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DebbieD Posts: 3,540

I'm truly sorry to have 'abandoned' my good TT friends    bear_cry   Blossom arrived last Friday and our mushroom business has been in full swing production for the season.... so I've very little time to say hello ..let alone create a bear just now  bear_cry

Blossom's got her own webpage  So you can read about her journey, her arrival, and as her field shelter went up over the weekend.  Unfortunately my little girl caught some shipping crud along the way, and she's been under the weather.....not drinking for me, and needing antibiotics... Fingers crossed that the tide has turned and she'll beat this stuff.   She's all ready drinking a little more for me ~ thank goodness!  And the first penicillin shot has been helping.... 

I'm not sure when I'll be back to post, but just wanted to say  :hug:  I miss you all!!!  And I hope to be back on here soooooon  bear_wub

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

Oh Debbie, I'm so glad Blossom is finally home! :hug:  :hug: I checked out her pages......she's gorgeous and seems so full of personality!  You are so lucky to have her! bear_wub

I'm sorry that she's not feeling well bear_cry .........sending prayers that she gets back to normal soon!


Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Debbie, Blossom is gorgeous.  I love the website pictures of her running.  She looks soooo very happy jumping around in the grass.  You must be thrilled to finally have here home.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Debbi, Blossom is absolutely gorgeous and looks soooo happy running in the fiels.  I'm  thrilled that she finally arrived and hope she is over her wee slump soon.  She is a beauty and I loved your web page.



Laniebears Arctophilia
Shropshire UK
Posts: 1,429

Debbie , shes beautiful, really beautiful, i hope she fully recovers soon...

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Well, I decided I'd best get the vet out to touch base and make sure Blossom's really on the right track.  After saying how good she is.... well, let's just say she's starting to develop a bit of a needle phobia. 

Actually I could see her expression as the vet climbed out of his truck and came through the gate.  She literally looked him up and down, took in the uniform, and her face just went  bear_angry   She *was* very good for taking temp and listening to heartbeat/lungs.  I was relieved to hear her lungs were mostly clear as its a cough and suspect pneumonia that she's being treated for. 

He wanted to switch her antibiotic, as I'd found a 48 hour penicillin shot, given just under the skin.  She did fine with the needle when I did her, but didn't like the feeling of the fluid going in.  Plus, penicillin hurts no matter how you cut it.  But he switched her to something called Naxcel, as he said it would do the penicillin's job, plus some other things.  First shot, the needle went in, and Blossom was backing for we go across the field in reverse!  Got her to hold still long enough to get the syringe in, and then my face fell as I was telling her how good she was....and he whips out a second syringe!  Turns out he wanted to give her 20 ccs, and had only given her 10 with the first shot.  No clue why he wanted a second jab, unless it was to break up the injection sites.  Well, Blossom was NOT keen on this!  Thump, stab... Up she went, landed, then up and spun round.   bear_shocked He was trying to get the syringe to the needle and she was having none of it.  In fact the more she looked at the needle, the more panicky she was getting about the whole affair.  Managed to get her turned with her butt to another gate, and used my hand as a twitch on her nose to get her calmed down.  He snuck in and got the second one in. 

The bad news....he wants me to IM her shot, and its a daily shot!  He's hoping for two more days of this....  Now keep in mind she's only just arrived, and I'm suddenly jabbing her with needles....actually I think he did a worse job of it than I did...but no, I'm not happy with this concept.  And on top of it all, she was coughing more this afternoon than she had on the penicillin.  Told hubby I'm tempted to just put her back on the 48 hour penicillin for the remaining two shots and hang this new shot! 

At least I did some retraining with her after the vet had left.  She was making some pretty bad associations with her leadrope, as it only came out when 'bad' things were being done to her.   So I loaded my pockets with arnica tablets (they taste very sweet and help with the bruising) and apple chunks.  Got through the gate, she saw the leadrope...did an about face and walked across the field with me slowly following.  Finally caught her and put the leadrope on, she looked bummed, until I pulled out the apple chunks.  She's never had the homeopathic tablets, but she cottoned onto them *really* fast  bear_tongue  YUmmmmm.... Then I walked her with the leadrope across the field to where the vet had worked with her, and she slightly hesitated, so I did two more arnica tablets and two more chunks of apple and called it good.  Unclipped the lead, and then I got busy going about pulling some weeds from her field.  When I tossed the leadrope across the fence, she stood there looking longingly at mission accomplished  bear_grin

I do hope she'll get over this so we can get on with life and start doing more fun things  bear_wub

plushkinbear BEAR ME SHOOTKA
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Posts: 2,139

:hug:  bear_laugh  :hug:
Debbie, sounds like a movie story!
I hope she will recover soon and brings you lots of joy!  bear_wub
She's got a wonderful website!  :photo:

Blossom is beautiful!
Hugs, julia

glad you are back and everything is fine!

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Oh Debbie Blossom is absolutely beautiful!!!   bear_wub   Wonderful website you did up for her... I also love the running photos... I felt like I was there and could hear the thunder of her hooves...

Please do keep us updated on how Blossom is feeling  :hug:

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

How wonderful that Blossom has arrived at her new home and I must say how pretty she is.
Sorry to hear that she was not well on arrival and I hope that she will feel much better soon
after her big trip.


DebbieD Posts: 3,540

watermelon.JPGThanks for the kind words for my baby  bear_wub  and her website ....

Blossom received more penicillin, as the Naxcel was making her backslide.  Her temperature was going back down, and the cough was becoming far more frequent than I'd heard before.  Hubby was dutifully drafted as front end handler, and he got a crash course in hand twitching her nose.   You've probably seen it on occasion where someone puts a metal chain over the upper lip and twists the chain tight (hand twitching is the same, only done with just your hand).  It looks awful but what is actually happening is its pressing on pressure points in the upper lip and is releasing endorphins.  You can watch the horse's eyes and see them go from bright to dopy....remember what you looked like in daydream land, waiting for the final bell from school to ring?  Same expression.....definitely zonked and 'out there'. 

Let's say she wasn't thrilled with the penicillin.  Its a thick medicine that takes ages to get in, no matter how hard you're pressing the plunger and it bloody hurts!  Four tries before we finally got the meds in her....poor baby.  BUT the penicillin reversed the trend.  Her temp was back to 100.4*F today (101.00 is normal for a horse) and she seemed happier in herself. 

Today I thought it might be nice to let her try she hasn't had it before, and I was hoping it might get some fluids into her.  She was game to try maybe four bites down, and lost interest.  She was far more keen on seeing her dinner (teatime!).  Tonight was a first for me, as I added some organic honey for a possible sore throat....oh she liked that!  And managed to lick the bucket clean for the first time.  I think the honey is a definite must add  bear_grin

I've updated her website again so you can read more about her.. … omstea.htm  Fingers crossed the worst is behind us, and we can go back to having fun!  bear_wub

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

     Honey is such a marvelous product and to think insects make it LOL!  I have a product called Beecaps made from 4 bee products and it's what helped me shake my last bad cough.  Honey is a natural antibiotic, so I'd feed it to her as often as possible.  It's really good stuff!  Blossom is a beauty!



Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Big hugs to you and Blossom Debbie.  I can see how much you love your horse.  She is gorgeous! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

What a beautiful horse she is Debbie. I hope she is fit and well really soon. It's strange how animals just seem to know when they are getting medication. My dog is so crafty. I hid his tablet in a piece of cheese and the gave him several pieces of cheese before the one with the tablet, he just ate them all until the piece with the tablet...he ate the cheese and spat out the tablet. Crafty boy!
I really enjoyed seeing Blossom's website, she is soooooooo beautiful.  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

Hugs Jane.  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original Debbie! I'm so happy for you and Blossom! :dance:

Blossom is a total BABE--her face and body proportions are just beautiful.  bear_wub

And you're an excellent pony Mom/Whisperer--it sounds as if she's doing very well, considering her long journey.

Good luck on those dreaded penicillin injections, yuck.

I can get almost anything down my dogs in a bit of butter!


DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_wub Isn't she sweet??  bear_wub   But then, I'm a smitten mummy  :photo:   She's definitely on the mend and off the shots.  She loves the honey in her food....but does make quite a mess of it!  After she's finished eating she's busy looking for a towel to wipe her face with.  I may try cleaning it for her today, but I remember how much I hated having my face washed as a kid  bear_angry  So she'll probably be the same way  bear_laugh

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