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Jennskains Posts: 2,203

No emu oil does not have an oder.

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Denise I drink Ginger tea and find that is helping.. Jenn I also take cider vinegar with honey.. I have even tried Prolotherepy which worked fantastic in my foot.. (Osteroarthritis)  that is the only place that I have had it (Prolotherepy)... My foot used to swell up like a balloon if I was on it for more than a few hours and the pain was excruciating but now it is great I can be on my feet all day and yes it gets painful but nothing like it used to..

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Ahhh something I do know about....

Apparently arthritis is a key factor in fibromyalgia....

I use the spa two times a day, at night before I go to sleep the hubs uses a rather heavy duty massage machine on my neck and back, as that is where it seems to be the worst and a key cause of headaches

Glucosomine certainly does work for many many people.  Also the Omega three fish oil capsules are supposed to help as well.

codiene is a wonderful drug andIi use it.  But it can cause dependence, and Jenn, you are a much younger gal than I, and trying to have a family?  So you want to find alternatives.

Codiene also has serious side effects, one of which is dependence.  I worked with many people legally addicted to it.  Kind of a bummer. 

you need to find as many ways to mitigate the pain as you can that do not involve anti-inflammatories,

Antiinflammatories are very hard on the tummy and some people do get bleeding from over taking them.

There are some prescription anti-inflammatories that may not be as destructive to the tum as some of the over the counter ones.

Aleve, ibuprofen, ASA, any of the over the counter medications have serious downsides.  mostly stomach problems, even bleeding and liver damamge.

Even Tylenol [apap] can cause serious liver problems if too much is taken....It is also a medication that can kill if a person takes 20 +/- at a time.  So you need to be very very careful....the death comes along because of the destruction of the liver.  Very nasty way to go.

So be careful, talk to your doctor about what he recomends, and then get a liver panal at least once a year, so that he/she can see if you are having any more damage to your liver....

And try hot warm water, parafin baths, massage therapy and some of the herbal remedies


Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Dilu, I just had a panel done.  No damage.  I only take ibipropthen when it gets really bad.

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

Patsy, I really enjoy the ginger tea, it's also very good for nausea and helps blood flow...also a new study by University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center has found that it might help fight ovarian's an amazing plant.

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

A good JAB with a felting needle will take your mind off of  it. It does'nt do cures though. Bit of a bugger that. bear_grin  bear_thumb

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh Wendy that is so true even a mattress needle does the trick  :crackup:

nimbleknot Cupcake Bears
Austin, Texas
Posts: 711
matilda wrote:

A good JAB with a felting needle will take your mind off of  it. It does'nt do cures though. Bit of a bugger that. bear_grin  :thumbsup:

LOL!!! No kidding. That'll wake you up in a second.

kate Kates Mates
Malua Bay
Posts: 62

I have just had the most marvelous time reading all the messages on this thread.  I have a genetic form of arthritis which I control with Mobic (NSAID) + paracetamol.  At the moment, have a pinched nerve in lower back which makes walking or standing a very painful exercise.  Have just started on Glucosamine and also have some stronger (DD) medication which I keep only for night.
There's no doubt you get to feel pretty sorry for yourself at times - but this thread was filled with such interesting (and fun!) observations that I completely forgot my discomfort and now have some new things to try.
Thanks gals!
Kate :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

I drink ginger tea when I get motion sick.  It does help.

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

I'm awfully late to this topic but just have to say that emu oil is great.  no odor really, its good stuff.  I know Lisa Rosenbaum put me onto it and I'm so glad she did, it really helps my arthritis which is quite severe.  She also gave me a great remedy for skin complaints too...I'll search it out if anyone wants it.  I really didn't know that the aboriginals used this for so much until just now.

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Patsy wrote: I take Glucosamaine twice a day

My Michael takes glucosamine. Other friends do to and said it helps. I think checking with your doctor to get his/her advice. Sometimes a prescirbe medication is necessary.....

I have hip and shoulder problems. I bought a feather bed and it brought immediate relief. I don't wake up in pain throughout the night. If you buy one though, get a good one. You may have to fluff it up each night, but it is like sleeping on a cloud. It is cool in summer and warm in winter. But don't skimp on price....Remember a third of your life is sleeping.

I also have knee swelling from an old injury. I keep my legs elevated. In a chair I have my legs up on the abdomen and a pillow under my knees. I also when in bed will have a pillow under my knees when watching TV. A sound nutty but it is so comfortable and I reduced the pain and swelling.

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

Oh its sore isn't it??/I am also allergic to most pain killers and all ani inflammatories.I dont set foot out of bed till I have done several yoga moves,I walk two hours  a day with my dogs and have half an hour on my elliptical trainer and half an hour of weights every night.If I miss even one day I know I will suffer all night.I have to get up really early to fit it all in with 12 hours work but its so worth it.I still get some pain but nothing like I used to.I am 48 so I am not young but not old either.I just hope I can keep it up till I am old(not sure when that is)
Any movement seems to help most people.I hope you get some relief soon as it wears you out.
Diane xxx

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

     Do you remember the name of the Canadian retailer for Emu oil?  I'm Canadian and it would be great to find a Canadian supplier.  Thanks a bunch for you great post - I really want to try this.



Billie Posts: 6

Hello Brenda the company is Songlines Health Products you can ring their toll free number 1-888-784-2244. We only purchased the emu oil tablets but make sure they are color free. We purchased the Emu oil and other products from the Australian website that i read about as they are half the price to what i get them here which also included the postage.
Hello Sarah yes i too got the information from Lisa in her newsletter, so glad to hear of them.
Hello Diane if you are allergic to anti inflamatories, you should try these too as they are natural and are recommended to help. 

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Billie,
     Thanks so much for the info - are you in Canada as well?  I will check out all the sites.  I'm curious about one more thing - isn't it illegal to send liquid through the mail?  Is that why you bought tablets?  Does anyone order the oil and can it be sent through the mail?



Dilu Posts: 8,574

I just reread the begining....Emu Oil sounds so interesting,  Thanks ladies for posting about it-i am going to try and find some and give it a go....
Jenns, are you getting any help?


Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Hi Billie, welcome to the group  :hug:, I'm a friend of Lisa's, the aboriginies sure have some useful stuff....they are probably rolling their eyes at us for taking so long to catch on lol  I was always put off of the idea of emu oil (i have a vivid imagination lol) but it really helps.  I have pretty severe arthritis, it doesn't cure it, but helps so much that if my feet are hurting too badly to walk, i rub it on and it helps...its a funny feeling, like not hot like deep heat, i recommend it tho  bear_thumb

Dilu, i'm not sure where you would get it over there...i get mine from my chemist.  maybe your chemist can order it in for you?

And I echo Dilu, Jen..are you feeling any better?  If your arthritis is auto immune did you know there are meds that you can take that actually stop the progression?  have you seen a rheumy?  i hate to see anyone suffer with this pain knowing what its like...

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Dilu I can find you some.  Its local in town here.  I can see if they have a website too if you are interested.

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

I have never heard of emu oil???Doesnt sound veggie though unless it comes from their droppings ,gross!!!
I cant take the cod liver oil either being a veggie.

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

I'm unable to take antiinflamitories and other pain killers so I must rely upon stretching exercises like Tai Chi and yoga.  It does work but it is a slow business to build up strength  and must be kept up with  at all  times.  This wo'nt of course work for everyone but it will work for far more people than you would give it credit for.

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

Just looked into it and it is actually taken from emus.Silly me hoped it might be a dinky local name.Definatley not for veggies,will stick to my yoga running and weights.Thanks anyway.
Hugs Diane xx

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

no, i don't think its too kind to the emu's Diane bear_sad and i hate using it for it.

I've got a bad elbow at the moment and I have just put my magnet bandage on really helps...i forgot about my draw full of magnets as my pain has been a little better lately...anyway I remembered, wacked it on and its feeling a lot better...its natural, no side effects adn really works.  They are like normal bandages you get from the chemist for knees, elbows etc, but they have powerful magnets in them.  takes the pain away and also the support of the bandage helps.

greatwon2 AlmostBears
Posts: 332

ok now this is probably going to sound stupid...but what does arthritis feel like?for a few years now my knees have been bugging me, every now and then one or the other will feel like its out of place(if that makes sense)its been getting more and more often and worse.tonight its really quite bad it feels hot and stiff, i cant bend it all the way and it feels aches but it doesnt hurt too bad(not in agony) also my hip aches a little too since my knee started.could it be arthritis??im only 22 so have never really thought about it being that - just thought i had weak knees :lol:

sorry if i sound silly and am way of base bear_ermm

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

tonight its really quite bad it feels hot and stiff, i cant bend it all the way and it feels tight...

As advised before, only your DR and Xray/MRI can see the differences your body is making, but hot, stiff and slight swelling in the knee is what first sent to the orthopedic surgeon.
Arthroscopy cleaned up the back of the patella (knee cap) 30 years ago, buying me a little more time until I got to the replacement point a year ago.

New knees! LV EM!!!

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