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IS there a needle felting book you can buy to get you started
I thought the Barbara Allen book was very helpful. But have you gone to Neysa's web site? She has several books on her website, and since she has them for sale she could probably guide you as to which would be right for you. Why not ask her?
There is a very good one available called "Needlefelting Magic-making beautiful teddy bears" by Barbara Allen of Cobweb cottage in New Zealand.
You can either buy it direct from her along with any supplies you may need or you can also get it in kit form from Beary Cheap.
If you go for the one from Beary Cheap, ask them what kind of wool it is because I bought my kit from them and they put Australian Merino in it which is slippery and hard to felt for a beginner. A wool that is great is Corriedale and that's what you'd get from NZ.
Here is a direct link to Barbara's beginners kits ..they are great value for money. … rs_Kitsets
and Beary Cheap is
Oh beat me!
thanks very much i will go to cobwebcottage and have a look.Dilu i did go to Neysa,s but wasn,t sure what to buy .Fran
Barbara Allen's site is great too and her wool is wonderful, since you are in Australia it might make more sense postage wise. She also answers questions right away if you leave her an e-mail. She waS having a sale durring the summer on her web-site. I think I have enough rovings to last the rest of my life-then I discovered Mielke's here in the states and stocked up more.
Have fun, it is a great form of art a lot of fun and very addicting!
I started my needle felting with Barbra Allens book. It is great for basic needle felting. For needle felting onto mhair...well...I learned that from myself.
Hi Fran,
I've also got Barbara's Book, though I must admit I haven't tried doing a complete needle felted ted yet.
.Depends on what you're wanting to do. If you're trying to needle felt a complete small teddy ( or whatever), then the book will be helpful. If you're wanting to do needle felting of faces etc, ( which is what appeals to me) then you should consider Judi's next online needle felting class ( I gather there will be one, Judi???)
I was so excited about getting started in class, but I've had all sorts of interruptions , so I'm way behind. Shouldn't complain though, I've got a brand new granddaughter ( 9 lb 3 ounces , she may be an only child having been born that size ( haahaa), and then hubby dragged me off for a weeks holiday up to Port Macquarie ) so I shouldn't complain.
Whooo Hooooo Yipeeeee Congrats to Rikki A new grandbaby and golly a forced vacation!~
Gotta keep that guy for sure!
I am also way behind, but I downloded the three chapters so I can catch up when things calm down.
Miss Fran, even if needle felting bears isn't going to be a passion doing at least the basic one in Barbara's book will get you used to the needles and used to the rhythm and it will teach you by doing what to expect of the wool and how to guestimate the amnount of wool you will need for what pieces etc. It's a great way to learn.
Now Edinburgh and Cobweb Cottage and Beary Cheap all have a beginners package. The book, needles, and enough wool to make 4-5 bears. I think its about $ 25-30 US. Since you're in Australia check out Cobweb Cottage. And give it a try.
Big congrats, Rikki, on your new granddaughter and the holiday!! :clap: :clap:
Good Morning,
I always recommend Ayala Talpai's books, her first one is pictured - Factory to Fantasy, and selling her books I always say with her first book and my free instructions it's all you need to get started. Of all the books on felting I have I think hers is the best. I do sell both of her books. If you are in Europe or Australia here's where to go to make it cheaper to buy:
Europe: Wingham Woolwork
Australia: Ashford
New Zealand Ashford
I will be writing a felting book, I have it started and will be working hard this winter to finish it. I will also be introducing a felting column on my site soon.
Congratulations. Rikki, on becomeing a Grandmother!!!! :hug: :hug: And yes the classes will continue to run at NCTB
Looks like a wonderful book Neysa! I just may get it too.
Thanks Eveyeryone,
it's pretty exciting becoming a grandmother for the first time. Now doubt, we'll spoil our little grandaughter rotten when she stays for visits.
Thanksfor the link for the needle felting book.
By the time I bought Barbara Allens book, I was too far ahead in skill . All it did for me was confirm that I was doing things correctly. (I'm self taught) WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF HELP FROM JUDI.
I would recommend it for the very beginner. This AYALA TALPAI book looks like it will be useful right up and into the advanced techniques. I reckon it will be the better buy.No offence intended to Barbara.
Now if someone wrote a book about advanced techniques for felting on to mohair. I'm sure they would find many customers. Especially if the book was autographed. HINT HINT HINT Judi :pray: You might as well get in there before someone else does. You know Judi, a coffee table book with photos of all your bears would be abit of a seller as well. WHAT DO YOU RECKON FOLKS? :dance: :dance: There is noone doing your stuff Judi except on Movie sets. ARE'NT I RIGHT FOLKS? I've said enough now.
Good Morning!
I hope Judi does write a book. I've started one and I am playing around with the idea of selling it though my site chapter by chapter. It is on both mediums felting an entire critter and felting faces. The book market is rather slow right now and publishers of these sorts of books are not publishing. Look at Hobby House. Are they still in existence?
Hi Neysa,
sounds like a great idea doing it online. Personally I don't like paying for postage if at all possible. Supplies, bears etc there's no choice, but if it's downloadable ( I use a lot of music software) I always choose that option.
Good Morning!
I hope Judi does write a book. I've started one and I am playing around with the idea of selling it though my site chapter by chapter. It is on both mediums felting an entire critter and felting faces. The book market is rather slow right now and publishers of these sorts of books are not publishing. Look at Hobby House. Are they still in existence?
Good Morning,
I always recommend Ayala Talpai's books, her first one is pictured - Factory to Fantasy, and selling her books I always say with her first book and my free instructions it's all you need to get started. Of all the books on felting I have I think hers is the best. I do sell both of her books. If you are in Europe or Australia here's where to go to make it cheaper to buy:
Europe: Wingham Woolwork
Australia: Ashford
New Zealand Ashford will be writing a felting book, I have it started and will be working hard this winter to finish it. I will also be introducing a felting column on my site soon.
I alway reccomend her 2 books more than any others (so far )
it is just the BEST ,especially for needlefelting - ie everything ...good read and fabulous tips
it gave me the confidance to use raw ,fleece and Ive never looked back
I also went on an online course - the one I went on no longer runs , but it was a great jump start for me as there was very little available a few years ago ..when I discoverd needlefelting ...about 3 years ago it took hours of to find anything , especially in the UK
I was over joyed yesterday to find size 42s needles in the UK ..LOL of course I jyst had to buy 1 or 2 ...or 20
A book you could buy on line is a great idea . Could you just select the chapters you want?
I have just finished my smallest felted bears ...only 1 inch tall. It was fun but they don't sell , for me, as well as my mohair or alpaca bears and koalas so it back to work on those. I also did my first felting onto a mohair bear and was pleased with the result.
I will put them on the website soon,,,,,sorry I don't have the skills to add photos on my emails. :doh:
It was fun but they don't sell , for me, as well as my mohair or alpaca bears and koalas
Hi Susan
I have found that as well....but I do love to needlefelt so I continue to dabble in it.
I'm sooooooo tempted to do your online course Judi you are one very talented lady!....maybe an early Christmas present to myself :dance: :dance: :dance:
Hi Mel! Welcome to the board! There are some great ladies here. Hope you jump in and post lots. :hug: