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Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Do you ever find that all you want to do is make the rest of the world go away so you can work in your studio (ie. kitchen, livingroom, bedroom, wherever it is you design and sew your bears) non-stop or until you completely run out of energy?

I have just about reached that point.  Notice I said, just about.   bear_happy On Sunday, everyone had better just leave me alone to work.  There comes a point when I just can't take one more event, party, or social gathering.  (Looking toward the sky and stomping my feet now.)  I just want to work in my studio!!!!   

I need to create bears or I shall go running through the streets screaming!!  Now isn't that a charming picture?   bear_happy  bear_happy   I can just see The Oregonian newspaper headlines now.  "Goldilocks found wandering Sunnyside Road in Happy Valley looking for Silly bears?"  Tsk-tsk.

Perhaps it's just because I'm nearing 40 something spectacular, that I feel this way.  Perhaps it's just a (looking outside to see if the moon is full.....but it's not quite there yet).....phase I'm going through.  Perhaps it's just because I've been too darned busy for my own good and I really need a creative bear fix.  YES!!  I really need a creative bear fix!!!

Okay.  Now that I've worked that out........

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

FenBeary Folk FenBeary Folk
Pointon Fen, Lincolnshire, UK
Posts: 2,234

Hi Alerta, definitely a bear fix,  :crackup:
I feel like that all the time, all day every day, every thing else is a necessary evil :hug:

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Do what I do then, just say no..and eventually...they get the picture bear_rolleyes  Then you'll start to wish you'd never kept saying 'no' LOL

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Constantly, in fact,  I had a good bear day yesterday and acheived heaps - feeling better today!!   bear_original

Lock yourself away somewhere and enjoy.   :hug:  :hug:

chris009av Real Deal Bears
Posts: 2,234

I think I have to learn to say that word NO.  bear_ermm
I am behind in what I want to do, but yet I am still baby sitting, going out to lunch, meeting up with family, when all I want to do is stay home and work on my Bears.
I will have to practice and say No No No No No .............
So when I am asked I will be so used to saying it  bear_original

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Actually when my pooter was having an untimely rest I really got some work done...note to self...have more control ...stop chatting on TT so much...shame on me, neglecting the Doodlebears, exactly what I'm doing right now...Byeeeeeee

Hugs Jane.   bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

I know exactly what you mean Aleta.  I just adore my "bear" time, in my bear room when I am quite alone and the house is empty.  If someone is also home, you just know that you are going to be interupted.  When I have dropped my daughter at school, I can't wait to head straight home on the days I am free to lock myself away and work on my bears.  After all these years of making bears, I still get excited at the thought of making each one, and the craft never bores me.  I think that is great testament to the craft, that you still get excited at making a new bear, even though it may be your hundredth or more.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

You know what my answer is!
:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Where is the "screaming, ripping hair out of head, carrying a big threatening doll needle" smiley??

SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

I hear you Aleta LOUD and CLEAR! Stupid me to think since I retired I could spend more time making bears. Somehow I cannot get it across to people that I DO still have a job! Everyday, it is "can you run me here?" etc etc.

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Oh I agree with 4 children running around i could happily throttle them all some daysjust to get some peace.  I mean it's great they want to learn to make bears but why is it ONLY when I am making them?  When I offer to teach them at other times they don't want to.

It got so hard that I hadn't made a bear in almost 8 months.
I started again recentl and I feel so much beter now.  But the asking has started up again.  *sigh*

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349

Oh, Aleta, Aleta, Aleta.  I gave everyone the "two week" warning yesterday as my show is fast approaching.  And yes, I DO wish the world would go away at times so I can CREATE.  I'm only wondering what my life is going to be like when all my girls are in school! 

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Aleta,

Yes, there isn't a one of us who doesn't get that antsiness inside....sorry there has been so much in the way of distraction....

Its a glass half empty half full kind of thing.

I like the two week notice of Lisa's.......I'm thinking of telling the hubby its 2 months though....wonder how that'lll go over.....

Love your new avatar Lisa, such a darling little princess/fairy bear....great colors


don't get frustrated make something


Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Aleta: As others have mention, say "no". The question is how do you balance out your life? Everybody has to decide that for themselves. I learned over the years (decades) to be more assertive. If I don't feel like doing something, I politely say "thank you for inviting me to lunch. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend but I hope you and the others have a good time"....No excuses. You don't owe anybody explanations.

Bottom line Aleta, you have to take control over your life and make the time for bears or other things important to you....

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349
Dilu wrote:

Oh Aleta,

I like the two week notice of Lisa's.......I'm thinking of telling the hubby its 2 months though....wonder how that'lll go over.....

Love your new avatar Lisa, such a darling little princess/fairy bear....great colors


don't get frustrated make something


I think you should go for the two month notice Dilu.  Hey, maybe I should do that too???

Thanks for the compliment on the "Fairy Godmother."  She'll be headed to Expo in two weeks!

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Oh!  Wait, wait, wait!!!  I'm soooooo not complaining about my life and how busy I am.  I love my busy life!!  And yes, I do know how to say no.  That is exactly why on Sunday it's no, no, no, quadruple no for two whole weeks!!!  Unless it's bear related, say for example an antique fair,  bear_grin  bear_grin then I'm not budging from home.  And no guests at the Hotel de Breese either!!!  That would be a quintuple no wouldn't it? 
:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:   

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Aleta, I know just what you mean!  I only have one more week until hubby is on TWO WEEKS holiday and I'm dreading it.  He can't sit still for one second and we will be out and about EVERYWHERE.
Since we moved to Newcastle, I have avoided all neighbours - I'm not repeating my last problem of pesky neighbour I had in Kemptville!   As for being interupted, that's why I only sew when hubby's not home or late evening to early morning and also why we have an unlisted phone number which we DID NOT give to hubby's annoying relatives  :crackup:  :crackup:  They can reach us by email!  I've definitely learned to assert myself! bear_grin



Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

I'm getting how you feel Aleta.

I've been away from home since July 9th and won't be home until the 30th.   I find myself, not only missing making bears, but I even miss my bears.  How silly is that ! ! !   I do miss my doggies too and my husband. 

I committed by email to edit some TV shows when I get home and serve as membership chair on our TV station group.  That's going to take time away from bears.  What was I thinking ! ? ! ?

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Aleta I KNOW what you mean!!!  If I get extra grouchy... hubby asks if I've worked on a bear lately.  When I don't work on bears I get grouchy as a bear  :crackup:

Hubby is gone tonight and tomorrow... so hopefully it's a bearmaking marathon!  I'm in the same boat as Lisa and Daphne... show's in 2 weeks!

Better get off this puter now..  bear_grin

Laura Lynn

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Yeah, but try ORGNIZING the show AND making bears for it Laura and Lisa! I'm NOT complaining..... I choose to take on these responsibilities and I really do love it! But if I could be left alone for these next two weeks I'd be in heaven and get SO much done! But alas, hubs is unemployed and driving me crazy!!!

Wait! There is a lock on my studio room door though!!!  Hmmm..... :dance:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

I am really honest with my friends. I dont even have to explain anymore the need I have , to be in my workroom creating.  They all know that that is just 'Wendy'. bear_grin  :dance:

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349

Yep, I have a lock on my door too Daphne but toddlers are very resourceful.  They do things like scoot chairs, form totem poles, whatever they can do to see just what I'm up to in my studio.  Then once they get in there they don't want to leave - they want to "help!"  LOL! 

But I guess they have learned a little from me though as Aubrie made her first doll the other day at Vacation Bible School, a Baby Moses sock doll in a basket to be exact.  My husband was with her and said she didn't want any help at all - she made it all herself and looked like a pro when she was stuffing him.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Daphne... I am SO glad I am not in your shoes!!!   :doh:

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349

Yep, I don't think I could ever organize a show and participate in it as an artist.  When it's something that big, I only have the capability to do ONE job.  Organizing a show is like a GAZILLION in itself considering everything you have to do to make it a success.

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

ive been known to call in sick (as in sick of the rest of the world! no not really ! just needing quiet)  and making bears all day!  deb

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115
Lisa wrote:

[b]Yep, I have a lock on my door too Daphne but toddlers are very resourceful.  They do things like scoot chairs, form totem poles, whatever they can do to see just what I'm up to in my studio.  Then once they get in there they don't want to leave - they want to "help!"  LOL!

Right there with you Lisa!   :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:   I've just learned that I can't EVER count on more than 5 minutes at a time to make bears.  Someone always needs SOMETHING!  A ride, a snack, a bit of help in the bathroom, someone to mediate an argument between two bickering imaginary friends!  AAGGGHHH!  Having a 14 year old as well, I do REALLY know that time truly does fly and I should try to appreciate these years, but.... AAAGGGHHH!

Kim Basta


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