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cherylbruinwerks Bruinwerks
Posts: 784

I really enjoyed the postings about favourite childhood books - I am such an avid reader!
It got me wondering...what are you reading right now?

For me:

Creative Cloth Doll Making by Patti Medaris Culea

The Most Famous Man in America - a biography of Henry Ward Beecher by Debby Applegate
(not an easy read but really fascinating glimpse of early 19th century life in America especially slavery and the rise of Abolitionists)

Saint by Ted Dekker
(just a great easy thriller, I love all of Ted's books)

What about you?

Cheryl bear_flower

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I've been reading 'Winter in Madrid' by C Sansom ... but haven't been able to stay awake long enough to get really absorbed yet!  I love browsing the PM Culea and S Oroyan books on doll making - they are fabulous books.

K Pawz Guest

I am reading believe it or not, kind of corresponding to Shelli's thread about her dog....If Bones Were To Rain From the Sky, by Suzanne Clothier....all about the deeper levels of relationships with our dogs and how to get them!!! Amazing read for anyone who wants a deeper connected relationship with their dogs....I actually walked WITH the dogs this morning versus WALKING the dogs...and man did that ever open my eyes to all the interesting things out there.


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Might have to get that book for myself! :)

I just bought and have been skimming (because I'm impatient and also because I actually bought it for my son Noah!) Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Aron Ralston. It's the story of the loss of his right hand; it was pinned under a boulder and he self-amputated it after six days to save his life, escaping the canyon wearing a tourniquet.  I'll save this for Noah to read and digest it more fully when he's finished.  Such a survival story!

Reminds me of Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer (if memory serves.)  That book retold an Everest expedition gone wrong.  I read it years ago and found it really gripping!

Pumpkin & Pickle Bears Pumpkin & Pickle Bears
East Sussex
Posts: 2,047

I used to read all the time - at least an hour before bed every night...I am completely and utterly ashamed to say that I haven't read a book in about 6 months!!!  bear_shocked
I have started a few but only managed to get a couple of chapters in. My problem is that I don't get to do any bearmaking during the day as I have my son(s) at home so I wait for the boys to go to bed at 7pm then spend a bit of time with my other half (just my OTHER half, certainly NOT 'better'!!  :crackup: ) and start on bears at about 9pm.......then usually get to the point where I can't keep my eyes open any longer (usually about 1am!!) and then take myself off to bed! So, you see, I just don't seem to have the time!

When I had more time, the kind of books I really liked were true stories like 'A child called it'...very heart wrenching but makes you realise just how lucky you are!

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Not really reading any books right now....actually just looking at stacks of kitchen design books and trying to decide whether to go with painted cabinets or wood cabinets. 

Warmest hugs,  :hug:

nimbleknot Cupcake Bears
Austin, Texas
Posts: 711

I try to read ONE book at a time, its tough. But right now...

Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner

katiecountrymouse1 KatieCountryBears
Bolton-le-sands, Carnforth
Posts: 3,101

Hi Cheryl
At the present time reading a book about a little boy that was Autistic. His father is writing the story of his short life, battling with Leukaemia, then a brain tumour. It doesn't half make you thank you lucky stars that your children have been fine. Wonderful reading. bear_thumb
OLLIE by Stephen Venables.
Love Kayx :clap:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Aleta - The Silly Bear wrote:

trying to decide whether to go with painted cabinets or wood cabinets.

If I may be so bold... wood!

tinybear-dk TinyBear
Posts: 1,427

I´m reading:

The lighthouse by P.D.James and
Back issues of Country Market Place that I just bought on ebay and
The trip to Croatia as I´m going there for summer holidays. bear_original

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

I only seem to get around to reading bear mags and books although I got a few books on knitting from the library to read.Mind you they have sat there a week and I haven't had the time to look at any of them yet.
Like you Gemma I spend a lot of evening time making bears and have noticed you on tt late at night the same as me.I know it is time to stop sewing when I nod off and get woken up because I have stabbed myself with the needle  :crackup: If I read late at night I just fall asleep anyway!
Laurie :hug:

Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

I'm reading a book that daughter, Tracy gave me for Christmas called "Redeeming Love".  I know it sounds like a romance novel and it is, sort of.  It's a story based on the book of Hosea in the Bible about a man who marries a prostitute.  Interesting because it takes place in my neck of the woods during the gold rush.  The town in the book is called Pair 'o Dice and I've heard the the town of Paradise was originally called Pair o' Dice.  Maybe Shelli knows since she's right down the mountain from Paradise.  I usually read historical fiction or mysteries.  I like Patricia Cornwell and Sue Grafton.

And Aleta, I say painted, for what it's worth.  If I had mine to do over again, I'd do paint in a darker creamy color, with a glaze.  Two years ago we did cherry stained dark and I like it, but I wish the kitchen was a little brighter.

melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

I commute to work and so read both ways on the bus...tried sewing, it was ok when I used to commute by train, but a narrow windy seaside road is not conducive to sewing - I end up with lots of holes in my fingers and very wonky seams   bear_grin

I'm reading total fluff at the moment - a novel set in la la soap opera land.  It's perfect as I'm soooo tired that anything too heavy would send me to sleep and I'd miss my stop!

I'm also listening to a Janet Evanovich/Charlotte Hughes novel on talking book while I sew.

I am also reading a fantastic  book by food safety expert Marion Nestle called "What to Eat".  This is not some chi chi trendy nutritionist but one of the world's authorities on food safety and politics - basically people responded to her first two books by saying, so you've told us what not to eat, what do YOU eat.  It's an aisle by aisle look at the supermarket and while very American focused so interesting.

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

I have just finished Deadly Voyage by Kathy Riechs ...

Shelli wrote:
Aleta - The Silly Bear wrote:

trying to decide whether to go with painted cabinets or wood cabinets.

If I may be so bold... wood!

I have to agree ...

Chowlea Bears Chowlea Bears
Posts: 602
Shelli wrote:
Aleta - The Silly Bear wrote:

trying to decide whether to go with painted cabinets or wood cabinets.

If I may be so bold... wood!

Wood has my vote too .......................... :hug:

A thought provoking book that you can read in a couple of hours is  'The Five People you meet in Heaven' by Mitch Albom.

If you like Legal Thrillers - 'The Emperor of Ocean Park' by Stephen Carter.

Jeffrey Deaver for forensic stuff.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

The Meaning of Night  Fascinating British novel, full of history as well as mystery and intrigue 

Thank God for book clubs!  no library here........

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

I'm reading Little Red Riding Hood, Uncloaked: Sex, Morality and the Evolution of a Fairy Tale by Catherine Orenstein. 

Non Fiction obviously.... but so thought provoking!   bear_thumb

The last fiction book I read was Skylight Confessions, by Alice Hoffman..... really gritty, painful and sometimes disturbing subject matter.... but I just loved this book!  My life is fairly non-gritty.... oh I have my stress/problems like everyone else.... but sometimes it's nice to really be transported OUT of my "non-gritty" world! 

Kim Basta

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

I'm reading 'The Art of  ANNEMIEKE MEIN Wildlife Artist in Textiles' and the latest copy of National Geographic.
I finished my last novel about two weeks ago. I have no idea what it was called. Just some escapism type of period mush. Enjoyed it though. I love being transported to other worlds.
The Annemieke book is just pure candy for the mind. Cant stop reading it. I just LOVE it LOVE it LOVE it bear_thumb   I would be very interested in reading' If bonesWere to fall from the sky'. Now that sounds great.

BFB-Lyn Brimbin Forest Bears
NSW, Australia
Posts: 3,743

I love a good book and reading and always like to get some reading in at some time during the day and I always have to read in bed at night and I'm lucky if I get pass a couple of pages before nodding off and throwing the book - usually in hubby's direction  bear_grin
I am about half way through a Kathy Reichs book called 'Bare Bones'.

Hugs Lyn  bear_flower

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

The latest catalogs from Pottery Barn and LL Bean. What? They don't count?!?! :crackup:

I haven't read a novel for a while. When I get into a good book I can't put it down... even if that means skipping meals and staying up until 4am to finish it! If only I could stay that focused on anything else in my life!

I just got a new needlefelting book so am poking along through that.

I'm a romance novel kind of person when I do read. Not the trashy stuff. I like Nora Roberts and Debbie Macomber.

nimbleknot Cupcake Bears
Austin, Texas
Posts: 711

Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs is a scream. I laughed out loud reading this book. Its a totally kinky, freak show of fabulous characters. Unbelievable its a memoir. Or so "they" say.

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551
nimbleknot wrote:

Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs

I've heard of this title. I thought it was a movie??? MMMmmm???

nimbleknot Cupcake Bears
Austin, Texas
Posts: 711
matilda wrote:
nimbleknot wrote:

Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs

I've heard of this title. I thought it was a movie??? MMMmmm???

Yes, but the book came first. I have not seen the movie. I bet its hilarious.

TeddyB Posts: 83

Hello everyone
I am currently reading the Bible, How to make enchanting miniature teddy bears,different craft books, business, real estate, tax books and I am reading The Chronicles of Narnia with my sons.

cherylbruinwerks Bruinwerks
Posts: 784

Wow, I'm getting a list a mile long of books I want to read!

Patty - I got 'Redeeming Love" as a gift too..and stayed up all night reading it  :redface:

Jennifer - love,love,love Jennifer Weiner! She's so funny and gee...imagine...someone larger than a size 2 can   have people love them...what a concept bear_wub

Daphne - sometimes catalogues totally have to count! I love 'Victorian Trading Company' -not a big fan of victoriana but the pix in that catalogue are gorgeous!

Cheryl bear_flower

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