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MKinsey/TBF Teddy Bear and Friends
Lancaster PA
Posts: 390

MKinsey/TBF Editor of Teddy Bear and Friends

The New York Toy Fair is the annual show where manufacturers introduce their new products and retailers order them so that, later in the year, we can buy them. I try to cover the new product intros in Teddy Bear and Friends each year (see the March/April issue, coming soon), but we never have enough time or space to get everything in. Sooo... I proposed that I report via Teddy Talk and share pictures of new creations directly from the show!

I leave for New York on Saturday, Feb 11. I'm planning to attend the Doll & Toy Museum's show on Saturday, then head off to Toy Fair Sunday through Wednesday. My plan is to snap pix at the show during the day, then upload them to you each evening. Of course I'll have to get permission to share the images with you, but since it's free publicity to a very interested audience, I'm hoping that won't be a problem.

Sound fun? Sound interesting? Hope so! Let me know if you have any favorites you want me to scope out for you.

Mindy Kinsey
Teddy Bear and Friends

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

Hi Mindy,
     That sounds awesome - I want to see it all - I've never been and it sounds amazing.  You lucky girl!  Keep us posted and have a great time and remember - pictures, pictures and more pictures!



Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Mindy that sounds wonderful.  I've never been either, but can't wait to see the pictures of what I'll be buying for my kids for next Christmas LOL  bear_laugh

Thanks in advance for sharing !   Have a great time !

ps. welcome to TT, I didn't know you had joined us.

Matthea Ontario
Posts: 87

That sounds great! Thanks Mindy!

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

:dance:  Take lots of memory cards, Mindy.  All of us here on TT are really into pictures.
That is very nice of you to share your wonderful experience, since we can't be there.  You will be our eyes.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Mindy -

You are the best!  :hug:  What a great idea for all!

I've been to Toy Fair.... it's just, well, amazing! I was in heaven, had a hard time staying focused, and was just amazed at all the imagination behind the products. Lots of cool stuff! I had a blast meeting with reps and left happy but so exhausted!!!

Mindy - if you can possibly get a couple of shots to give everyone just the tiniest idea of what it looks like at toy fair I think that would be great! Aside from that... show us whatever looks interesting and fun and new!!  :dance:

Thank you!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Mindy, a very warm welcome to you indeed!  You're making us an offer we'd be silly to refuse and I'm grateful for it; thanks so much for doing something so generous and community-building.

To those here at TT who are entirely unfamiliar with Toy Fair, here's what little I know...

I've personally never attended Toy Fair, but one of my retailers sent me catalogs and brochures from last year's Toy Fair when I inundated her with questions about it, and I was absolutely astounded at the size of this enormous exhibition, and the amount of paperwork and advertising so many artists and manufacturers could create!  The fair itself appears very much like its own miniature city, with exhibitors set up in "showcases" in building upon building, one after another.  I'm told that it's nearly impossible to truly see and take in all of it, unless you attend every single moment of every single day of this multiple-day show.  Very impressive!

I'm so grateful we'll have someone there "on our side" scoping out the latest and greatest and willing to post it here; thank you so much for your offer to do so, Mindy.

Anything bear-related will be of particular interest to just about all of us... including any trends or hot items you spot in the plush area, generally.  I think we'd be interested in seeing what's new off the manufacturer's tables as well; maybe some snapshots from GUND and Steiff?

Of particular special interest to me, and probably much of our readership, will be photos from the table of C. Riffenberg Bear Co.  That's  Jared's mom... "our" Jared, of Jare Hares & Bears. So if you could take a few snaps of their wares that would be terrific!

Similarly, photos of MAGGIE MADE would be most welcome; Janet Anderson, one of our regular participants, is Maggie Iacono's sister.  And Maggie's dolls are wonderful felt, soft-sculpture creations... not so far away from what we bear makers are doing.

Last, I see that Karen Meer of The Mad Hatted Bear is a scheduled exhibitor. Her work is amazing and her costuming is always just jaw-dropping.  Maybe a few pictures of her wares as well?

Mindy, please feel neither obligated nor burdened by these requests.  They're just an attempt to point you in a direction of possible interest on your "scoping" adventures at Toy Fair!

Thanks again for being our eyes and ears.  It's appreciated!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Oh yes, C. Riffenberg Bear Co. and Maggie Made.... thanks, Shelli!!
It'll be so interesting to see what the bear manufaturers are up to also!

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

How wonderful of you Mindy, to do this for us!  I'd love to see the atmosphere of Toy Fair up close and personal from your POV!  Welcome to Teddy Talk as well!  It's great to see you here!

Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

MKinsey/TBF Teddy Bear and Friends
Lancaster PA
Posts: 390

MKinsey/TBF Editor of Teddy Bear and Friends

Just to clarify... I'm going to be reporting on teddies, not toys. I certainly could tell you about the latest remote control gizmos, but I think this crowd might prefer a sneak peek at Steiff's North American exclusives for '06. I usually visit with Steiff, Teddy Hermann, Deb Canham, Dean's, North American Bear, and Merrythought, to name just a few.


Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Hi Mindy,  bear_flower
Welcome to Teddy Talk!  I'm thinking Toy Fair might be the equivalent to The Gift to retailers or "the trade" only.  Or, is it open to the public as well? 

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Those all sound great, Mindy!  I only skimmed the exhibitor list (it's huge) and missed a few that you've now mentioned.  I believe we have a Merrythought/Cheeky collector here at TEDDY TALK who mentioned that once, but I can't remember who it was... ?

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Three cheers FOR MINDY

This so great for so many of us who haven't the health or ability to go.  Thank you so much!!!

This will be so much fun!  I know all of us here at TT are going to love whatever you can share with us!  I know you are gong to be incredably busy and the fact that you can take a little time out in the evenings, when you are so totally exhausted, to share with us is super fantastic!

Wooohooo  Guys!!!!  are we lucky or what!   ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou!

:hug:  Gollybighugs to Mindy  :hug:


PS don't forget who Teddies best friend is..... bear_wub

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Hi Mindy, Welcome to Teddy talk .... so glad that you have joined us here.
Would be absolutely wonderful to see some photos of the Toy Fair.
I hope that you enjoy your time there and look forward to your report.
Thanks so much, in advance.


Gatehouse Bears Gatehouse Gallery
Lockwood, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 227

Oh Mindy, thanks so much :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

It would be so great to see what goes on, when there is no chance for us 'Aussies' to go ourselves.

Pics and more pics sounds great bear_grin

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:dance:  :dance: Ah too coool!!!! :dance:  :dance:   Mindy thank you so much for being willing to share this with us  :hug:   I think its so exciting to get a 'look' into the Toy Fair, as I've never been.  I can only imagine the you'll have to fill us in with pictures, pictures, pictures! 

:hug: I'm also glad you've joined us here at Teddy Talk!!!  :hug:

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Thank so much, Mindy ! And warm welcome to Teddy talk ! bear_original

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

Hello Mindy! What a fun idea for you to post reports and photos from the show, thank you in advance for taking the time to do so!  I'd love to see some photos that show the scope of the show, I know it's huge but it's one of those things that's hard to imagine without having been there.  And of course, bears, bears, bears.


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_flower  Thank you, Mindy!

You are so generous to share with us!! My brain went into overdrive at your ref. to the Toy Museum Show.

Antique Bears? Maybe the odd Rocking Horse?

:hug: Welcome to TT  :hug:


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,991

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh so fantastic that you're going to share your days at the Toy Fair with us here on Teddy Talk, Mindy!  Thank you so very much for your generosity in sharing your experience, particularly for those of us who've never been . . . this will be a huge treat for all of us!  I'm interested in everything that you mentioned (especially Steiff's 2006 exclusives  :)), so whatever you choose to show us will be great with me.  Have yourself a ball and thanks again for offering to do this.  Big hugs.

Bonnie Mountain Dreamer Bears
wooly woods of Missouri, USA
Posts: 1,538

:hug: First, a big warm welcome to TT! :hug:
Wow, what wonderful offer Mindy! THANK YOU so much! I'm sure it will be a very busy time for you and to go to the extra work to share with us is very generous of you. Thank you indeed! :clap:  :clap:

How exciting! I have never been and may never get to go so this will be very much a treat. I can am so looking forward to your reports!!! :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

big hugs,

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hiya Mindy a big welcome to Teddy Talk, lovely to have you here with us. The fair sounds absolutely fantastic! I have never been so I will look forwards to seeing your pictures and reading a report on what you saw. You are so kind to offer to share this with us all. Much appreciated, thank you!

Hugs Jane  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Hi Guys, I'm pulling this topic back to the top So that Mindy doesn't have to spend time searching for it.....

I think we are awfully lucky to have Mindy and TB&F giving us our first online reporting of this fabulous Show, especially since so few of us are in a position to attend. 

Thanks Mindy!!!  We are pretty excited here!



Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Welcome Mindy, Lucky you, I got to go to Toy Fair one year and LOVED IT !!!!!!! What fun you will be having, take comfortable shoes,  I have never seen such a big place, I owned a small toy store so I got to go and had the best time.   I have closed the toy store to make bears full time and Toy fair is something I would really like to do again. Thanks so much for thinking of us and sharing your trip thru pictures, I will look forward to that.  I also LOVED R John Wright's display and the Hansa plush people, their life size animals are amazing, My son went with me and we were there on the last day and Hansa sells their display pieces and my son bought a life size vulture, people in New York and at the airport on the way home thought it was real  bear_grin .
Have a safe trip
Jodi Moisan

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

Welcome Mindy, I can't wait to see any images that you can show us.  This is really kind of you.  I hope your feet survive walking around it and have a great time!

best beary wishes,

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