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mingrul Our Blue Iguana
Posts: 233

After tamil email of what car are you, i happened to be by chance got this other test of " are you a talent, a lifer, or a mandarin?" and guess what my answer is? :crackup:

I am a lifer! "To you, a job is what pays the bills. You put in your hours, follow the rules, and then go home. Occasionally, you consider quitting, but then you think of how bad the job market is and you reconsider. Whatever happiness you get, you get from your life outside the workplace. Relationships, family, hobbies, and outside creative pursuits are what really matter to you. You're probably taking this test at work because you don't have anything better to do."  :crackup:

this is so true, im taking this test at work and yes, bec i dont have anything better to do bear_tongue what about you guys? bear_original what are yours?

thanks to tami again. :hug:


P.S.... oopss.... here is the link

Plum Cottage Bears Plum Cottage Bears
Long Beach, CA
Posts: 2,151

Plum Cottage Bears Cute Animal Ambassador

Interesting test.  I took the test, and it says I'm a Mandarin:

<h2>I'm a Mandarin!</h2><img src=""><img src=""><p>You're an intellectual, and you've worked hard to get where you are now.  You're a strong believer in education, and you think many of the world's problems could be solved if people were more informed and more rational.  You have no tolerance for sloppy or lazy thinking.  It frustrates you when people who are ignorant or dishonest rise to positions of power.  You believe that people can make a difference in the world, and you're determined to try.<p><h3>Talent: 44%<br>Lifer: 38%<br>Mandarin: 51%<br></h3>Take the <a href="">Talent, Lifer, or Mandarin</a> quiz.<p>

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hi Ming, here's my result. It's funny that the first three results are one of each of the three choices.  bear_thumb

Talent...well that's what it said... not quite sure myself...the risk taker bit threw me a little.

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.

Hugs, Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_flower  bear_thumb

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms.  Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world.  You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities.  If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume.  You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.

Me too Jane!  And in my case, I'd say it has me very well summed up. bear_original

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

Mine was talent too and I would say that it sums me up pretty well bear_tongue
Laurie :hug:

bearhug07 Strange Bears
Posts: 444

Well I turned out to be a "Talent" too......I think many of us would be on this forum........bear making isn't going to provide a fortune for most of us but we pursue it for the creative satisfaction and love of it.

I think that says it all.......... bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Apparently I am a talent too....I am a risk taker ..all my life pretty much I have been self employed..never really 'worked' for anyone..always been a free spirit.
Maybe I have a talent for being unemployable!!

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

You're an intellectual, and you've worked hard to get where you are now. You're a strong believer in education, and you think many of the world's problems could be solved if people were more informed and more rational. You have no tolerance for sloppy or lazy thinking. It frustrates you when people who are ignorant or dishonest rise to positions of power. You believe that people can make a difference in the world, and you're determined to try.

Your scores:

Talent: 44%
Lifer: 49%
Mandarin: 54%

Looks like talent is the least of my qualities! Not a good thing. I seem to be confused between a talent and a lifer. I certainly don't consider myself an intellectual, but everything else applies to me perfectly.


busserbears Busser Bears
Elkhart, Indiana
Posts: 161

Surprise surprise..I'm a "Talent" too!  lol
Leeann Krikau
Busser Bears

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

I'm a talent as well, and it fits me quite well.  I think we'll have a lot of talents here.

"You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms.  Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world.  You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities.  If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume.  You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life."

kezjoy KezjoyKritterz
Gippsland Victoria
Posts: 185

im a lifer LOL..I just want to win the lottery and retire..tee hee

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Mine came out "Talent" also ...but in the movie question I just guessed because I have never seen any of those movies.   Some of the answers to the questions were not yes or no answers.....

These are fun though.

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162
jenny wrote:

Apparently I am a talent too....I am a risk taker ..all my life pretty much I have been self employed..never really 'worked' for anyone..always been a free spirit.
Maybe I have a talent for being unemployable!!

You and me both Jenny! :crackup: 

I had a fairly brief spell of paid employment (seven years) and couldn't stick with it.  I have issues accepting authority! bear_tongue

Posts: 1,586

:crackup: Me too, Kerilyn, I just wanted to win the lottery and retire.  I am a lifer, and I really laughed when it said I was taking the test at work because I had nothing better to do.  This is true, I am retirement age, and I have my house on the market for sale, and as soon as it sells, I am retired and moving away from the city life to just sit and make bears all day.  My life has been on hold for a year now waiting for this house to sell, and until it does I have to work to pay for it.  But my day is a coming.  All my bear stuff is in storage so its hard to keep going. 
That test had me pegged!!

FenBeary Folk FenBeary Folk
Pointon Fen, Lincolnshire, UK
Posts: 2,234

I'm a Talent too, more or less right but life has made me a calculated risk taker  :dance:  :dance:

mingrul Our Blue Iguana
Posts: 233
doodlebears wrote:

Hi Ming, here's my result. It's funny that the first three results are one of each of the three choices.  bear_thumb

Talent...well that's what it said... not quite sure myself...the risk taker bit threw me a little.

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.

Hugs, Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_flower  bear_thumb

well, jane, mine is not what i expect it to be also...

Judi, same here regarding the movie question, i have no idea any of them! :redface: I have not even heared or seen any of it.. well, if they ask disney movies, i know it by heart bear_tongue

thanks to tami, we got into an addictive test  :crackup:

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

I'm a Mandarin!! (although only a few percent in it really - 62% and 59%.  It definitely looks like I'm not a Lifer - only 18%)

You're an intellectual, and you've worked hard to get where you are now. You're a strong believer in education, and you think many of the world's problems could be solved if people were more informed and more rational. You have no tolerance for sloppy or lazy thinking. It frustrates you when people who are ignorant or dishonest rise to positions of power. You believe that people can make a difference in the world, and you're determined to try.

Your scores:

Talent: 59%
Lifer: 18%
Mandarin: 62%

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,765

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hmmmm . . . don't quite know what to make of mine.  It was kind of hard to answer the questions since I've been retired from my "real" job for a long time.   

Talent:  51%
Lifer:  51%
Mandarin:  44%

danceswithteddybears Dances With Teddy Bears
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 697

Fascinating test!
I'm a talent at 75%. 
I'll take a risk over a steady pay check any day.
Call me crazy, but I strive not to be rich, but to be happy!
Actually, my goal in life is to be a flibbertigibbet. bear_whistle
   Laura bear_flower

am_bears AM BEARS
Posts: 84

I'm apparently a talent too, but having drifted from job to job looking for "the grail of perfect jobs"  I always considered myself flotsam.  I had no idea what half of those questions were, I just threw a pin, so I guess its safe to say I was never gonna be a mandarin!   bear_grin

mingrul Our Blue Iguana
Posts: 233

apparantly most are a talent or a mandarin..... I dont like taking risk and again, im replying from work so that means i dont have anything much better to do bear_grin  :redface:

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

I just found this now, I am a Talent, and as for the car test, I am a Lambourgini.


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

I'm a Talent :dance:  :dance:

<h2>I'm a Talent!</h2><img src=""><img src=""><p>You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms.  Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world.  You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities.  If you


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