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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn

Alexis Lexsomnia Bears
Posts: 123

I am sure we have talked about it before but I think that there are lots of new people since it was last discussed and I was curious. I knit/crochet, spin, dye wool of all kinds, sew, bead, do some paper crafts (like scrapbooking and make some cards) and airbrush. There are other things I like to do like play with clay and such but I dont do it often enough to be a craft that I DO...if that makes sense !  :crackup:  So what do each of you craft besides bears?

tuppies teddies Tuppies Teddies
Lindenow, Central Gippsland
Posts: 1,969

I have dabbled in lots of crafts, patch working, beading, knitting but since making my first bear 8 years ago I am afraid I am a bear-a-holic..

Gardening is my other interest, have just finished planting 20 punnets of pansies and primulas so hopefully in approx. 1-3 months the garden will be full of colour...

Donna A Brandon Bears
Fort Worth Texas
Posts: 98

OldTedStain4.JPGRdWhtBluVest.JPGPaintedBoxMeike.jpgI paint a bit .AprilRain.JPG

Donnn A.

7pawz Posts: 32

I make candles( main interest), crochet, soapmaking,and currently trying to learn
how to make a basic bear. bear_original

Alexis Lexsomnia Bears
Posts: 123

Denise- I love to garden but sadly I have a brown thumb. I can't grow anything!  :crackup:

Donna- Lovely! Just Lovely! That is my biggest weakness besides gardening.  :crackup: I cannot paint to save my life! Your painting talent is beautiful!

7pawz- I love soapmaking too! Its so fun!

jacky jacky
Posts: 100

hi Denise i make china dolls,ribbon embroidery,love my garden, now teddies bear_wacko  bear_wacko  i love painting my dolls ,jacky

Kathleen Pa
Posts: 626

I knit and I LOVE to garden, flowers, veggies, fruit - you name it .  Just waiting on the weather.  Come on spring!!!


Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

I love to garden too, but sadly, the community we've lived in for the last 4 years is overflowing with deer, who eat everything ! ! !

I love sewing home dec stuff.  I just finished making lined drapes for my grandson's nursery and roman shades for my daughter's kitchen windows.  I'm also making a custom diaper bag for her.  A pocket for everything she needs.

I like to crochet and embroider too.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

The garden, love it, quilting, creating new patterns for clothing-they are different, but mine, porcelain doll making....,

and most important-the piano......

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Mine, is Knitting, Scrapbooking and Beading, when I am not bearmaking.  :dance:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

If I ddin't have to eat or sleep or clean the house I'd have a thousand other craft hobbies!! Bears are really it.

The occassional quilt that never gets finished (that makes me a true quilter right??  :crackup: I used to make a lot of them until the bears took over!)

I'm still practicing at punch needle embroidery.

Gardening isn't a craft as asked for but for me making anything grow takes a LOT of talent!! And I love flowers so I work really hard at my gardens. Right now I'm trying to shovel snow off them! bear_happy

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

The bears take up so much of my time, there's very little left for much else aside from housework, eating and sleeping.  I do knit from time to time though and have done for many years.  I also love to take photographs, used to write a bit and really enjoy pottering in my garden ... although I'm strictly a 'fair weather' gardener!

There are several things I'd love to learn to do, like doll making, quilting, beading, tapestry ... I wonder if I'll ever find enough time?! bear_tongue

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Like others, I've done a number of needle arts over the years, needlepoint, cross-stitch, embroidery, and like Daphne, I have probably 15 quilt tops that need completing.

I'm also a beader, though, like Paula, I don't have much time for anything but bears right now. I barely know how to knit and purl and would love to be proficient enough to knit some little bear sweaters.

I wish I was a better photographer and want to take Nancy's class one day; actually, I want to take all of the classes Nancy offers.

While not a creative pursuit, I also do a bit of family genealogy and find family history so interesting.

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

BrynnAdStudio.jpgThoughts2.jpgRose1web.jpgDangerous topic for me!   bear_wub   I love to crochet, play with polymer clay, do ribbon work... I have a HUGE list of things I'd love to try if I ever find the time though! 

Kim Basta

Posts: 1,586

Before I decided to make bears, I painted wooden things, clothes pins for one, make bag ladies, tin punch, made stuffed hearts, and dammitt dolls, I sold at craft shows and such. Then I got interested in the bears and now all my crafts that were finished are in storage, just sitting there.  Maybe someday I will sell them at a show.
I also chrochet, sew, lots of crafty things.  But bears it is so thats it for now.  Also working full time puts a damper on things, there is never enough time in the day to do the things we all want to do, but at least we keep doin!

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Oooh, Kim, your flowers are beautiful. That's something I forgoit to include. I would looove to be able to silk ribbon flowers. Your wee fairy baby is precious.

Alexis Lexsomnia Bears
Posts: 123

Kim-  bear_shocked WOW! That little newborn baby is precious! AMAZING! I am similar to you in that I have a list of crafts that I would LOVE to learn but just dont have the time. With a toddler at home and a bean on the way my day usually comes down to a shower or knitting...I must admit...sometimes the knitting does sound better!  :redface:  :crackup:  :crackup:

wilma Posts: 51

I knit my own socks and gloves, do some embroidery, quilting, knitting and embroidery with beads and I like to draw and paint with watercolor. Since I started bearmaking that's the thing I do most but sometimes I still do some painting or knitting while watching the tv...

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

I love to knit, especially baby clothes and of course, the odd bear sweater. I used to enjoy crocheting the fine lace doilies but just don't have the eyes anymore for such work.
I also sew kids clothes and have made a couple or so quilt tops - unfinished :)
Have dabbled in clay but really don't have any talent at it and I know I can't draw worth a darn.
So many things to do and so little time.


WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115
Alexis wrote:

With a toddler at home and a bean on the way my day usually comes down to a shower or knitting...I must admit...sometimes the knitting does sound better!  :redface:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Alexis.... I TOTALLY hear you on that one!  I have three children and not enough hours in the day.  I've frequently thought, I could shave my legs, or wash my hair, or play with some fabric.... The fabric often wins... especially if it's winter and I can hide my legs!   :crackup:

Congrats on the impending arrival!   bear_tongue  :hug:

Kim Basta

Alexis Lexsomnia Bears
Posts: 123

Kim- Thanks for the congrats! We are very excited! :hug:

Wilma- Think you can teach me to knit socks??? bear_tongue Those darn heels get me everytime  :doh:  :crackup:

To everyone- This is so great to hear about all these crafty things you each do! How fun! Thanks for sharing! bear_flower

danceswithteddybears Dances With Teddy Bears
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 697

I am knee deep in learning bear making, and just loving it!      bear_original
But I also love to garden. My hubby and I have created a bird sanctuary in our yard.  We live in a rural area.
We are avid bird watchers. Does that count?

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Love yur silk ribbon Kim....Simply beautiful

I learned it so that I could use it for the girls....and love it, its so relaxing , perfect after dinner compliment to a quiet evening.


Dilu Posts: 8,574

ooos-newest thing?  Knitting far all I have accomplished is socks for the girls.  :crackup:   and they never commpain of cold feet....go figure,,,

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,811

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh dear . . . this subject always puts me in an introspective mood.  I love and want to do so many things and just don't have enough time left in my life to get to all of them.  Besides bears, I'm into altered art big time right now, but also want to get back to working with the tons of quilting fabric I have, spend some time at the piano, get back to my drawing/painting, etc., etc.  "Jack of all trades, master of none" is my mantra.  I'm knocking LOUDLY at the door of 67 years old and don't have the eyes, hands, or stamina to do it all.  Sorry - I start whining when I think about how old I am and what I still want to accomplish. 

All of your talents are commendable, folks, and inspiring.  I love that you all enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy.   bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

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