For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
With our TEDDY TALK forum, Intercal hopes to provide a warm and friendly meeting place where teddy bear lovers of all backgrounds and interests -- whether bear artisan or collector, craftsperson or promoter -- from a worldwide audience can join together and share bearmaking tips & techniques; resource recommendations; newly created items for sale; and support for all things bear.
So let's get to TALKing!
Hello! Thank you Sue Ann for inviting me to this forum:). I am wondering how to attach an avatar. I have not seen where to do the upload for this. Thanks very much!
Bear hugs and best wishes. Judi Paul
Hello again. As you can see I found out how to upload my avatar.:lol: I am no computer wiz but I am getting it......;)
I have to say that I have recently found Intercal and am sooooo very impressed by how warm and personal the staff is.....this means you, Johnna:D. I look forward to yards and yards of wonderful mohair to bring my bears to life.
Hugs, Judi
WOOHOO!! Glad to have you aboard, Judi and welcome! Let's all have a bunch of fun here!
Well hello Miss Judi Paul! It's already become a warm and friendly bunch and we've hardly begun! Thanks for joining in and saying hello.
Looking forward to many more chats with you here.
PS Love that needle felted avatar cub!
Thanks guys...I mean gals!!! I love talking teddies, and not just about how to do things....but just plain 'ole bear one I started on NCTB about "do you look like your bears?" and "True confessions/stories from bear lovers". By the way Shelli, thanks for the story and post. I will take some photos of my buddy bear and my dad's Rattus. I would love to see your pink elephant too. Hope your panda doesn't chase after your lady bears after what he may have witnessed in your 'eh hem....sleeping quarters!!!LOL:o
SueAnn, do you look like your bears? I have been told I look like my bears and so has Shelli. I have seen others, as well, who look like their bears. This is not just limited to a particular feature, but the over all look and expression of your work.
Thanks Shelli for the compliment on "Bo"!:D
Bear hugs,
What a hoot! Yes, I've been told my bears look like me - or - I look like my bears (whatever)! My feeling is that after a bear maker starts designing his/her own patterns and develops a personal "look/style", the bears will certainly start revealing the individual artist's personality. I think an artist bear expresses the life experiences of the artist somehow in a "magical" way. Eeeekkk . . . I'm getting a bit esoteric here.
Anyway, I do believe bears can and do look like their creators - just like dogs can resemble their owners sometimes!
Judi, add some of your delightful bears to the "for sale" forum. I don't want to be the only one.
Hi Everyone
Have just joined the list and look forward to meeting many more bear artists and learning a whole lot of new things. Great to also see an area where we can if we wish sell our bears and BUY as well without the e-bay fees!!!!
Gail ( Loonie ) Canada:cool:
Amen to that, Gail! Welcome!
HI GAIL! Nice to see you here. This place is growing every day.:D
Welcome from me, too, Gail. Yep, I think the Bears For Sale Forum is a wonderful addition to this board!
What a great opportunity for the bear-making community! Wishing you all every success and thanking you for the invitation to participate. :)
Welcome Paula!!!
Hi, Paula, and welcome to the board. What a super avatar!
Hi Paula...welcome to the group of us crazy teddy bear makers....Winney
I can't even remember which magazine I was reading just tonight (can you believe I've been so busy that I have issues of TBR, TB&F, and TBCI that I've not yet devoured???), but I noticed that Paula has a wonderful big fluffy beigy-tan guy published this month!
Congrats, Paula!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Lovely to meet you all.
Thank you too Shelli for the plug - very much appreciated!! ;)
Seems like this place is buzzing already and I'm delighted to see that Chris Pike here in good ol' Blighty, has been signed up as a help advisor. Good luck Chris!
Hi Paula. Welcome! I see you are from the UK. I am originally from The UK too. Spondon, Derbyshire. Now I am in Wisconsin.
Shelli, WHat is TBCI? Also, still having trouble with my avatar. It will not upload. For some reason it is tells me it is not jpg when I try to up load it to this site...when I know that it is. Sorry to be a pain . You did such a beautiful job on it too.
Judi... you're not a pain. Let me reformat and resend your way. It should be fine. Does it read .jpg as the extension? Who knows... maybe it's my mistake and I sent you the wrong file (I saved in several formats.) Will check on that and get back to you...
A huge, special welcome to all of you UK bear people!!
So happy to have your input on this board! As a matter of fact, a huge and special welcome to all of the international posters . . . we in the USA value your knowledge and experience and hope your time here will be well spent. I know we'll all be learning from each other and what could be better?!! Thanks to all of you for stopping by.
Absolutely ditto what Sue Ann said, coming from me, too. It's great to make new friends!
Love everyones avatars:)
They are great. Will have to take a piccy so i can add my own:rolleyes: