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bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Hi all. Well here is a Canadian girl who only sees two maybe two and a half months of summer and I complain!

I hate the heat! This summer is the hotest summer on record! I get really cranky and swear and stuff like that! But...I have a hubby who I have been attached to my hip by for 33 years this year who put central air conditioning in for me!

Now, don't go saying awe...He only did it because he was so tired of hearing me B.TCHING!! Ha Ha Ha! I don't know about the rest of you but those hot flashes that come when one turnes 50 are killers! My Mom used to call them sparkles! Who did she think she was kidding! I am so cool! I mean that int he most endearing way of course!

I can only say that if you are feeling HOT! Find a man or even airconditioner! My new favorite thing!

Hugs Louise

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

I am grumpy too !!
Our average temperature here is
33 to 37 °C (90~100degrees Fahrenheit!)
now and not only the heat, our humidity are always more than 50% and yesterday was
88%!!! bear_wacko  I feel like I'm in a mist sauna .....

But  I wonder how hot in Las Vegas now ??
110°F?  bear_rolleyes 


BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

Girls, I know exactly what you mean.  I'm an Aussie, and I just hate the heat.  My husband is English, and he loves it.  He always says I would have made a good Pommie.  We are in Winter at the moment here in Australia, and I love it, but when the hot summer comes, I just wilt.  It is when you have weeks on end and the temperature is constantly up around 100 that it really gets you down.  Bear making is probably not the best hobby either for hot weather.

Louise, I have never heard our hot flushes called sparkles.  I would probably refer to mine more as explosions!!

bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188
WildCatDancer wrote:

: I too become grumpy (to put it mildly) in heat.

Did you mean in the heat or on heat :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

I love the long hot days of summer...absolutely hate being cold...just can't function at all with cold feet and hands!

The only good thing about winter is being curled up in front of the fire or having cuddles on a cold winter's night!  bear_grin 

Louise I love that your mum called them "SPARKLES", I always felt that "FLASHES" had more to do with cameras and "FLUSHES" as we say here, sounded too much like I was going down the loo! :crackup:
I'm not ready to be flushed anywhere just yet!

Hugs to all those suffering,

Chowlea Bears Chowlea Bears
Posts: 602
bearsbybeesley wrote:

! I don't know about the rest of you but those hot flashes that come when one turnes 50 are killers! My Mom used to call them sparkles!
Hugs Louise

Hot flushes are now known as  'TROPICAL WAVES'

I'm melting here in UK  - its awful.  :doh:  At least if its cold you can get warm - its not that easy getting cool and trying to breath is an art in itself for some.

Anyone know a good rain dance or one to invoke thunder and lightening - only during the night you understand - King Arthur had it right in Camelot.   :crackup:

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Sandra, I agree with you

I'm melting here in UK  - its awful.

All night long I've had a huge fan on full blast and I still was far too hot to sleep. The heat does me no good I just wilt like a flower out of water. I would love to travel to Australia but it would have to be in their winter or spring time. The only time I moved from in front of a fan yesterday was to trim the fur on a couple of small pandas and then only because I didn't want to spit furballs for the rest of the day.    bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

The weather guy says it will be hotter today and tomorrow so no going to town shopping today for me. Good job we have local shops!

Hugs Jane.  bear_flower

BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

Goodness me, what is happening in England with all this heat.  I never knew you got it so hot.  Is this usual or an out of the box year?

If you do visit Australia, I would agree not to come in our Summer - you wouldn't really enjoy looking about in that heat.  Our Autumn and Spring are just wonderful.  You English girls would probably consider our Winter a breeze as well.

Laniebears Arctophilia
Shropshire UK
Posts: 1,429

Anyone know a good rain dance or one to invoke thunder and lightening - only during the night you understand - King Arthur had it right in Camelot.

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Me to its boilinnnnng here... sleep and hour wake, drink ... sleep and hour wake drink..... sleep and hour wake, drink,  all night long... bear_wacko
No its very unusual, I think its started to get hotter...OZONE HOLES ARRRGHHHHH..... bear_cry

lw2ndstar Annapolis, Maryland
Posts: 78

It's too hot here too.   I am a wilter.  I just shut down in the heat.  I think it's my brain overheating!  I can't work.  I live near the water, so it is always  5 to 10 degrees cooler at my house, but I swear the humidity is WORSE here.

I too have to wrestle the air conditioners into the windows.  You know, I used to do this alone, but for the last couple of years I've needed my boyfirend's help!  That's how I know I'm gettin' old.

My sister is going through "the change" these days, and I always know when her hot flashes hit - she starts singing "we're havin' a heat wave... a tropical heat waaaave...".   I know my turn isn't far away...NNNNOOoooo!   bear_angry

Lynne  bear_grin

pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

Heat, flashes (or power surges) are the worst..been having them for about 10 years now, my Mom says they never end! Joy, joy  bear_sad

Just heard on the news that 14 out of the past 15 months my area has had warmer than usual weather....the past 5 days have been over 90 F! I was out in a field all day Saturday and Sunday for a craft show in the Adirondacks, thank goodness for the breeze coming off the lake. Tried my hardest to stay in the shade, but when people approach the booth, you have to be out talking to them, so not much shade there.

I convinced my hubby last Thursday to go into the cellar and bring up the 2 room airconditioners....what a lifesaver! Not cold, but definately much cooler than the outside, especilly when we turn on the ceiling fans! Then to make things more hot for me, I am taking my parents home to Florida on Sunday!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand the heat! That's why I live in the North!!!!

Hope everyone has a cool, comfortable day, wherever you are.  :hug:  :dance:   bear_smile  bear_wub

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Yep, the UK is hot, hot, hot at the moment, and has been (on and off) for some time. Tomorrow is predicted to be the hottest day for years, possibly on our area it should hit 36 C. We're just not used to it and our buildings are built to keep the heat IN - aaargh! My daughter's school is roasting and I worry for the little kids sweltering in their classrooms (flat roofed building, no air-con or fans). I gave her a long list of instructions this morning - keep her cap on, stand in the shade, drink lots of water etc etc....

bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

geez Helena, 36 is really hot for over there!  Its too cold here now so wish we could all swap!  Louise so glad you have air con now!  COuldn't live without ours...we have two types, evap and refrig. bear_tongue
xo sarah

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Sarah, I would gladly send you some of our heat if I could! It's too much for me, and playing havoc with my sinuses (allergy). We even have a heatwave weather warning in place....sigh.... bear_noexpression

Oh what I wouldn't give for air-conditioning right now! What a wonderful hubby you have, Louise....  :hug:

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Just curious Helena coz I've discovered that our temp tolerances are so different its quite humerous...but what is heatwave to you?  I think for us its like 3 days over 40' any aussies know for sure?
I hope you have air con  :pray: and hope those allergies clear  bear_cry 
xo sarah

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291 … ealth.html
This page says that in the NorthWest of England, it is considered a heatwave if the daytime temp peaks over 30 C and the nightime temp doesn't go below 15 C for 2 days. Which seems a lot lower than your threshold, but you have to remember that we don't generally have any air-conditioning here and the buildings are built for heat retention. So we don't get chance to really cool down  :(.

I'm baking!!!!! And will have to switch off the computer soon, since the sun comes round to hit this room in the afternoons....

So is this global warming, do you think??!

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Oh you poor girl!  We have our air con on once it hits around 28 here.  Interesting about the temp differences! and I never thought about buildings built for heat retention...we genearlly build for cooling, away from sun etc...
stay cool!!!
xo sarah

Chowlea Bears Chowlea Bears
Posts: 602
Jellybelly Bears wrote:

but what is heatwave to you?   sarah

Blinking hot - that's what it is........ Just been watching the news - Its hotter here than in Florida today - Its predicted 20C during the night (no sleep there then)  and over 34C tomorrow.  (I have long coated dogs too - trying to keep them cool requires ingenuity). You can bet your bottom dollar that there will be someone somewhere whose left an animal in a car as we speak. UNBELIEVABLE.

The only AC I have is in the car.

Question - do I sit in the car with the engine running to operate the AC and add to global warming and increase petrol usage?  (News also covered increased petrol prices too) - or melt.

Ah me! Isn't life a trial - still at lease we don't have a tsunami to worry about - just flooding predicted when the thunderstorms hit us.   We were told the other day that some places in UK have hose pipe bans because THEY HAD THE WRONG SORT OF RAIN- you couldn't make this up could you.

What would the English talk about if the weather was predictable.  You'd be able to plan for stuff - THEN- we would have something to talk about.
Thanks for letting me rant - I'll just go and melt.

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

I totally know what you mean!

I'm a true Canadian at heart and I don't like temps any higher than maybe 26C. Something in the blood. My sister was also born in Canada, but has now moved to florida because she was always cold here.

I think Florida would kill me........... :crackup:  bear_tongue

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

Hi there,
     I live in eastern Ontario, Canada and man, it's hot here too. We are in a rural area, and our property out back has tons of trees and a river in behind that, so we are probably 5-7 degrees cooler than in Ottawa.  I can deal with some heat, if it's not a humid heat.  We have had high humidity for about a week, and I simply don't go outside at all - just to turn on the sprinklers for an hour in the evening.  Even my cats have learned to do their jaunts in the evening!  Thank goodness hubby is home on weekends, to tour me around and pick up groceries and run errands, so I can stay indoors during the week LOL! etc.  I detest summer - I do a hip, hip hurray, when it gets to June 21, and I know the days will start getting shorter and the tide has turned towards winter!  I actually get mild anxiety attacks in the spring, when I know summer is on the way LOL!

     I really feel badly for you girls in Britain with no access to A/C.  I would not survive without it.  Louise, I know just how you feel - I remember getting our A/C about 5 years ago - it is just the best!  I do have to say that for some reason, I have never had a hot flash and I'm 56 - I don't know why.  I used to be cold all the time, when I was younger and the only difference I have noticed is that my body temp is warmer.  In the winter, my husband is now more likely to be cold than I am.  But that's it - no "sparkles" at all - straaange, as my mum was plagued with them until she died.  All I can say is "lucky me"!  LOL!



SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh yes . . . global warming, greenhouse effect, and all that other environmental havoc we are wreaking!!  Most of the US is in an unusual heat wave, although down here in Texas, we are used to HOT.  We have a long streak of days 100 degrees F and over going right now.  AC is just a given here.  I do feel for all of you that aren't used to having that kind of heat - it's miserable.

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Awww ... what a nice husband! 

AC a MUST HAVE for asthma sufferers.  I can tolerate the heat here in NY, but hubby can't with asthma.  So we put in central air a few years back.

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