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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

After my week at home....the one where I left everything that didn't HAVE to be done, to get some bearing done...I'm left with the question "How do you do it?". I am aiming this question mainly at those of you who are stay at home mums/bear artists. Some you seem to spit out bears left right and centre and I wanna know your secret!!!! Even with three school age children aged 8, 12, and 14, I don't seem to get the time to make more than one bear a month. I used to be able to work in the evenings, but now I find I am just too tired, and my evening (which equates to 1 hour by the time I chase the kids off to bed for the third time!) is spent flopped on the couch in front of the telly before I choof off to bed at 9.30pm. When the kids were pre-school littlies, I used to work on my craft (back then it was patchwork! ) in the evenings, sometimes until midnight....and I dreamed of the day when they would all be at school so I'd have more 'me' time. But now the time is here and I have less 'me' time than ever and I'm too tired at night. Maybe it's to do with always having to take them to sport or friends houses and keep to schedules I do work two days a week. I guess if I add up the 16 hours of outside work I do, basically that would be my bearmaking time if I was at home. I would so love to give up my job and concentrate on my bears, but how could I possibly justify that when I earn $15,000 a year working....that's a lot of bears I'd have to sell!
So...those of you who work at you have a routine that you stick to, so you always get your bear time? Those of you who don't have kids still at home, please feel free to jump in here too...I need some structure suggestions. Do you get up at 6am every morning and get your washing on the line by 8? When do you shop? Cook? Clean?? (okay...we've had the discussion about cleaning, and the general consensus was....most of us don't :lol::lol:...but we DO have to tidy up occasionally...don't we??).
Course there are down sides to having bearmaking time during the day...I picked my son up from a birthday party the other day and forgot to change my clothes.....and I was horrified when I got home and caught site of my pink corduroy shirt....covered in thick brown fur and thread! The kid's mum must have thought we have a very hairy dog...and that I was a grubby girl!:P

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Honey you can't open a jar of Gerbers for those rug rats of yours.....their clothing is bigger, therefore less in a load so more loads, they are messier, they need to go  and do and then there is the attention factor-  they have pleanty to say to you and are probably all wanting your attention at the same time. 

And I know you can't do with them what I used to do with my little kiddikins- when my son was 6 mos- 2 years and I absolutely had to do something and didn't want him risking life and limb by drinkling the ammonia, or falling down the stairs while I scrubbed the tub...etc;

I took the old wooden play pen and turned it upside down....he could not climb out which he was very good at doing, and he had all the cats and toys in there with him....

I hope I didn't set him up for a feeling of comfort behind far so good. 

I am sure that now-a-days I would be arrested, even tho the point was to keep him safe.....but this was long ago and far away......many many years gone by.  :lol::lol::lol:


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Dilu -- HA!  A baby in a cage!  I love it.  Too bad my boys are already too big and strong for that.  Although we do have some chain link in the backyard, just waiting to be put to good use... ! :D:P;)

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Hmm..Dilu..I may just try that cage thingy on my 14 year old..who is already 6ft tall! Wonder if they make them in steel with locks nowadays?
Everything you say is true.....bigger clothes...MORE clothes, MESSIER clothes...CLEAN clothes that get put in the wash 'cos it's easier than putting them away....:mad:
BUT...they'll leave home one day..all too soon...and then I'll be wishing they were all back under my wing. Can't win.

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Make smaller bears....they don't take as long. Yes, I remember those days. They don't seem too long ago...and I knew one day they would all be gone...all too soon. Time never stands still for anything... Winney

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568


If it's any consolation I like to THINK I'm a full time bear artist. I stay at home to do just that. I don't have children, just a 1 yr. old puppy with 'issues' but that was a discussion on another post or two or twenty so we'll leave that alone.

HOWEVER, I seem to have a lot of laundry for just my hubby and I and groceries to get and bills to pay and cleaning to do and appointments to go to and doggie day care and obedience classes to get to and, and, and..... by the time I've gotten all the 'STUFF' out of the way (and I didn't even include the hours my computer suck up!) it's time to agonize over how I'm going to cook chicken for dinner. So, I sew after hubby and dog have gone to bed....9pm til the wee hours!

So, I haven't the foggiest idea how any of you could possibly get anything done with kids in the picture!!! I love the playpen cage, Dilu!! They make some pretty big dog crates... I have one that both the dog and I fit into... don't go there!

Can't wait to hear how some of you do manage to be productive on a day to day basis!!!!


WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Well, for me, it helps that everything I do is completely sewn by hand... no machine.  I follow my kids from room to room stitching a leg, a head, an arm.... when someone has a fit or there is a full blown hair pulling/kicking match in progress, I can just thrown down the limb and assume my job as referee!  I too and generally a slouch when it comes to housework. If people are fed and clothed, I'm doin' okay!  If there are no stray bodily fluids (blood, tears, pee-pee, poo-poo) visibly leaking out of anyone, I'm doing even better!   and We've had our house on the market for a long time (FINALLY SOLD) so I've actually had to clean, I mean REALLY clean to the point that our place looked like a model home.  We'd leave the potential buyers would walk through... we'd come back and within 10 minutes it was completely torn apart again!  Can't wait to get to the new place, get settled in and return to the state of semi-organized chaos that I know and love!

Honestly.... I just follow them around hand stitching.  I always have a body part in the car or my purse to work on at the dentist's office or waiting at the post office.... As for the more detailed work of setting eyes, trimming fur, thread sculpting... I save that for when the kiddos go to Grammy's (once a month or so) or after bedtime.... sometimes when there is a really fantastic episode of Blue's Clues on I can actually work for 20 minutes uninterrupted!

Beary truly,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Dilu Posts: 8,574

You guys are too too funny.  Hayley  they do make steel cages, be glad your kids aren't in them....We call them Fulsome prison, Atascadaro, Pelican Bay, prison.


My son assures me that I didn't warp him anymore than would be considered normal.

The one he still thinks hysterical was what I did at feeding time. 
You know when the toddler is learning to feed himself:

I put the high chair in the bath tub and let him have at.  When he was through I washed it all down the drain and he got a bath too.

Made life a lot easier.

His grandmother thought I was a monster

I thought I was smart. :lol::lol::lol:


Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Ha ! The " How do you get any bears  made " thing doesn't seem to get any better when your kids leave home or you get older either. You just find life finds more stuff for you to do...LOL..which leads me to believe " you have to make time" to do what you want to is after all YOUR life...or is it? ( talking to myself here).

It seems like I am always behind with everything...why?, undisciplined, I just want to be a whiner, LOL
I find time to get up ( late)  eat ,take meds and treatments (= 1 Hr. a day ),  read the posts and reply then go shower and dress.
Then I look at my running list of " to dos", YIKES ! I need to ....
Do bills, make appointments, cut hubbys hair, wash the dog,
clean out stuff for Goodwill, water plants everyday outside, clean the house ( yuck ) straighten my sewing room (constantly cause its small), make some phone calls, what about cleaning out that shed before winter?
I can find  lots more little projects to put on that list ! I am sure you all have them too.

I keep saying ;" I make bears and this is a business...just like a real job. " Ha! and lots of LOL .
What I need to do is SCHEDULE my day FIRST with the basics and then real job work hours. If I had a real job I would HAVE to punch a time clock and if I was late too often Id get fired.Everything else would have to be done AFTER work or on the week ends. Finally...I waste too much time, too kicked back doing nothing but  just piddling around......daydreaming,I love there you are..Winney is a whiner, LOL. .........Winney

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Hey Winney-you still haven't told me why we got those oil pastels, or if you did, I missed it.  Sherryl got them for us and the colors are glorius but I am not sure what the stated application was......


did you already post the answer?

Tell me again....please


One way I get a lot done is I cut out alot at a time.  When I create a new pattern I make plastic templates in several sizes.....then I cut out about 10-12 at a time and I put them in the sane (same) ziplock bag as the corresponding  pattern pieces.  Then I sew them all at once.  Then I start the tedious task of turning jointing.  Then I will stuff them all at once and then do the faces all at once.....a regular little
Ford assembly line golly factory here!

I am not sure most people would like to do that with bears....although on my mini bears I do the same thing....

I don't know- it just seems to go faster this way...I've been known to put on a movies run back and sew during the commercials, then run back and pick up a nose or stuffing when the movie is back....

Opps.....commercial time gotta go.......:D

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Lisa--- "Your Backyards friends, the Barkyardagins!!!!!! We've got the whole wide world in our yard to explore.... etc... "

Makes you wanna go sew for at least a couple of minutes without someone begging for another apple juice, doesn't it!!
Kim basta

sandi Snowy Day Bears
St. Albans, VT
Posts: 263

I thought I was busy until I read about your adventures.  I don't know how you ladies keep sane much less make beautiful bears.

My mom broke her ankle and needed surgery a while ago.  I had a bear all cut out and ready to sew.  Hand sewing was the answer.  I made an entire bear during the hours I spent sitting in waiting rooms, recovery rooms and hospital rooms.  The nurses all approved of the finished product.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I second everything Loretta said!! bear_grin

I got a lot more accomplished when I had a real job in addition to making bears. I was much more disciplined. I had a schedule/routine. I had to hold myself accountable to someone else. I was organized.

I've tried doing a daily plan... blocking off an hour for this, an hour for that and in there were a number of hours each day for just bears. But now at the end of the day when I still haven't as much as touched a piece of mohair, thread or needle I wonder what the heck I did all day and when I'm ever going to make bears. :o

Now my doctor says I HAVE to add a 1/2 hour of exercise a day. OK, I know that sounds easy but 1)I HATE exercise and 2)If I can't get WORK done when am I going to find time to exercise???? Jeepers!!!

Would one of you like to be my boss? Hold me accountable, make me get organized and displined or else.....? PLEASE???? HA!:lol:

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Gimmie that whip ! we will get er movin !....LOL. Hey, I SHOULD do that too, exercise at least 30 min daily. I usually write everything down then go do what I want...he, he ...what works is
1) Get up earlier, go the bed earlier.

2) Stick to your schedule everyday...that means you have a regular schedule then you have a LIST of " things " that need done...they ONLY get done one at a time...schedule one thing  for a day, not 2 or 3 or more.Sorry, we don't have time to do weird chores ( like cleaning ) during working hours.Things will have to be done on either on  lunch Hr. or after work...just like a real job !

3) Set yesterday reason I got so much done is I committed myself to finish all the sewing on 4 bears completely before I could punch out on the time clock.

4) 1/2 hr. lunchs are OK and take 2-15 min. breaks. GO OUTSIDE for air !

5) You can think of more ...I am sure ! Come on let's hear it !.............Winney

Black Forest Bears Haus of Bears, Inc.
Posts: 311


I almost feel guilty having a whole day to spend just making bears!
I do have a Store also, but my employees taking care of most of the Duties.
The only disadvantage I have, I cant travel to shows,my 2 Big Birds I have wont let me, and I cannot find a Birdsitter.
All the Vets, and Kennels take only cats and Dogs, and the Ad in the Newspaper was a lost cause also


Dilu Posts: 8,574


We have a blue and gold Macaw-  what do you have? 

We modified a special cage so she goes with us in the RV.....Mainly because we know that no one around here know enough about parrots to be trusted with her.

And if you have parrots you already know how tempermental they can be.

But they are also psychic and can make us do things- lie suddenly get up and get her a piece of cheese.

Its a little scarry sometimes.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Winney - very good advice. But you are making it sound like WORK!!! I guess that's the whole idea!:lol::lol:

I'll start with going to be earlier. Went to bed at 12:30am last night and 1am the night before so this morning I didn't get up until 10:00. I felt like the day was half over!! What a waste!

Tomorrow I'll throw out the old schedule and write out a new one with 1/2 hour for lunch and 2 15min breaks. Perhaps I can at least change the wash over then, take the dog out and do the dishes. Hmmm..... this could be good. I was honestly trying to schedule bears in around all the other stuff..... I was thinking BACKWARDS! DUH!:rolleyes:

Thank you, Winney!!!!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Some great answers here...and believe it or not....many of them are JUST what I needed to hear! I'm NOT the only one running around like a headless chook all day with the intention of getting some bearmaking done when all the things are done that MUST be. Daphne, your idea of setting the day as a work one with half hour lunch and two fifteen minute breaks is doomed to fail...I would head straight from the computer for my 'break' and be whizzed back to reality two hours later!..Ooh..then it would be time for the next break!
I fall into bed around 9.30 pm, rise at 6.30 am(not pretty!!), get hubby's lunch made and choof him out the door....get son number ones' lunch cut, get him out the door at 7.45am, do last night's tea dishes (I HATE doing dishes at night!) get child two and three ready for school.....and THEN get to start the washing etc. So I can't even get anything done before 9am. doc said the same thing about me needing more exercise, I am so unfit. So for the last two weeks, I have been dropping the kids at school at 9am then heading straight for the beach where I walk for 15mins one way and then turn around and walk back. I take my dog with me and she LOVES it! I hate exercise too...but I feel better already. I don't let myself make ANY excuses..I go rain, hail or shine (well okay, maybe not hail...)and most days I get my butt frozen off as it's winter here (we don't get snow). I'll bet your dog Tucker would love to do the same thing...let him be your motivation. I find after my walk, that my head is clearer and I am less tired. At first I jacked up about the idea, because it's just one more thing to infringe on bearmaking time...but health is important, so I'm on a mission.
Kim and sure help in bringing back memories. How old are your children Kim? When my kids were preschool...Thomas the Tank engine was my saviour...and many a quilt was stitched in time to the theme song. I taped all the episodes and let my son watch it for about 2 hours straight most mornings, just to get some stitching time. Bad mother, I know...but it was either that or Pshyco mother! I remember back then too, that if I had just half an hour to spare, I would drag out my sewing I don't unless I have a good few hours. Supports the old adage..."If you want something done....ask a busy person." Thanks for reminding me that my life is not as busy as I think...I just waste far too much my new mission is to make my time count.
Wish I had the discipline to stay off the computer too...and if I'm REALLY honest with myself...the computer and my lack of self discipline are probably the main time eaters for me. I need more WON"T power. about "No computer until I have stitched two legs and stuffed the head"...trouble is..I'm my own boss and there's no-one else here to be answerable to. If I find the answer, I'll be sure to let you know. I think I was hoping someone would say..this is my schedule....and somehow they get everything done that needs to be done, and work from 9am to 5.30pm on their bears. There's still tea on the table and freshly washed clothes in the drawers. Hmmm...maybe I'm dreaming. *sigh*

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Hayley - I'm with you on the computer and lack of self-discipline being the biggest time eaters! I am going to try Winney's suggestion of lunch break and 15 minute breaks and see what happens. The computer will just have to be my reward at the end of the day for making progress with the bears. I'm sure you'll all live with out as many blabbering posts from me!!:)

It's summer here, 90's and humid and I live in the woods with lots of misquitos and deer flies which are mean, swarm your head and bite HARD! So, outdoor activities are out of the question right now. Tucker goes potty as fast as he can and runs right back inside cause he hates the heat. When September comes we'll be able to exercise outside again until next May when the bugs come back. I used to live on the ocean and miss it greatly... hardly any bugs and always a breeze!

Time for bed... I'm already failing at this new schedule as it's midnight and I need to go to bed earlier so I'll get up before lunch tomorrow!:/

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Hi everyone!

Well, I'm a bit late jumping in here... and these things are what I'm HOPING to do!  Ask me in a month if I've been able to stick with it bear_grin 

Yes, I have a problem with self dicipline too.... and when something pops into my head to do... or an idea to check out... I go do it right away.  And yes, I MUST excercize too.... it really helps my hypoglycemia.

I get up before hubby does... I get up at 6:15, take all 3 dogs out one at a time, feed them and then feed me.  While he's in the shower I ususally check the computer.  When he's getting dressed I sit in with him to chat a little b4 the day starts.

When he leaves... here's where I have trouble... I SHOULD get ready to go for my morning walk.  2 miles (trying to work up to 3 miles).  But I seem to be drawn to the computer.  Every day gets a little better though bear_original

I have just started (again) keeping a list of things to do.  I've done this before but got SO overwhelmed because there were so many things on it.

Now I have it divided into 3 sections:  Pers. Biz  Bear Biz and Fun Stuff.  Be sure to get some Fun Stuff done!  I'm finding that I have many more little Pers Biz stuff (legal stuff, doc stuff, and tons more!) than I realized... but now they're getting done.  I just keep the running list.  When I need a new section for Pers Biz b4 the rest of the list is done, I just tack that 1/3 of a new one on top of the old one.

I just ordered a digital recorder so when things "pop into my head" I can make note of it on the recorder and add it to the list later.. thus stopping me from dropping what I'm doing to do that new thing.

I'm lucky.. hubby likes a clean house and I only have one 17 year old (not currently here in the summer) so everyone picks up after themselves.   I do my cleaning, laundry and shopping on the weekends... just like when I worked an outside job.

I do make a menu for the week (based on grocery store sales!) and so it makes it much easier for me mentally that I already know what's for dinner "tonight".

As for the excercize... I did join our local park district gym.  It's only $200 for the year.  Although I'm currently walking outside... I feel that since I'm paying monthly for the membership... as long as I'm excercizing it's working bear_original  So when it's crummy outside... I'm all set with membership 2 go to the gym.  (they have a running/walking track too!)

Have to say that right now I'm lucky if I finish 1 bear a week... and that's NOT good for my pocketbook! 

Let ya know in a month if I'm able to stick to my routine.  I don't think I'll be joining the Aussie board though bear_sad  I can't keep up enough here!  (yeah right... watch.. I bet I join within the week! LOL)

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Laura - You are a source of inspiration!! A model bear artist!! Keep it up!! You must set a good example for me & anyone else with time management/self-discipline issues and an addiction to the computer!

The pressure is on!!!:lol:

Big Bear Hugs to you!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,726

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Me too, me too!!  When I worked a full time job, I was pretty organized and got LOTS more done than I do now as a "retiree"!!  Left to be my own boss, I'm a miserable failure at time management and I have NO self discipline.  At 64, am I going to change my bad habits???  I don't THINK so!!  My logic is that I'm going to have to make peace with who I am now and not stress over the fact that I don't (not can't) make myself be organized and efficient!!  It's much easier for ME to come to that conclusion, however, than those of you who still have working husbands, jobs yourselves, and children at home.  Guess there are a few advantages to getting to this age, but not too many!  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

Its really hard to get things together. I have quite a lot of spare time, but it is spread out. I have decided to clear out my work room. I can just about get to my work space. Books, boxes and junk fill the room. I'm going to clear it out, decorate and make it nice to work in.

I think perhaps we are being hard on ourselves sometimes. When Amy goes back to school in September and the weather changes I think I will feel more like making, instead of bear daydreaming! Now wheres that paint brush?

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Self Discipline?

Would that be sitting in the spa with a glass of wine?  Well it was exercise, I had to walk out into the back yard to get there.  Plus I poured the wine.  Come on!  Get serious!

I clean.

I do.

The shower gets scrubbed while the conditioner is working in my hair and then we both get rinsed at the same time. 

It works!

I vacuum every single day.  I once read in a book on being a good "officers" wife, (balderdash by the way-) that if you are desperate and the commanding officers wife is going to drop by, at least vacuum.  If the carpet is clean they wont notice the other stuff.

That's balderdash too.....but you all know what mohair threads and poufs are like all over the place and with gollies it is black goolybunnies ( instead of dust bunnies) all over the place.  So I have to vacuum every day.  (Dont cry for me.....its a very small house.)

I make the bed, and only do laundry when there is no more clean underwear.  Reasonable?  I think so too.  That's why I gave my honey 12 pair for Christmas-  (It was really a gift for me...and he still doesn't get it. :lol::lol::lol:)

There are ways around this housework thing

I pre-plan leftovers too.  I am especially happy if I can squeeze 3 nights out of them.  :D

Fortunetly I married a guy in his 40's who'd been a bachelor and was used to beans and rice every day-he thinks he's living large now! :lol:

He insists on doing the dishes at night, which requires putting them in the dishwasher......he says I work all day and must be tired, and it's the leaast he can do.....awwww  so I let him. 

What?  I should tell him the truth? 

Oh, be serious!

I'll bet some of you have cutting the corners tips that could help us have more time with the bears and gols......


doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

1. I get up really early.
2. Shower etc.
3. I use the computer and if I'm lucky get everything done on it before the family need to use it.
4. Have breakfast or really it's brunch.
5. I vaccum every day(carefully, you will understand what I mean when you read on)  as I have hair from three Cavalier King Charles spaniel dogs and bear fluff everywhere.
6. Sew, sew, sew for as long as I can as well as putting on the washing. My daughter makes      the beds, cleans the bathroom and cooks the dinner, so I am free until it's time to eat and wash up. My husband does all of the food shopping so I don't have that to do and my son looks after the lawns. What a lazy girl I am! No not really, I can't do a lot of these jobs because of my balance problem so I am really happy to be blessed with such a supporting family. Some days are better than others and I am able to do more. I used to feel hard done by and feel very frustrated but now I see it differently and use my time to make my bears and golly-dolls.
Keep smiling and chin up, chest out (well not all of it) and soldier on. That's what my Grandfather used to say to me when I was a child.


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