.
i have to order everything from the net, No bears supplies her in Adelaide and the ones that are here I am better off ordering from oversea, even with the exchange rate and postage I am still saving. Spotlight near me has gone down hill and they have nothing. My nose thread size12 don't stock anymore. I went to find leather needles NO, they tried to tell me embroidery needles are the same. They have nothing.
I have dyed Lou Bear too and other mohair as well I always use Rit in very hot water (near boiling) but absolutely soaked in cold water before putting it in the dye bath. I love the results. Just this weekend I have done several pieces and I especially like the rit purple/ dark grape it comes out beautifully. I have used Dylon too and it worked as well but the rit has a better range of colours and I get it from spotlight or tedebits in Sydney Valma has just recently started stocking it even some hardware stores have it. You could try Lindcraft as well. I think this is probably my most favourite part of the bear making process. It is so much fun.
I've ordered 2 packets of Aubergine and 1 packet of Wine, both Rit. I'm hoping that by doubling the dye in the water, I'll get darker results. Can't hurt anyway! And if it's not as dark as I hoped, give it a second dipping. Then if it still isn't dark enough, then I might try overdying it with hair dye or something. Anyone tried that? I know hair dye stains everything including the floor when you use it on your hair, so maybe it's worth a shot. I'm sure I could find some sort of crazy purple colour somewhere.
Not to intentionally drag this thread on and on forever, but after going to the only two craft shops near me (and they're both huge!), one of them had a very poorly stocked range of Rit, and the other only carried Dylon. I didn't buy either of them - both out of disgust at the lack of availability
and not knowing how dylon dye behaves.
Have been researching and found this, in case anyone is interested.
I have thoroughly confused myself with which brand of dye to get and what KIND of dye. All I know is I want a really dark rich grapey purple colour, that Kool Aid purples don't dye vibrantly, Rit isn't spoken highly of on Craftster, and I have no idea what kind of dye the Dylon was when I went to the shops!Every time I go shopping for supplies it becomes harder for me to get what I want. It's gotten to the point where I have to order EVERY single bear supply off the internet. It's getting extremely frustrating, disappointing and unmotivating not being able to just pick something up when I need it! (yes, I know... whinge, whinge whinge
I hate Dylon dye pretty much Did you know Intercal has a wonderful range of dyes in their supplies section?? The colour range is *huge*, and the little packs cost hardly anything to post, you should check them out (and I agree on the poor range of Rit dye, it's very hard to find a good range here in Aus!!)
I've ordered 2 packets of Aubergine and 1 packet of Wine, both Rit. I'm hoping that by doubling the dye in the water, I'll get darker results. Can't hurt anyway! And if it's not as dark as I hoped, give it a second dipping. Then if it still isn't dark enough, then I might try overdying it with hair dye or something. Anyone tried that? I know hair dye stains everything including the floor when you use it on your hair, so maybe it's worth a shot. I'm sure I could find some sort of crazy purple colour somewhere.
I have used the Aubergine and that alone will give you a gorgeous deep purple color!
Whoops, sorry, haven't been on for a week, with Christmas postage took a bit longer than normal, but I reckon I got it in around 10 days. And thanks for clearing up the delivery date thingy, it had me baffled too. Aww, that was so sweet of him to give you the 1/8 anyway
Karen I didn't know Intercal had so many dyes! Cool!!!!
Shelli was posting a while ago about her dying experiences and commented that Dylon were useless, and that she was going to try the Inercal dyes and report back, but unless I can't find it, she must have forgotten! I was wondering about those too.
Edit: My fur arrived today!! And Sarah was right - it's so cuddly! I got both Teddy and Carlo, and both of them are kind of like a maltese terrior. Cant wait to dye it!! :dance:
I have used the Aubergine and that alone will give you a gorgeous deep purple color!
Thanks Janice - hopefully I have the same success you did. I'm champing at the bit to do it, but so worried I'll mess it up Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to show you all a picture of some nice dark purple fur
Hi there what colour did you purchase to dye a deep purple
I see post quite old but I try to post
I just finished dye Loubear mohair and you can see result on my blog … r-moi.html
I used Dis-chem lady hot dye, but microwav it instead instruction,
If anybody like details how I done it (I just make detailed notes) I will share.
All the best