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duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

With the new year here, I made the promise to myself to spend the day organizing my little work space and was accompanied by my little helper.   

I started with the bins and such and spent the morning putting away everything I have drug out over the last few months!  Took most of the morning for me to even make it to the work table.     Once I got to that point, I was joined by my favorite little helper, Little Miss Ellie.  She was being so cute, I could not resist snapping a photo.   My table backs up to the couch in the back family room and her favorite spot is on the back of the couch.   She spent about an hour watching me clean off the worktable, I think she thought there might be food involved  bear_grin   She knows she is not allowed on the table but is always pushing it hoping I will give in!

Who else has a picture of their helper(s)?   I know there are a lot of helpers out there and  would love to see who joins you when you work!   


Happy New Year everyone, here is to a great 2008 for everyone!


Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Little Miss Ellie is so sweet  bear_wub  those big eyes!
Happy New Year to you Duff!


patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

What a sweetie Miss Ellie is and I love the look of the bear on all fours Duff

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Adorable dog, Duff!

nimbleknot Cupcake Bears
Austin, Texas
Posts: 711

omigosh that is the cutest little doggie ever.  bear_grin

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

How could you resist that face? I hope she got a treat for all her help.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Awww.... what a sweetie!

My Tucker lays at my feet, under my work table. Not something I can get a picture of. But imagine a big dopey fluffy dog at my feet, right in the line of anything I drop.... thread, needle, scissors, awl.... we've had many near misses. I put his bed under there, a little further back hoping he'd lay on it and out of the way. He uses it for his head but the rest of him is still in the way!
I love his company though. bear_wub

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Miss Ellie can come over any day and help me, the way she is looking at you-  those eyes are just talking toy you.


doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Awwwwwww, what a cutie pie, I love the expression she has.

hugs, Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Love your Helper, what a sweetie.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

What a sweetie!!! Yes - I too have my "little" helper - a Leonberger who actually weighs around the same, or more, than I do..........she is always just THERE, and I have to be careful not to drop anything like a needle and thread, which would just vanish into her thick coat.........oh and her best trick - if I'm STANDING at the work table she will sneak up and lie down behind me - so stepping back is fraught with danger!
AND - is that your challenge grizzly, lurking to the side of the pic?????????? Looking GOOD!

millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

pancho--lefty.jpgpets.jpgI have many helpers.  Some are outside, but here to inspire me, while others are always under foot.  The first is a collage of a few of them.  I'm not sure how much help they are, but they are here just the same.   The second picture is me with my motivater.  Actually, it is a picture of me with my son on a day we were just feeling a bit crazed.  Mix two people in  a nutty mood and a camera, and who knows what you will end up with.

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Duff wrote: She knows she is not allowed on the table but is always pushing it hoping I will give in!

Your dog is so sweet. What a cute picture. As for keeping pets off the furniture...well good luck. I gave up a long time ago. It's not worth the stress and chasing after them....I just love them for who they are...

duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

Thank you Ladies!  She is such a lilttle lover - she is the 1st small dog I have ever owned and I have spoiled her rotten!  She is also a nursing home theraly doggie as she loves to cuddle and be the center of attention!

Daphne - Maria,    I too have two other under table floor holder downers!     Although neither  one of them have long hair so no supplies have gone missing   bear_tongue     although I do lose the occasional joint disk or thread spool to them!   

I think the worst experience I had was my big dog ate a small bear I was working on and I did not know it until I found it in the back yard while doing doogie doo clean up!  I could not imagine what could have happened to the bear, looked every where for it  :doh:     He is as big as I am so good news things tend to make their way through him   bear_tongue

Millie - Love! your wonderful collection of helpers!  they are all just adorable, expecially the laughing Kitty, what a great shot!
The picture of you and your son is great,  Looks like you were having a great time!   Great imagination, I am imagining the two of you riding off to the sunset in the desert!


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

I love having a helper. I've posted these pics before, but I love them and I'm going to post it again while I'm in the mood.




Julie Julie Shepherd
Posts: 62

Here are two of my helpers - there are more, but this pair are particularly helpful!

This is Pookie - she's just a baby at about 6 months old.


And this is Boo-Boo - if it's on the table and you want to cut it out he just has to sit on it!!!


But aren't they gorgeous?

Woodbury Park Bears Woodbury Park Bears
Central Coast New South Wales
Posts: 1,033

I have three helpers , my two dogs Busta (Beagle) and Ziggy (Border Collie) aka the boys and Chloe my cat they come in and out of my workroom to keep an eye on me and lay down right in the door way. Can get tricky when I am engrossed in doing something and my arm gets nudged by a head wanting mum to have a pat and a second head appears just so not to miss out and I can't make any sudden moves out of my chair because Chloe is usually wrapped around my ankles or on my lap. Love them all to bits if Busta could get in my lap too he would.


duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

Heather, Julie - I laughed out loud at your cute kitty pictures, they are all so adorable!  The havoc that must go on in the heat of bear making must be a challenge! 

Raewyn - I am with you on the "cold nose in the arm - love me I need it" moments   we have many here at my house and the same thing happens - one make a move and all the others think they might miss out so they join in too.   

Where would we be with out our little helpers - especially Pookie, she's even grabbing for the scissors to help!    Good Kitty


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