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doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hi everyone,
      I have noticed that some of you use realistic looking eyes on your bears. I have a customer that has bought and sent me some doll eyes to fit into a bear that she has ordered from me. The eyes do not have a looped wire on the back and I have no idea how to use them or even if it is possible to use them. Do any of you know how I can use the eyes or another way of getting the realistic look that this customer wants.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Hi Jane,

Do the eyes have a straight wire or are they just the glass eye with nothing of the back?

Also, Hello, Glad you're here.  I love that we have folks from England, Australia, and all over the states.  we seem to be growing by leaps and bounds....thank goodness it's the web site and not our hips!!!


PS  I have been having to where a patch over one eye the last 2 days, and probably for the next week or so.  my spelling isn't known for being wonderful-so bear with me people....cuz everything is off kilter with the patch.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Hi Jane,

Welcome. I'm working with a set of taxidermist's eyes--absolutely beautiful  bear eyes with whites, but nothing but a hollow place on the back. Here's my solution, born of ignorance and desperation.

I started by presculpting the eye sockets. Then I crazy-glued the midpoints of two pieces of fishing-line, crossed at 90 degree angles, to the backs of the eyes.  Once these were set, I threaded the the fishing line on needles and drew it through two layers of leather. Each layer of leather I then crazy-glued to the back of the eye, one by one. This filled up the hollow spot in the back of the eye, and gave me a good strong base for stringing the fishing-line through the head, and pulling the eyes in further. 

I'm a half afraid that the whole head will explode, but so far so good!


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Eye patches and exploding bear heads.  You two ladies paint QUITE the picture of our little hobby, here.

Cracking up... :P

PS  I'd offer bright ideas on this one but unfortunately I don't have any. ;(
PPS  Dilu, hope you're okay!

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Aww!  I hope you're Ok to Dilu!!  That has GOT to be frustrating!  I'm always off kilter anyways with two GOOD eyes bear_rolleyes

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Jane, add my welcome to this board!!  I have used taxidermist's eyes before on my bears.  What I did was sink the eyeholes in the head (needlesculpt), then use a STRONG glue and attach the eyes in the sunken places.  You may position (and reposition) them until the glue is set.  My glue of choice is Elmer's Craft Bond - a polyurethane adhesive that REALLY does the trick!!  It's also what I use to glue the bolt in the head disc . . . so it won't move when it's attached to the neck disc with the nut.  Thanks again for joining our forum! :D

Dilu - hope your eye is okay!  I had to wear an eyepatch for awhile when I had a scratch on my cornea.  Not fun and I can sympathize with you.  bear_sad bear_sad bear_sad

Listing Service Listing Service
My Mother
Posts: 85

You can get realistic looking eyes by painting the backs of clear eyes.  Just clean them first with alcohol and use model paint or some other enamel.  The fine details of the iris require a single bristle brush and need to be applied first.  Like painting on the inside of a window, you apply the details first and the background last. 


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh my goodness!  What stupendous ideas  using  taxidermy eyes.  Eileen and SueAnn I'm going to print your posts.  I think I understood it and wow, such a clever methods.

Now I want to try it-have to do a web search for taxidermy supplies.  My philosophy is once you've done something successfully it's a 'talant' you have forever. 

(So when I painted the bedroom I told my huisband I was super talanted.  He just rolled his eyes!)


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Dilu, the place I get my taxidermist eyes is  They have an awesome variety of eyes . . . think you'll find something you like AND they do have some that have wires!!  bear_laugh

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Double ditto

Vandykes is definitely the place. I called around Toronto to find out if there was a local source, just in case. Everyone orders from Vandyke. They also sell mouth/teeth/tongue insets.

In the course of my researches, I also talked to some verrrrry weird characters.I think taxidermists must be very lonely people--probably with good reason. One was dead drunk and told me the story of his life. Something about a stuff-off he'd had with another taxidermist, also drunk, involving pheasants.


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Right, Shelli!:D

This is not an enterprise for the faint of heart, that's for sure!

Thanks for tip on Elmer's Sue Ann. I used Krazy Glue because it's all I had, but I'd rather use something that doesn't threaten to attach me permanently to my bear.

Dilu--I forgot to mention that when I glued the fishing line to the back of the eye, I covered it with a little scrap of linen. Much easier to hold the thing in place for 30 secs. And I used a surgeon's knot.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

That's it!  Just read Eileen's post to my husband.....he wan't nearly as amused as I was.

The only problem with the eye patch is that I have to tri[ple check my posts or no one could undertand them.



I thought I pushed the self destruct button earlier- everything just went away.  Boy am I glad you guys are back.  Still can't get a handle on the avatar business yet.....maybe  soon.

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hi everyone,
Thanks for the welcome and thanks so much for the help with the eyes. The customer asked me quite a while ago to make the bear for her and I explained that I didn’t have a clue how to use the eyes. Great for me that she is a patient lady and was willing to wait for me to find out how to use the eyes as she really wants my style of bear. I will try the suggestions that you have made …you really are a very talented group of helpful people…THANKS!


Dilu  I hope your eye is soon ok.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Oh no, Dilu:(

DON'T tell me your husband's a taxidermist . . . NO NO NO

No intention to offend. OK, I know that taxidermy is a respectable profession in many places, but in Toronto, definitely not. Nor is making bears, for that matter.

Hope your eye is better soon. I need both of mine plus grow-lights plus lighted magnifier thingy around the neck to keep my sewing straight.


Dilu Posts: 8,574

The closest he has ever gotton to taxidermy is helping bolt my bears.

No, it just takes an awful lot to get him to crack a smile.  And when he does, goofy guy, he swears he is laughing out loud!


PS I know what you mean about lights, we have four floor lights that have those special bulbs, for daylight.  First of all you need something like that here, cuz it rains so much, but then when sewing they are an eye saver.  Especially on black fur......

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873


Glad he's not a taxidermist! Serious type, eh? I'm sure the witty bears on this list can get a laugh out of him one way or another.

I haven't got much experience on black fur--just one little guy, very small, and I'd swear I was sewing by touch most of the time. Which wouldn't be a bad skill to develop, actually.;)


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Hi,  Welcome newbies!

I use taxidermist bear eyes on many of my bears, and doll eyes too.   I always presculpt  the eye sockets.  The MOST important thing to remember when using eyes with any kind of pupil is the direction of the GAZE.  I can't tell you how many bears I have seen out there  that have a blank stare because the eyes are not looking in the same direction. or they have one eye that looks a "lazy eye".

It does not matter if you want the gaze to be to the right, left , up, down, or straight ahead...the gaze must be correct and equal.   This will make a difference between a good bear and a  bear that burns into your soul.

I truly beleive the gateway to the soul is through the eyes.

Best of luck!

SHELLI!!!! I got the avatar to work!!!!  It was something to do with how I was storing them .. ggeeesshhhh.  Thank you so much.  It look sgreat!

Hugs, Judi

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, Judi . . . your avatar is superb - great job AGAIN, Shelli!!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

You guys are making me jealous, I might have to open up PSP and try having a go at one.... can anyone tell me what size you girls are making them?


carsoncreations Carson Creations
Macomb, IL
Posts: 252

Hurraaay Judi,

Your Avatar is magnificent!!


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I can't tell you gals how delighted I am to see you posting my avatar designs.  Don't feel obligated to use them eternally (we all like change, me more than most!  I'm on my third website re-do as of yesterday.)  But it sure is a nice little ego boost, and hopefully a little exposure for my new design "studio", too.

I just created my first-ever ad (my friend Andrea did the design work for me before this go-round) for the August Teddy Bear Review and I feel very proud of it.  Can I show it off a little bit?  I'm hoping other people will want to hire me to help them create their own graphics for print work, and I'd love to focus on the bear industry since I love it so well.

Here's my ad:


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Beautiful Avatars, ladies--must learn.

Thanks Judi, for the advice on focus with pupilly eyes. X-actly what I need at this very moment!! I couldn't figure out what wasn't right!!!:/


Listing Service Listing Service
My Mother
Posts: 85

Also when photographing your creations, move a bright light around in the background to get the highlights in the eyes where you want them.  Dead center never looks "right".  Use a photo editing program to remove excess or unwanted reflections.  A good example of this can be found on the covers of most bear magazines (they don't always get it right either).


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Thanks, Dale

Super and very timely information for me!:D

By the way, I like your 'location' info--very nice.


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