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psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Hey folks,

Just wondering what everyone does for New years eve?

We have our usual party with our group of friends. There are about 25 of us, who have been friends for like 14  years now. Each year, it's at a different person's house. This year, the hosts say they even have prizes.

we eat lots, and drink lots and never drive drunk. Then we feel sick and watch movies the next day! LOL
Guess that'll change if we have kids, so for now, that's what we do.

What do you do? I'm curious.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hubs and I will go to a movie and out to eat EARLY on NY's eve.  On our way back home, we'll stop and get Krispy Kreme doughnuts to eat while watching the festivities in Times Square on TV.  (Have done that for several years and it's become a tradition.)  Then, after it reaches 12:00 Texas time, we'll kiss and wish each other a great 2007.  That's about as much excitement as old people can stand.  On New Year's Day, we'll have black-eyed peas.  That's to ensure we have a lucky new year.  Anyone else eat BEPs on NY's Day?

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Hmmm we are going over to our neighbours house.  We will have family there but I don't think we will be doing much else.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Sue Ann, I never knew Black Eyed Peas bring good luck. In that case I'm having a pound of them at least!
Heather, How nice to have such a wonderful bunch of long-time friends. Even if you have kids.... get an overnight sitter! Those friendships are ALWAYS going to be important to keep and those special annual events you are well deserving of!

Hubs can NEVER stay up until midnight. He's lucky to make it until 9pm (though he's up at 4am every morning!) SO..... I stay up, the dogs and I watch movies and eat lots of popcorn (you should see the mess we make of the couch!) and at midnight we pounce on the bed to wake Henry up. He's learned to tolerate this! :crackup: This year we'll watch Fox and The Hound 2 and Pirates of the Carribean.

Are ya taking pity on my pathetic New Year's celebration???? You all are welcome to come to my house!

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

You girls are soo cute.

Sue Ann, old people excitement! LOL  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup: I feel I'm almost there as well

Daphne, thanks for that. You're right, I guess you don't want to give that, I just hope we all have kids at the same time, that would be perfect, and very unlikely.
i can just picture your popcorn mess, what fun. And waaaaay too funny that you jump on the bed at midnight. It's the least you can do! LOL

I'm gonna have black eyed peas then as well. I never knew that!

Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

We moved into a new community 2 years ago and have made some really great friends.  We are going to their home New Years eve to celebrate.  Not sure what they have planned, but I'm sure just a quiet night with 3 or 4 couples.

When I was a kid, we used to bang pot lids together on the front porch at midnight.  Anyone else do that?

carsoncreations Carson Creations
Macomb, IL
Posts: 252

Sue Ann,

As far back as I can remember, we always had blackeyed peas on New Year's Day.  Mom told me that for everyone I ate, I would gain $1 in the new year.  Guess who "pigged out" on blackeyed peas.

We usually have a quiet evening at home, maybe some pizza and a movie.  The last couple of years, I haven't been able to stay up til midnight .... the bed calls to me and I know that if I don't get at least a few hours sleep, I'll have a crummy New Year's Day and I would rather enjoy the day than the evening beforehand.



Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Never heard of eating BEPs BUT my mother refused t do any 'work' on New Years Day as she believed that it would set the tone for the rest of the year.  So we tend to do things we enjoy on New years day

K Pawz Guest

I guess it is coming pretty close isn't it!!! We just spend time together on NY's at home, watching movies and snuggling the dogs and cats...although there always is a bottle of bubbly for midnight, if we can make it that long


chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

I like the BEP concept!! I'll have to find some while food shopping tomorrow!!  bear_grin
This year we're having some family and friends over to our place.  We'll play board games..we love boards games...if you've never played Balderdash you must try it.  I imagine a few drinks in you would make it even more hilarious.  We have a few more group games on hand and this year we even have the classic version of Ms Pacman set up on the big screen tv for competitions (we're a goofy bunch aren't we??!)

Food is fun finger foods, munchies and the traditional pork and sauerkraut .  We've got some old german/polish traditions on my mom's side that say you have to eat pork on new years for a "fat wealthy" year and never eat chicken or you'll be scratching the whole year.  Silly yes, but once it becomes tradition you just do it.  bear_grin  Plus I think it's pretty common in my area (Philly)'s on all of the menus for the week.

We tune in for the NYC ball to drop and then hang out until people start to call it a night. 

Patty---YES we still do that around here, everyone does.  They bang pot lids, blow their car horns, set off fireworks, etc.  Good Lord the poor dogs go nuts with all of that, poor puppies  bear_tongue


Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Well one might consider me boring but I like to stay home with my kitties and watch the fireworks on TV. I will make a lovely dinner for us. Read a good book perhaps. I'm afraid to go out on new years eve because of all the  drunk drivers...Plus it's cold....boring or not, I'm a happy camper....

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

The only Black Eyed Peas that I know of are the band LOL

I'm a real partyer  :dance:  I wish!! I will probably be in bed LOL 


patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

We will have friends over for dinner and watch the fireworks on the TV...

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

Boy I haven't planned any thing yet. I have the week end off . Sat., Sun., and Monday !!!! I won't know what to do with my self but I am sure it will go fast. I usually am asleep on the couch at midnight. My hubby doesn't like to go out any where. He travels for his job so when he is home he stays there. My biggest adventure with him is the GROCERY store  UMMMMMMMMMMMMM !! But don't cry for me ... Believe me I intertain my self ... I just up and go when ever I want .

MKinsey/TBF Teddy Bear and Friends
Lancaster PA
Posts: 390

MKinsey/TBF Editor of Teddy Bear and Friends

We usually pick a house and get together with friends for a group dinner, then play games and talk, letting the kids play in the basement. (Everyone I know has kids between the ages of 1 and 10.)

But this year -- for the first time in 10 years -- we have a babysitter and we're going OUT. My brother-in-law's band is playing, so we're going out to dinner and the show. It won't be fancy, but it'll be fun.

Best wishes to everyone for a very happy new year!


Jennskains Posts: 2,203

New years eve is my birthday!  So lets party! :dance:

tuppies teddies Tuppies Teddies
Lindenow, Central Gippsland
Posts: 1,969

We are the hosts this year, so it is a BBQ with a couple of our friendly neighbours. 
Most likely as soon as the clock ticks over all will go back to their homes and go off to Noddy land.
Not really party animals anymore, it takes to long, even days to recover..

Happy New Year everyone.....

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Denise ,
I'm up that late most nights anyway the poor old body doesn't ever get a chance to recover  :crackup:  no doubt it shows.  :crackup:

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

New Years eve is our down time.  We stay home and hubby hasn't seen midnight in so many years, I can't count.
I usually watch TV.   New Years day is my official day off.  Hubby watches parades and football and I do whatever I want, usually art stuff or read a book and we ignore the phone.  Even our daughter and hubby know it's our one day to ourselves, so they leave us alone.   Instead of a main meal, we do munchies and finger foods all day - meatballs, salmon mousse, cheese and crackers, vegges and dip. crab legs and stuffed scallops etc.  I make almost all of it ahead of time.  We look after ourselves and I love it as it's a completely stress free day and our chance to build up strength for the rat race of the rest of the year LOL!.



All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Have to confess, I hide from New Year's Eve.  I'm not generally a depressive person but there's something about New Year's Eve that has me tucked inside under my duvet, trying to sleep through.  I really really don't like it all.  :cry:

New Year's Day always sorts me out as I tend to go cleaning mad, take down the Christmas tree and attempt to organise my life.  I've already 'de-Christmassed' my website! bear_original

Dilu Posts: 8,574

We don't do anything-usually in bed early-so we don't hear the fireworks.  Its wet enough not to worry but still I always do-fire and forest don't go well together.

This year the Hubs is working, which means I camn have chocolate! bear_original


dusty attic dusty attic bears
Posts: 968

Well we shall be staying at home too! I have never been a lover of new year at all. bear_cry I know i should look at it as a brand new year and all, but i see new year as the end of christmas and nothing to look forward to untill the spring comes.Plus we just have the horrible months of January and February to get through. All gray days and lots of wind and rain. bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad JUST HORRIBLE. oh no i think i need cheering up now bear_cry  bear_cry

millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

We will have a final church service on New Year's Eve followed by a time to eat and play games.  We usually begin to scatter just after midnight.  It really isn't safe to be on the road too late and we have a 30 minute drive home.  On New Year's Day we will again eat.  Growing up we always had pork.  Since we have given up pork, we will do steaks on the grill.  And, of course, we will have the Black Eyed Peas (I love them).

Mutz Mutz's Tootsz Bears & Buds
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Posts: 397

My husband & I have a tradition of our own.  We have gone to the same resturant for 21 of the 24 years we have been together.  We have a late dinner together, sometimes with another couple, have a toast at midnight, kiss & go home.  This is a lovely small Italian restuarant called Caterina's. We have known the owners since we we dating and have watched their children grow & come into the business. We always have a wonderful time.  I am hoping we will be able to go this year but we both came down with the flu & have been pretty sick for a few days.
Hoping my tummy is better by Sunday!

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066
All Bear wrote:

Have to confess, I hide from New Year's Eve.  I'm not generally a depressive person but there's something about New Year's Eve that has me tucked inside under my duvet, trying to sleep through.  I really really don't like it all.  bear_cry

I am exactly the same, I HATE NEW YEAR!!  I find it sad and depressing, always have had......don't really know why......   bear_cry

My Christmas decs are usually down by boxing night, but as we've been decorating this year (fine time of the year to be doing that be assured!!)  I haven't tackled them yet, but they'll be down any minute, I can't stand Christmas after Christmas!!  Infact both my nan and my MIL have both visited in the last couple of days and are shocked they are still up!!

New Year's Eve for me (the Happy Soul!!  :crackup:  :crackup: ) will be tele (or more likely here!!  Someone be here - PLEASE!!)   and bed before it happens!!   bear_happy  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:


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