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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn

rosebearcottage Rose Bear Cottage
Lake Gregory, California
Posts: 284

My fulltime job as a Facilities Project Coordinator for a school district (which is on call 24/7) is very demanding  bear_shocked   : along with daily and weekly household duties.  bear_angry  I find it hard to even read post and reply here on TT  :wacko:. With the little time to create, go to shows or list on eBay, it's even harder to enter the Toby's, etc.  bear_sad  I just yesterday began to update my website which has been in need of help for sometime now. :redface:  Not only do I want to praise those who may have more energy then I do   :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  and am able to "juggle" very well, I would like to know how you all do it. I believe I'm a talented artist caught in the trap of the daily routine. Pointers Please!!!

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

i also have a full time job..tho i am not on call i live 40 minutes from where i work..( how you people with kids do this ..i will never know)  but im trying to be more organized and more portable..i/e that i can have small projects i can take with me..i cut stuff sometimes when i have an hour or so free..always on vacation i take mohair and patterns and i just cut and pin when my dh is in the shower or after we
ve ben exploring..i cant just sit and watch tv,. so i do that then also..then on an early morning when i hae a few minutes i sew some pieces etc..  havent perfected it yet..but im gaining!  you;re in good company if that helps!  deb

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

It's a huge balancing act, having your supplies well organised and unfortunately a very low number of bears made per year, any spare time goes into bearmaking when you have a family, work full time, housework and fit everything else in, and going to bed very late that seems to be my time to work hard and also having a very understanding family that are prepared to chip in and give you a hand from time to time.  bear_sad    Trust me I know, I am in the same boat. I take my bear supplies when we go out in the car and take my bears and work on them at lunchtimes at work, anything to get them done.

I honestly would love to do more competitions and shows but its hard to fit everything in, just do you best with the time you have. I love reading this board but have sadly had to cut back time so I have more bearmaking time its very addictive once you get on here.  :hug: Miss you all.

rosebearcottage Rose Bear Cottage
Lake Gregory, California
Posts: 284

I'm glad to see your comments. It encourages me to know someone else in in the same whirl wind.  bear_wacko

Little Bear Guy Little Bear Guy
Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 1,395

Well there are only two of us living in our house ok the dog and cat are here as well.  Even we find it difficult to find time to get things done.  Between working full time (both of us still do ) and then coming home and having to get supper ready and your exhausted from working all day to boot.  We did treat ourself to having someone come in every two weeks to clean the house.  I know it sounds terrible that there are only two of us and we can't do our own housecleaning  bear_grin .  But we all know how long it takes to tidy up a house and do all the vacuming and dusting and cleaning the bathrooms and on and on. Well this freed up a fair amount of time for us to do the things we like to do.  Being organized is very helpful, and taking time to relax and unwind is very important as well. 

We are always working on bears, no matter where we go we have bears with us and work on them constantly. I can't stand idle hands and I need to be doing something.  I rarely work on a bear while in the car though, I"m to nosey and need to see everything that is going on around me. 

I think we all struggle with this problem  but remember you need to take time for yourself.  Working full time and doing bears full time is tough and it will drain you, take a day or two off now and then and just do nothing or do something different , it refreshes the mind and refreshes you.  You'll feel more creative and have more energy.



Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

I do find that work gets in the way of my bear making!!!  Boy if I had a Million dollars bear_rolleyes  bear_rolleyes  Sorry a little caption there because I went to the Bare Naked Ladies concert on the weekend :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

I take my 'bear bag' with me just about everywhere I go and sew every spare minute.  I take it to the Drs office - you now how you end up waiting forever!!!  I sew at lunch time at work - eat my lunch at coffee break and sew at lunch - this works great for me. 

It is then hard to keep up with the Boards when I get home from work and before long its time for bed!!!  Vicious circle!



rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Yeah I forgot the most important thing, I agree Susan, when I am too tired, no bears are done, its not a productive time, so I am not a workaholic I do relax and spend time with the family.  :crackup:

Well Shane I think a housekeeper is a great idea, gives you two  a break from the housework. bear_original

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Hello Debbie, yes I believe that you are a talented artist caught in the trap !!  :hug:  :hug:

I do same thing as karen said, I take my bear thing to work and sew them on lunch's only a 30minute a day.  bear_cry
I wish I could afford to buy a robot who can cook and clean for me ! or go to work for me then I do the home work. hee hee  bear_whistle

fribblesltd fribbles, ltd.
Kalispell, Montana
Posts: 679 husband and I work full-time [I manage a law office], but a couple times a week, when I'm caught up and there's nothing to do but answer phones at work, I bring out my sewing and I've managed to complete quite a few of the wee bruins at work---I work in miniature, though, so five to six hours to finish a bear is the norm. 

For family, I have a husband [somewhat like a second child, only can feed itself and go to the bathroom on his own] and a toddler of 22 months, plus a dog and two cats.  The dog is a Pomeranian, and when the snow is deeper than he is tall, doesn't go out for walks...and the cats are pretty independent.

The guys are pretty easy to take care of, all things considered---Daddy's on his way to making Ian [our son] a video game player, so Ian plays with Daddy and then comes upstairs and plays in Mommy's craft room [he has his own 'special' toys up there and is learning the difference between Mommy's toys and his toys] and 'helps' me with stuff up there.  We usually all try to eat the dinner meal together if we're all hungry at the same time, but at times we aren't, plus my husband doesn't eat the same foods as the baby and I do [he says he's allergic to vegetables].  Usually, we wind up watching an episode of Blue's Clues or the Backyardigans at night, and trying to tire the baby out periodically, so there's lots of free time after we get home for me to work on bears if I choose.

..I could probably do more---but I like working on things gradually and getting them done in due time, not rushing work.  Plus, it's good to take time and enjoy life---I'm sure that I'm done having children, in spite the husband's wistful thoughts of having more, and the years are going by so much faster than they did when I was younger, the baby's growing up fast, etc.


Oh, and in regards to housework---it's overrated!   We have this sign hanging in our home,"Please don't feed the dust bunnies."  =P

Seriously, I can live with a little mess---ESPECIALLY with a toddler underfoot---as long as things are kept clean and disinfected ['cause of the baby].  Clutter is actually the number one problem in homes---if you get rid of the clutter, you will feel so much better cleaning...thank heavens for closets, cabinets and organizers!  Really, the best thing you can do for yourself is go through your stuff and figure out WHY you are keeping it---if it's because it was a gift from so-and-so, and not because you like it, CHUCK IT!  That is an incredibly freeing feeling, and once I realized that [thank you, TLC & DIY network!], it made life so much easier...throwing out handmedowns I was never going to wear, gifts I didn't like, etc.


rosebearcottage Rose Bear Cottage
Lake Gregory, California
Posts: 284

Organization and decluttering is a great feeling. In our recent move from a large home to a small cottage cabin with a lack of closet and storage space, organizing and chucking things is a must and it is a free feeling. It's amazing what little you really are able to live with. I was surprised to see how much of my sewing/craft items I was able to pass on to others and not even miss.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

I agree about organization & decluttering!  I did that when we moved to a BIGGER house!

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