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DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_laugh She really does have the perfect name!  bear_grin

Today was "bath time" for Lady Bear and the first tea time for both girls since Lady Bear's arrival.  Lady Bear took the bath and cold hose DOES feel good if the temp is 96*F!   And with a yummy oatmeal shampoo.... she was feeling pretty good.

After the bath, I brought out the two prepared buckets of soaked beetpulp, a handful of grain and all sorts of probiotics, vitamins/minerals, a natural dewormer (that tastes pretty yummy if I do say so myself!)  all mixed with a dallop of applesauce.  Okay it is pretty mushy...equivalent to mushed up baby food.  Blossom's not only used to it by now, she inhales it!  So I plopped her bucket over the fence and she tucked in like a good girl, and I held Lady Bear's bucket as she was tied.  I REALLY wish I had someone on hand with a camera!  She pulled all these giraffe faces over the bucket.  She knew it was 'goodies' but the whole texture was soooooo offputting to her   She did manage to eat about half of the bucket and then spent the rest of the time doing her 'giraffe' impression

Blossom, the ever hopeful came over and looked...."Hey if you're not gonna eat that, mind if I do???"  And helped herself.  Well, Lady Bear knew she was missing out as Blossom was practically inhaling the food (chew please, I don't need you choking little girl!!!)  I spent a bit of time holding the food for both.....Lady Bear knew she didn't want to eat it, but she didn't really know what to do with it...Blossom 'helped' by showing her it was FOOD...that most prized possession of Dales ponies. 

After me, the post, the lead rope and anything else within reach was used as a face towel, I turned Lady Bear loose again.  And on cue, she found herself the dustiest spot to roll!!!  Yes, the dust turned to loverly mud.... And she ended up 'dirtier' after the bath than she started....but hey, it was all in good fun.   

Note the 'Babyfood' all over the post! (incidentally, the 'collar' Lady Bear is wearing is a Defy the Fly Collar...anti fly obviously...the jury's still out on how well it works, but adds to her 'biker' image)


Yes, the other bath was a prelude to the full mudbath..

Girls basking under the double duty sprinkler...we're still in vain hopes of keeping their grass green.

Aren't I lovely???

:hug: Hope you enjoy the 'ultra safe' horsey pics!!!  :hug:  bear_wub

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

     Your pictures and narrative are wonderful - I am such a sucker for animals.  I can just imagine Blossom straining to get all the extra goodies, sort of like my big cat, Bear, does when I have strawberries and frozen yogurt.  He can smell frozen yogurt a mile away and I end up eating it standing up!  Give those beauties a snuggle for me.



DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_grin  I can well imagine you having to stand up to enjoy your frozen yougart!!!  bear_grin   We had a siamese cat that was the same way ~ about jalepeno cheese of all things  bear_rolleyes

I'll be sure to give the girlies an extra snuggly hug from you  :hug:

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115


They are just such gorgeously elegant creatures!!!!!   bear_wub  bear_smile

Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Debbie, you are are so wonderful, love the pictures and the story!  More!! More!!


Mitch2052 Blue Valley Bears
Posts: 770

I love reading about your beautiful girls and the pictures are wonderful. Keep us informed.
Cheers Susan

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_whistle Well washing a horse must be like washing a car!  This morning we got some desperately much needed rain  :pray:  :clap:  :clap:  :dance:  Yiippeee!!! 

Oh yes, and for breakfast, I did swop the applesauce for honey for Lady Bear.....guess who licked the bucket clean  bear_happy   No leftovers for Blossom...  bear_happy

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Gorgeous horses and wonderful story!!!

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb