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I received this via email and was completely shocked, disturbed, upset so be prepared.


This is a very serious matter...

In the 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, he tied him to a rope in an art gallery, starving him to death.

For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful 'masterpiece' based on the dog's agony, until eventually he died.                   





Does it look like art to you?

But this is not all ... the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American  decided that the 'installation' was actually art, so that Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008.
Let's STOP HIM!!!!!

Copy this URL into your browser: to sign a petion to stop him to do it again, then digit the name Guillermo Vargas Habacuc to find the petition to sign.

Please do it.

It's free of charge and it will only take 1 minute to save the life of an innocent creature. 

Please also send this e-mail to as many contact as you can... Let's stop him!!!

If you want to double check all the above informations you can google the name of the 'artist' to see all I have just said corresponds to truth.

Thank you

kezjoy KezjoyKritterz
Gippsland Victoria
Posts: 185

bear_cry the poor dog..wheres the RSPCA or ASPCA or whoever the animal welfare group is in that area...ugh..thats could people just watch and not do anything.....

Sheryl Tuckerbears
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 183

I started to look at the pictures but it made me sick. Next time please put a link instead of posting the pictures. I agree this is sick.... and I do not understand why something was not done about him. This should go to a humane society or something along those lines as it would not be tolerated. Please, next time send it to someone that can do something instead of allowing this artist pictures to be sent to others. This is exactly what this artist wants.... publicity. Thank you


Please, next time send it to someone that can do something

Sorry if it upset you Sheryl but the purpose of posting the photos was to make sure that people would click on the link to sign the petition which has now over 1,100,000 signatures from all over the world.  Hopefully that is doing something to stop the artist from repeating this cruel act again which is what he has, in fact, been invited to do.

Sheryl Tuckerbears
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 183

Please, next time send it to someone that can do something

Sorry if it upset you Sheryl but the purpose of posting the photos was to make sure that people would click on the link to sign the petition which has now over 1,100,000 signatures from all over the world.  Hopefully that is doing something to stop the artist from repeating this cruel act again which is what he has, in fact, been invited to do.

I am sorry. I am just a HUGE dog/animal lover and I cannot deal with looking at pictures like this. I am glad you want to help, but a petition is no way to stop this. There is no way that any animal control would allow this to continue, they would not need signatures. I am sorry if I was too harsh in my reply. It just is not something I expected to see here in Teddy Talk.  bear_sad

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

This is shocking. If it does anything it may make people think about all the cruelty that humans inflict on animals. I can't stand the fact that humans treat animals in such cruel ways.
I am ashamed. bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

     I'm not trying to upset anyone and I do understand your being horrified by the pictures, but this is going on in Central America.  They may not even have "animal contol" there -different cultures allow different things.  It may not even be a blip on the radar in this area of the world.  I don't think Marsha was out to upset anyone, just bring awareness to what goes on.
       I agree they are horrifying to look at, but if we can make a difference, then it's worth the distress, at least in my opinion.  I think a petition from around the world, just might make the government take notice.  Countries are all about "appearances" and how they look in the public eye and bow to public pressure quite often.   Anway, I'm off to sign the petition and I have to have faith that it may help.  At least I feel like I am doing something.



lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

OMG, what a showking idea! I still cannot believe it... bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry

My boyfriend did a quick search on internet and got to find more news concerning that "artist".
He read that this man published excuses about it and decided not to do it again.
In addition, during that horrible show in 2007, the poor dog did not have a long agony as he died the first night and was already in very bad condition from the beginning.

Consequently, signing the petition and sending it to more people would not be on any use.

I still wonder how people can see art in there... bear_angry

Beary hugs,

Sheryl Tuckerbears
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 183

I have said how I feel and I will leave it at that. bear_sad

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

The thing is that animals are mistreated all over the world and we don't get to see it. It doesn't just go on in countries were they have no controls or  legislation to stop goes on here in the UK...were people are supposedly 'educated'...though I use that term loosely.  There are vile people who train dogs to fight, those who inflict pain on animals for the sheer hell of it. There was a poor horse on the news the other week that some numb skull kid had hacked at and it had to be destroyed.

Our government wants 50% of kids to go to university....yeh study what exactly? I am afraid were there is ignorance there will always be cruelty.

sandlalouer Luxembourg
Posts: 144

People are really crazy!! I'm so chocked by the pictures and such an idea!! bear_cry  bear_cry I've signed the petition. But just seen that Sophie got some news and that this "man" will not do it again.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I looked up this story on Snopes and this is what I found.

Alexis Lexsomnia Bears
Posts: 123

bear_shocked  bear_cry How awful! People can be SO cruel!

Mikki Mikki, Cripple Creek Creative
Bethel, Ohio
Posts: 1,051

Marsha, Thank you for posting this...Will sign and send out the information...a hateful person.Mikki

Woodbury Park Bears Woodbury Park Bears
Central Coast New South Wales
Posts: 1,033

This has to be the most heartless act i have ever seen most disturbing and someone tell me where the hell is the art in that i am sick to the stomach. bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry


cherylbruinwerks Bruinwerks
Posts: 784

Please everyone...check out the Snopes link that SueAnn posted.
The WSPCA has investigated and even they are unsure of what has happened here. Chances are that things are not as they appear - just check it out!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

There is a pop musician who holds pitbull fights at his concerts right here in the US. Dogs have died.. he keeps doing it. His name is John Mayer.

In some countries dog meat is served in restaurants and no one blinks an eye.

What about the animals in labs that testing is done on? They live a cruel life only to die a miserable death in most circumstances.

What about the people who are arrested or sometimes just slapped on the wrist for breeding hundreds of dogs in unsanitary conditions in their tiny one car garage? Do you ever watch shows like Animal Precinct or Animal Patrol?

Its great that you all see this "art" as wrong... glad you all have a heart and good conscience. What about the animals still alive? The people abusing them, right in your own city or state? What about fighting for them? They are your "neighbors" so to speak and need your help too. It's easy to sit in the comfort of your home, click a few buttons and put your electronic signature on something and send it off with just one more mouse click. But if you feel that strongly there is SO much more you can do, right in your own community.

Cruelty to animals goes on all around us... every day... in every country.... its sick, its sad, its unnecessary, its inhumane.... a signature or thousands won't necessarily stop it. Perhaps a protest at this art event that this "artist" guy is going to be at will get the message across but sadly, he'll likely just get more publicity and most don't care if it's good or bad.. it still raises the value of their work to the right person.

It's important to be educated. I agree with Cheryl, Sue Ann and Sophie's boyfriend... learn the "rest of the story" here... read Sue Ann's link to Snopes.

And please consider the animals in your own area that also deserve and need someone to fight for whats right on their behalf.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Here is another link.  Please note that I'm not trying to choose sides on this issue . . . I'm just trying to present another perspective; everything that gets emailed to you is not necessarily true.  This link takes you to PETA and if you're familiar with that organization, you'll know that they are one of the most aggressive in protecting animals.  They have not verified that the starving dog incident actually took place as presented, either. … arving.php

Super good post, Daphne.  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb


Seems I've caused some controversy by making this post which wasn't my intention so if it has upset anyone, please accept my apologies. 
I did investigate the story before I posted the details.  I understood that the comments made by WSPA and PETA were necessary because the artist and the gallery made a number of conflicting statements about the situation.  They aren't able to verify or deny anything as no-one from either organisation was present as witness.  Whether or not the dog escaped after the first day is questionable, in my view, because the photos show a state of decline in the dog's condition which would not have occurred over a 24 hour period. 
I don't believe in forwarding bulk email of any kind (well, ok, I do forward really good jokes to friends) so I posted the details because I hoped that some people who would sign the petition.  I'm sure that randomly forwarding email with content such as this can inadvertently bring publicity for the perpetrator of the event to the wrong kind of people.  I felt that bringing it to the attention of TT-ers would garner the right kind of attention.


anne8467 Posts: 1

Absolutely disgusting!!! I wish we could tie up the artist....How about "suffering for your art"???

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

This is disgusting.  No mater how the guy(not an artist by any means) got the dog, in what state of health the dog was in on the street, the fact that we allow animals and humans to fall victim to this type of neglect in our world is just sickening.

(My tea almost came out my nose!)  John Mayer made a really really sick joke at a concert one night about having to cut short due to dog fighting off stage. Then he made a spoof video apologizing (this was right around the Michael Vick true dog fighting news stories).  John Mayer doesn't have dog fights at his concerts -eek-, he's just a totally tacky jerk with a microphone. 


puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

This is just totally abhorrent - whether or not the facts are 100%. I signed, and will pass on the info
MARSHA - you'll find that just about all of us here are pet owners and animal lovers, and we'd all feel strongly about this appalling ill-treatment. Sadly, this is just an extreme case of what happens all too often - and not just to animals.
Thanks for posting, even if it is upsetting

Kingfisher Farm Teddies Kingfisher Farm Teddies and Folk Art
Posts: 135

It seems this is real to me, look at the people in the gallery, oblivious to his suffering! Appalling. Pam

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

bear_tongue Chrissi - my point exactly.... wondered if anyone else knew the truth about that. Many people I know were all horrified that their beloved John Mayer would have pitbull fights. And no, no dog died. But see, some believe everything they read or see or hear (he did indeed do an almost convincing if not rather over the top dramatic video and those who don't know him well believed it was true - I'm sure he lost a few fair weather fans over that whole scenario). He's still a jerk with a mic but goes to show that some people will believe anything, others will try to make you believe anything. (tea out your nose... now that would have been funny!)

And give the media something to run with and it's all over..........

But still...... plenty of cruelty to animals exists out there...... visit PETAs website or your local humane society and see for yourselves real live PROVEN cases that you CAN be proactive in preventing in the future. And yeah, if this guy and the dog art thing is for real then making an example out of him is good, being sure he can't do this sort of thing again is good. But if he's just getting attention from it, of any sort, and the whole thing turns out to be an over exaggerated story of the truth then folks will take pity on him, his "art" will thrive and on it goes. PETA was smart not to draw attention to the incident so as not to give this guy the publicity he was likely seeking. Doesn't mean they aren't investigating.

Doesn't it make you wonder, if the attendees weren't outraged by the 'exhibit' then perhaps what we're hearing isn't necessarily true? Or that in some countries/cultures this treatment of animals is not seen as wrong? And like it or not, we have to accept the culture of other countries as we'd expect them to do if they came to our country?

He's gotten enough of my time and energy....

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

    After your comment on John Mayer, I googled it about the dog fights and found out like Chrissi, that it was a publicity stunt.  I watched his "apology" video -WHAT A JERK!!!!!!!!!!!! I've always liked his music but this joke has made me sick.  No more John Mayer music in my house - I won't waste my money!  I'd like to let a pit bull have a go at him!!!!!



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