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Dilu Posts: 8,574

I am so disappointed in myself. 

I should have taken the camera with me!

what a nidgit!!!

i was just out doing my 30 minutes on the reclining bike on the back deck.  2 beautiful red fox come jogging through the yard.  One jumps up on a stump and sits there staring at me.  And I stare at him.  Of course, who wouldn't, they are so beautiful.  And I talk to him very quietly and very evenly and soothingly.  And he sits down on his haunches and cocks his head.  and listens.  This had to be about 2 minutes.  And then he barks at me, the way fox do.  And I bark back.  Well, wouldn't you?

Since living with a parrot I have become quite the mimic of wildlife.....except that mocking bird who does the cell phone ring....cant mimic that.

And i am siting there not moving anything but my feet.  (I figured that was OK since they were moving when he came into my little circle of space.)  and we bark back and forth for about 15 seconds.

And the whole time I am castigating myself in my head.  How could I be so Stupid?

Now until the day I die I bet he never comes back and I'll be sitting there every morning in the summer barking and peddling

until the white coated folks come with the nets and funny jackets with the really long arms.....sigh

JeannieB JeannieB Bears
Greensboro NC
Posts: 1,183

We have foxes, too! What a great experience so close up! Definately bring the camera! :photo:
  JeannieB bear_original

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh it was that exactly, magical! 

I have been higher than a kite all day.  Even the hubs, who in his travels in the deep outback, and has had his own up close and personals with mamas and their baby cubbikins....but he never had a conversation.

Trust you guys to understand.

but you know, with my compulsiveness, I will be out there every morning it isn't raining....Lets see I'm 54 now and can reasonably expect to live to, what?  80?  that's a long time to try and relive the magic.

I know some of those guys in the white coats....maybe I can convince them to join me.....

I speak their language just isn't nearly as musical or pleasant.

come on down Renae and we'll bark at the fox....

Jennie, where is Caswell County?

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I want to bark, too!  What a photo op that was!!  Yep, I missed getting pics of our coyote, too . . . oh well.  But foxes . . . that's really special.  Oh goodness, I talk to my cats and dogs "in their language" and we have totally wonderful conversations.  Hubby just laughs - no telling what he really thinks - but who cares, anyway?

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

Wow Dilu that is a special experience!!  but you know , if you had your camera, you would have been focused on taking a picture and the fox would have been gone just as soon as you aimed it at him, so really you are very lucky that you DIDN'T have it!

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

How wonderful Di I bet you will never forget that experience. I wonder what was going on in the fox's head. Maybe he thought you were Mumma Doolittle talking to him that way. I know a picture would have been wonderful but what did happen was a wonderfl crossing the species thingy...if you know what I mean... I think I would have treasured the chat more than a picture...lucky you!

Hugs Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

I would bark too !!! what a wonderful experience you had !!  :dance:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

I am thinking of breaking a cardinal rule here in the forest, and leaving a handful of kibble out on the stump every day. c038.gif

I know I shouldn't.  It is wrong to train them to like people because the next people they meet might be real jerks, or hunters.  Sorry NRA.....but the only thing I aim at wildlife is the camera.  The guns stay in the safe unless we are target practicing...... a140.gif

I am still debating this lure back or not.

but if I manufacture it then the magic isn't real is it?


I guess I will obey the cardinal rule. a176.gif

At least they all know this is a safe place during hunting season.  We seem to have a lot of critters show up during hunting season.... g035.gif

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