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wazzabears Wazza Bears Australia
Posts: 623

Hi all
Time has now come yay
I am booked in for a c section on Monday 28th May. 5 more sleeps. I just can not wait. I am getting really excited to meet this little one that has been giving me a hard time. I am hanging to know the sex as I found out with my other 3, but never with this one.
This baby has really been a blessing, even though it was a surprise, I would never have found out about my Lupus and would have keeped on suffering for years. But now thanks to this little one I can get treatment after.
Any how I will all let you know as soon as I get home from the hospital, I think I will be in there for 5 nighs.

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

:dance: ALL THE BEST PETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:  :dance:

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Oh that is SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I wish you all the best - I am sorry to hear about Lupus - but hopefully now you'll start to feel an improve.

Take care, and remember  :photo:  :photo:  :photo:  :photo:  :photo:  of you and the new bub!!!!


TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Wishing the best for you and the little one! bear_original

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hiya Peta, well you must all be soooo excited, another little creation from you. I bet it's even cuter than all your Wazzabears, please take some pictures of your darling little one as soon as possible as all his/her Teddy Talk aunts and uncles can't wait to see. Good luck with the c-section!

Hugs Jane.
:dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

sarahjane Brisbane
Posts: 2,951

Oh Good Luck Peta...I hope everything goes really well for you and the Lupus settles as well!!!

BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

With every good wish Peta for a wonderful birth, and a terrific little surprise in finding out whether you have a little boy or girl.  It is just like Christmas when you don't know the sex.  Looking forward to some photos when you are back down to earth.

chris009av Real Deal Bears
Posts: 2,234

Oh how exciting  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Hope it all goes well, and your back home with your new little bub in no time  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

Cat Gabriel Cat Gabriel Crafts
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 923

Best of luck Peta!  How exciting not to know the sex yet bear_original  It feels like just yesterday I had my little boy (he'll be 1 on the 8th of June!)

Looking forward to seeing photos  :photo:

bubbles Bearz by Ilze
Posts: 391

Oh this is so exciting!  I can hardly wait to hear what the sex of the baby is!  I'll be thinking of you!!    :hug:

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

all the best Peta for you and your new bub bear_original

cherylbruinwerks Bruinwerks
Posts: 784

Best wishes for a safe and healthy delivery! Can't wait to meet the newest TeddyTalker!

Cheryl bear_flower

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

Good Luck my dear !! May GOD watch over you and the new baby !! Send pictures as soon as you can !!!

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Peta, What an exciting time for you.  You'll have to share some pictures with us after you're good and that even possible with newborns!?!!!   Best of luck to you.  Take care bear_wub  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

All the very best Peta and I hope that everything will go well for you and baby.
How exciting for you and the family and all  your Teddy talk friends - looking forward to hearing your news.

Warmest bear hugs

BearBottoms 'Bear' Bottoms Originals
Ft. Bragg, NC
Posts: 2,465

Oh how wonderful!  Best wishes for you and baby, Peta!  I still have 4 more weeks to go!

Kimberly W.

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Very exciting! Enjoy your sleep for the next few days.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Good luck and best wishes for an easy delivery, Peta.  Looking forward to seeing photos of the sweet little one.

valewoodbears Valewood Bears
Posts: 6,537

Oh how wonderful, I hope everything goes well for you Peta

Warm wishes

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

oooh i could cry - i have 13mo twins  !!!  bear_wub  bear_flower  bear_flower
good luck and love and all of it
yay for getting a big surprise

hugs too
cat xxxx

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

  All my best wishes for a safe deliveey and speedy recovery!!!   bear_wub  bear_smile  :hug:

Kim Basta

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349
RaggyRat wrote:

oooh i could cry - i have 13mo twins  !!!  bear_wub  bear_flower  bear_flower
good luck and love and all of it
yay for getting a big surprise

hugs too
cat xxxx

To cat - Ugh, wait 'til they go through the terrible twos.  My twins are halfway through it...c'mon three!

To Peta, Good Luck!!!  Deliver a happy and healthy one!!!  Take lots of pics!!!  Recovery quickly!!!  All my blessings to you...

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Good luck Peta, hoping all goes well, and you recover quickly with your new bubs..... Take care and let us know when your up and about.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Take Care Peta and best wishes for a easy delivery and fast recovery !  We'll be waiting to hear the news and see the first pictures of you little miracle.   :hug:

aerianna aerBears
Sacramento, CA
Posts: 1,109

How exciting Peta! Best of luck to you... let us know the sex as soon as you get  back and feel like sitting up at the computer.  :hug:


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