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Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

O.K. I have consistently gained weight over the years. Though I think I should shed about 10 lb's it is hard. So I turned to Weight Watchers....Well It is a good program but.....I'm hungry!!! According to the program, the heavier you are the more "points" you can eat. Well I'm not that heavy. Well...pudgey really.... But I can only have 16 point's plus five for extra, which the grand total is 21. 

I decided not to buy their frozen dinners. I tried one and it was simply vile...just vile....their shakes are not any better. My poor body was in shock!

So, is anybody on this plan and what do you do to eat well but not sacrifice taste? Any good recipes that work for you?

Bear Hugs


p.s. I gained a pound!

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Hi Michelle..
all I can suggest is cutting out the really fattening stuff, and just eating a little less - that way you train your stomach to be happy with smaller portions...and good luck!!! 
Maria bear_flower
p.s. - sardine (!) plus antibiotic - todays tablet taken care of!!!!

bumblebearies Bumblebearies
Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 436

I say forget diets and will always feel deprived.

Eat more veggies.... plenty of salads.... less the labels carefully and see what you are actually eating.  Check the actual amount of fat in your diet. Think every time you put something into your mouth...and further to that...every time you do put in something...take your time... choose well.... and chew it well..savour every mouthful you choose.    I am betting you will be surprised to see what is actually causing your weight gain once you get into what I call "detective mode". don't have to think about know what you want to eat and what is a nuisance.  Don't waste your time and money with the nuisance stuff.   

  Initially just try eating smaller portions of anything containing fat, salt, sugar,  etc.. but give yourself larger portions of the good stuff like the veggies and certain fruits.   Drink more water...

If you are trying to drink more milk for osteoporosis problems... switch to skim.  If you must have butter on toast or other cooking... just use a barely visible scraping of it... things like that make a huge difference even after only 2 weeks of being sincere in your desire to eat better.   Michelle.....also here is a link so you can check out some great tasting recipes from the food channel.... if it does not work directly to the healthy page...just use and go from there...

good luck with your efforts to be healthier...

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Maria and Veronica: you are both right. I think eating good food but less of it is the way to go. If I put something in my mouth and it does not taste good, I will not eat the rest. Why waste the calories right? Making reasonable choices is the ticket. Less fattening items? Yes, skim milk and such. But really I can't eat spray butter...I will use real butter but less of it....Gosh this is hard. The other day there were some Easter Eggs (chocolate) and I would have consumed at least five or six. But I didn't. I have stuck to the diet and still gained a pound.....My poor body is not use to this....So today, I will eat normally but less of it and lets see if that works...Watch, it will... than maybe the three of us should market our new found diet!!! Make millions and never have to worry about bills again!!!  :crackup:

ArtHeart Kran-Beary's
Thunder Bay ON Canada
Posts: 318

I'm on the points plan. I lost 22 pounds when I initailly started and maintained for about 18 months give or take a pound or two or three.
Now I'm going for the final 10 pounds, to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I use the online plan and am currently allowed 20 pts per day plus the weekly extra.  I like the online support forums and the online newsletter. I found them helpful.

I find that walking about 40 minutes a day REALLY helped me.  It seemed to lower my appetite.  When I can't walk, I use the eliptical trainer for about 15 minutes.  I've just added weights as well, which I had neglected since I had kids.

Email me if you want to compare notes!

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Nancy: Nice to talk to somebody successful on Weight Watches. Is it natural to be hungry at first? Does it last? Are you eating tasty food?

But I have not thought to exercise....though I do have a treadmill down stairs....I always feel hot, tired, sweaty and hungry after I exercise so I just go to bed until the notion to walk passes! But I may give it a whir.....

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Michelle, I agree with the other eating suggestions here but just wanted to say how IMPORTANT exercise is when trying to lose weight. When you cut back on your caloric intake your body goes into "starvation" mode and lowers the metabolism to make up for less food intake - that's why one often will not lose weight on a "diet". To counteract this you MUST increase your exercise to keep your metabolism up or even increase it and you will  notice big results. As I mentioned on another thread regarding weight loss I REALLY recommend the walking aerobic tapes (or DVD's) by Leslie Sansone. I've been doing them 5 days a week now for over a year and find it much easier to keep enthused about than either my treadmill, elipse, or walking outside!

Remember not to cut out all fat from your diet as your body NEEDS fat to lose fat - just make sure they are the good fats like fish oil, olive oil, flax oil, etc. I think the starchy carbohydrates - like sugar and flour are worse for making you gain weight than fat is! You really don't want to go on a "diet" you want to permanently change your eating habits so that you will lose weight and then stay at a healthy weight for you rather than just putting it all back on again as soon as you go off the diet. Good luck - you can do it!!!

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Hi Michelle!

After some health issues I used the points system and I've maintained the weight I lost then. I didn't attend meetings or formally join.  My friend had a slider and let me try it to see if it did anything for me.  I'm not a tall or big person either...but I allowed myself up to 25 points knowing that I would be using them for fiber filled healthy foods.  I didn't use any frozen meals or shakes (shakes, drinks, and meal bars for me only increase my cravings and leave me personally feeling unsatisfied). 
Use those 0-1 point veggies to your advantage!  I made soups using those veggies...eating a nice bowl of veggie soup really cuts hunger! Careful with filling up with too much water at first too.  I did that and got bad stomach aches.  Some people (like infants and the elderly) can't take mass amounts of water all the reacts like ulcer pains. Gradually building healthy water consumption will help with cravings.

(I might be wrong, but didn't they put into place that no one should be below a certain point level , no matter their size??  Was is 23-25 points???  Maybe I misheard...but I thought they set a standard not to go below ?)

To me the points were a way to learn healthy fiber/calorie guides and to learn portions. I found pastas that had much much higher fiber counts than regular pasta (Kamut) and just took my time shopping to find other things that were high fiber/low fat & calorie.  Once you get that info it's so much easier to just enjoy eating again.  bear_flower


ArtHeart Kran-Beary's
Thunder Bay ON Canada
Posts: 318

Hi Michelle

Is it natural to be hungry at first? Does it last? Are you eating tasty food?

Yes, No and Yes.

I think the first day or two I was obsessing over food, until I realized that I COULD have a hotdog, and I COULD have a slice of pizza or some ice cream.  Over time it became easier and easier to pick out the food choices that I really liked and that would fit into the points system.  I also like my 2 pt glass of white wine with I try to leave room for that.
Jello makes an awesome fat free white chocolate instant Jello, and I love Kellog's bran bars.  I can't live without my Tim Horton's coffee..w/ cream 2 pts. and their chicken soup is doable for lunch.   Slimfast meal replacement bars satify the chocolate craving at 2 points and I can eat them when I'm on midnight shifts to curb the 3 am munchies.

My brother is also on the plan and lost 60 pounds.  He's kept it off for almost 2 years now.

You HAVE to exercise though.  It builds lean body tissue (muscle) which burns more calories than fat.  And it tones you as you lose, so you don't look all droopy.  bear_original

Also, if you exercise in the morning, it gives your metablolism a little 'boost' and it keeps working a little harder the rest of the day! can exchange exercise points for food. Yum.  The online portion of WW has a ton of really good recipe suggestions too.


Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

I lost 70lbs doing something called Slimming World in the UK. I run their classes now. That aside it will be 8 years this thursday since I lost my weight. Now just those few pounds to lose can be hard work. My tip is to eat more....

Really thats how the eating plan works. You fill up on food that fills you but is lower in calories. Maybe loads of chicken and veg one day, pasta and salad the next. All said and done you must find something that works in with your lifestyle and then adapt it to how you are. Theres no point doing something that you can stick to for a while, then you can't follow. Its got to be slow, long term. Something you can keep going with.

The reason I liked the diet was I stuffed my face, I was never hungry. Which ever diet you follow make sure its one that you can do long term and after a while stops feeling like diet, and more like routine.

I still have my hard times but its all in the balance, if I overindulge (like today bear_tongue  ) I need to up the veg, etc the next few days. I need to be eating more, not less, but more of the right things that fill me up. Hunger isn't what will help me lose weight.

I hope you find some inspiration, have a look at the Slimming World site and the other ones, it could give you some ideas. Good luck! :hug:

ArtHeart Kran-Beary's
Thunder Bay ON Canada
Posts: 318

Hi Michelle

Is it natural to be hungry at first? Does it last? Are you eating tasty food?

Yes, No and Yes.

I think the first day or two I was obsessing over food, until I realized that I COULD have a hotdog, and I COULD have a slice of pizza or some ice cream.  Over time it became easier and easier to pick out the food choices that I really liked and that would fit into the points system.  I also like my 2 pt glass of white wine with I try to leave room for that.
Jello makes an awesome fat free white chocolate instant Jello, and I love Kellog's bran bars.  I can't live without my Tim Horton's coffee..w/ cream 2 pts. and their chicken soup is doable for lunch.   Slimfast meal replacement bars satify the chocolate craving at 2 points and I can eat them when I'm on midnight shifts to curb the 3 am munchies.

My brother is also on the plan and lost 60 pounds.  He's kept it off for almost 2 years now.

You HAVE to exercise though.  It builds lean body tissue (muscle) which burns more calories than fat.  And it tones you as you lose, so you don't look all droopy.  bear_original

Also, if you exercise in the morning, it gives your metablolism a little 'boost' and it keeps working a little harder the rest of the day! can exchange exercise points for food. Yum.  The online portion of WW has a ton of really good recipe suggestions too.


Dilu Posts: 8,574

I LOVE LESLIE SANSONE!!!!  Awesome Edie.  It rains so much here  in the winter that it is really hard to maintain motivation.  but in the house?  its just a matter of doing it....

Also the hubs did Nutrisystem, lost 20 lbs.......but oh goodgolly was it awful.....he now says the mere mention makes his tumtum want to hurl......

I personally find Veronica's method helpful for me-I have adapted several favorite recipes to have either half to 1/4 the fat and can therefore munch with impunity-

Small frequent meals-SMALL being the operative word 6 times a day..... but keep the fats and carbs under control

I am sorry for your struggle-it is so hard in our world, when every other commercial or add is foodfoodfood-

I keep high protein things like nuts available to count as a small meal....the protein and fat keep you feeling pretty good without needing to eat too much and having it count against you for the carbs

I am basically living on mom's diabetic diet (except for the nightly indulgence of the big C) I figure why have 2 or 3 diets going here?  He will lose more weight on her diet, i will be what I am and mom's diabetes will improve, marginally but still improve.

good luck Michelle,  and don't forget to do whatever your favorite exercise is.....

If you don't have a favorite exercise you might try Leslie's dvd's they now come in a package deal...1 2 3 4 miles.....and you aren't just walking she has you doing arm movements, kicks, forwards back all sorts of things to get the heart going and the body, the whole body moving.....

Best wishes


Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

I think when they make the frozen diet dinners, they think they have to load them with garlic and onions to give them flavor.  It makes them TERRIBLE ! ! !   I'm not that crazy about garlic and onions anyway.  Hubby and I went to Applebees Restaurant the other day and I ordered a dinner on their WW menu.  It was just as terrible as their frozen dinners.  Too much garlic and onions.  I asked the waitress if they could make it without and she said the WW dinners were already prepared.  Hmmm . . .  WW frozen dinners, right?  Coulda stayed home and done that.

I've lost 18 pounds in the last couple months.  I just watch my calories and try to stay under 1200/day, eat lots of fruits and veges and walk 2.5 to 3 miles 4 to 5 days a week.  I have a problem with a sweet tooth in the evening so I've been making a pot of decaf and having a cuppa with Splenda and Vanilla fat free creamer.  It's like a dessert.   I have 20 more to go and I want to be there by the end of the summer.

BrozZ BearZ BrozZ BearZ
Posts: 266

As we are on the topic of weightloss, you know there are diets that are just drinking those disgusting shakes and nothing else, has anyone tried this? My mum and dad wanna do it but it sounds very very very unhealthy and I'm alittle worried. Does anyone know what happens with these shakes diets?

Dilu Posts: 8,574


Congratualations Patty... 18 lbs is nothing to sneeze at...keep it up Lady and you'll be totally svelt in no time....


sewing stars sewing stars
providence, rhode island
Posts: 219

i admit, i haven't read through everyone's responses, but i wanted to say that for me i cut my calories (which is what weight watchers does too), and for the first 2 weeks i was hungry. but i stuck to it, and sure enough the hunger pains stopped. i also started exercising regularly and since january i have lost just over 10 lbs! i still have 20 to go, but it was very exciting, and seems to be working really well for me...maybe it can work for you too! bear_happy

DebbieD Posts: 3,540
BrozZ BearZ wrote:

As we are on the topic of weightloss, you know there are diets that are just drinking those disgusting shakes and nothing else, has anyone tried this? My mum and dad wanna do it but it sounds very very very unhealthy and I'm alittle worried. Does anyone know what happens with these shakes diets?

One thing to remember is that if your parents are older, having their meals in a shake (or prechewed/processed) form, might make it healthier for them.  I know Jack LaLane (I think I spelled that right) is in his 90s and juices all his fruits and veggies, and I was ultimately urged to chew, chew, chew my food so my stomach wouldn't have to work so hard. 

My biggest buggabear for ANY diet is that you supplement with a decent vit/min supplement!!!  NO DIET will be capable of providing your body with all it needs.  And do be very choosey with your vit/min.  Not all forms can your body assimilate, so do the research.   bear_happy

I'm another one who thoroughly recommends exercise.  In fact, I'm not sure any diet will work well without getting the body moving.  I found for some of my workouts (like my legs), its better for me to do them right before I go to bed because my legs go all jello and I can't walk right  bear_rolleyes   But I've got all night for my muscles to sleep and repair themselves. 

Also, aerobics is pretty important, but with a sprained ankle, that got derailed quickly.  I dug through my dusty videos, and found my BodyFlex system again.  Its a deep breathing system that alters your normal breathing pattern.  Basically it makes you do the deep breathing just like you would when you're jogging, etc EXCEPT it does not need the jogging  bear_happy   Pretty good idea!!!  I can get my heartrate up, increase my oxygen, AND keep from harming my ankle even more.  From the elevator music and her workout clothes, I'd say it was produced in the 1980s, but it really does work.   

Oh yes, and be sure whatever you chose for exercise, that you mix it up and find something you think is FUN!  If its not fun  :bday:  you won't do it no matter how healthy it is!   

The book "French Women Don't Get Fat" was a lot of fun to read, and full of interesting insights (ways to look like you've cleared your plate, incorporating exercise, quality vs quantity, etc etc).  And my favorite guide of all, learned years ago.....your stomach is roughly the same size as your fist.  So take a look at how much food you've got on your plate, make a fist and see if its roughly the same. 

There's LOTS of different strategies   :hug: Best of luck finding the one that suits you  :hug:

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Patty wrote: I think when they make the frozen diet dinners, they think they have to load them with garlic and onions to give them flavor.  It makes them TERRIBLE ! ! !

Patty you hit the nail on the head. I agree with you. That was my introduction to Weight Watchers my first day. I could not finish my dinner...And I always finish my dinner.....But I am cooking my regular food and just counting the points...

I want to thank all of you who responded to my post....Your encouragement is keeping me from giving up....Really this was the best medicine I needed.....

Congratulations to those who have lost all that weight... the tips are wonderful....I think some of you highlighted exercise....I will get on that treadmill..I will, I will, I will...

Bear Hugs

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