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ABraggAboutBear BraggAbout Bears
Posts: 60

Hattie.jpgHello all , We have not posted on TT for a little has been hectic, and my Mum has been ill ...

We Popped this bear on for the halloween Challenge. She is called Hattie Hobbley and is very proud of her Bright Orange Fur coat! Hope she makes you smile!

Hugs, Victoria and Chad bear_original

KiddoBears KiddoBears
Posts: 851

Victoria and Chad!  bear_sad sorry to hear your mom has been ill, :pray: I will remember her in my prayers and wish that she get well as soon as possible.  WoW!Your bear is just beautiful  bear_thumb  bear_thumb He will sure be a seller for this month. Thanks for posting. Make sure you post him in the selling section so collectors can see him too. :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

ABraggAboutBear BraggAbout Bears
Posts: 60

Many thanks for your good wishes...Mum is getting better thank goodness..We take it a day at a time ..


Victoria x

Kelly Blondheart
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 289

Dscn1392.jpgThis is my last Halloween piece for this year...on to Christmas!  bear_grin

bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188

I really didn't think I'd get this challenge finished in time ... in between show bears he's finally done!
Please meet Renfield ... my peculiar rendition of a ghoul bear.


Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Oh, my goodness! So many amazing pieces! They are wonderful. I love Cornelius Crow. My bears will be finished this weekend.

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Such a colourful, fun challenge!  I have really enjoyed these pieces!!! bear_thumb

KiddoBears KiddoBears
Posts: 851

Wow! Matilde your Cornilus Crow is awsome bear_thumb  bear_thumb you did a wonderful job on him. :hug:  :hug:
Sandi yours is so airy fluffy and nice too.

gbrame the piece parade
North Carolina
Posts: 118

Hi All,

Here's my submission for the challenge.  This one is going to Schaumburg with me just in time to squeeze in a little more fun before Halloween.  My fun, after creating these pieces, is the interactive nature of the piece.  So, if you're game, pretend you have this box in your hand. 


First you read the warning on the front:

Whatever you do, don't open the door!

But, you're curious so you take a peek.  Is what is on the other side of the door going to be really really scary for my little bony friend?


Aw - it's just a trick or treater with his little jack o'lantern bucket hoping for a piece of candy or two!


(I think he prefers chocolate, by the way!)

Happy Halloween!!!


Mutz Mutz's Tootsz Bears & Buds
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Posts: 397


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Ginger that is spectacular!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the compliments Mary.
I love all these bears. Sandi, yours doesnt look like he would be able scare anyone. bear_grin  bear_grin he's just way to cute :dance:

KiddoBears KiddoBears
Posts: 851

Wow! Ginger what a beautiful surprise,your teddy is so heart warming aside from having an expression of should I go out this way bear_grin  he is just adorable. bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

The Rabbit Maker The Rabbit Maker
Posts: 679

I have loved seeing all these Halloween offerings they are wonderful.

Here is 'Witchy Poo' dressed for the Halloween Ball.

Kelly Blondheart
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 289

I love your boxes!  This one is great, I can't wait to see what you do for Christmas!

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

These are all so wonderful!!! Ginger, I will have to stop by your table to see your piece in person--before he's snatched up by a lucky collector!!!

KiddoBears KiddoBears
Posts: 851

Hi Rabbit  bear_flower your Holloween Witchy Poo is beautiful.  bear_thumb I also liked your other rabbits in your site. The mohair one is just beautiful. :hug:  :hug:

gbrame the piece parade
North Carolina
Posts: 118

To Amy, Wendy, Mary, Kelly, and Tami:

Your comments about my Halloween box piece really mean a great deal to me.  I am encouraged that some of my crazy off-the-wall ideas have managed to make a few people smile!!  That's just wonderful.   bear_original  Some of you, I will see in about a week (or less).   bear_shocked (That soon? Must get busy!)  I am looking forward getting together in Schaumburg.  Safe travels!  Do you think a skeleton in my suitcase will be a problem for the inspectors???   bear_grin

Thanks again y'all!


Mutz Mutz's Tootsz Bears & Buds
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Posts: 397

I have another one. Bear Bones a little bear dressed up in his skeleton costume.  He is made from spase black mohair which has his white skelleton needlefelted onto it.


Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Very clever Amy. I finally finished mine. Photos tomorrow.

bea Lodve (Hrault)
Posts: 671

Wahouh, fantastic idea Mutz :clap:

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Here are my Halloween guys
First there's... well he doesn't have a name yet! I sculpted his sticke puppet with Paperclay. Any name ideas?
Here is a Pumpkinhead Scarecrow doll I sculpted over one of those woodedn artist's maniquins so he's very posable. He needs a name too.
And this last fellow is called Pumpkin. He's an open edition that I have done a couple of times. Because of the varigated mohair each time he is different.

melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

wow!  I am in awe of everyone's creativity.  there are a few that would love to come and live at my house  bear_wub

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

Well, mine isn't a bear, hope that's ok. It's a little needle felted witch & pumpkin. She is 3 3/4 inches tall & 4 inches to the top of her hat. Off to put her in the Gallery now.

PS I love all the wonderful Halloween creations everyone!!!

Hugs &

bea Lodve (Hrault)
Posts: 671

Hello, here is my hallowen challenge: Halloween and Poussy cat, my bear is a miniature bear. He's tall 4"
Have a good day, bye bye.

KiddoBears KiddoBears
Posts: 851

Hi! Wow Mutz, bear_thumb  :hug: Tami bear_thumb  :hug: Bea bear_thumb  :hug: Charlotte bear_thumb  :hug: These are all just beautiful and very clever creations.

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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