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Bayside Bears Bayside Bears
Cape Cod, MA
Posts: 13

Hi folks,

I thought you might like to take a peek at my new Blog, BEARack
First a bit of recent history. I designed a BEARack bear a couple of weeks ago, a tall, slim bear with a needlefelted face that looks like Barack Obama. I got a lot of feedback on it.....the second most hits and most put on watch lists than any of my other bears.
It sold for $2002.00 which is very exciting.....I can get my implants not breast, unfortunately!

Anyway, he is on his way to his new home in California, but over the weekend I was sitting around with a bunch of my teacher friends and we had a brainstorm. They thought the bear could be used in a way to to allow kids to follow along in the election... while keeping it simple, entertaining and geared to children.

I've created a blog with BEARack as the spokesbear for Barack Obama. It's a family friendly blog geared to the younger set. I've taken lots of photos of the bear so I can photoshop them into  photographs of Barack Obama and the campaign with lots of links to negative stuff. Since I'm an Obama supporter and the bear is a likeness of Barack, I will be focusing on that side of it obviously. But even if McCain is your guy, take a look anyway because it's pretty cute.
I think I will be making a series of smaller Bearack bears that I'll sell on my website...but I'm not selling anything from the's just for fun!
And if any of you have any ideas of kid friendly links for Bearack's blog, feel free to share!
I haven't posted in a while but I've enjoyed coming and reading what is new. Congrats to all the Golden Teddy  winners!

Mary Lou Foley
Here is BEARack

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,769

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Bearack is just sooooo impressive, Mary Lou . . . you have done an exceptional job with the likeness!  Super creative!   :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Incredible!  Huge congratulations on a giant sale; you deserve it. 

BEARack... teehee... that's just too clever.  Love it.   bear_flower

danceswithteddybears Dances With Teddy Bears
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 697

Hi Mary Lou
Love your new blog.  I think it's great, especially since I'm very pro-Obama!
I followed your auction, and emailed it to everyone I know!  My hubby spread it around as well.  It's a great bear and wonderful likeness to Obama.  Congrats on the auction's outcome, but I wasn't surprised.  I knew it would skyrocket.
Does Obama know of your bear?  Hope so.  I'd be proud, if I were he.
Good going! bear_thumb

eteddys eTeddys
Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 880

Mary Lou!
You really captured the real Obama!  It really tickled me and another artist friend and was the topic of conversation while we were at Expo.  It was great to come home from the show and see that he did so well for you.  The collector who adopted him must be very proud to have him.


Bayside Bears Bayside Bears
Cape Cod, MA
Posts: 13

Thanks for the nice comments everyone!
Laura, I have no idea how to let the Obama campaign see his bear. I wrote them an email from his web site and received a reply that they aren't using anymore vendors. ( I never mentioned selling anything)
I'm sure the intern who answered it didn't even follow the link to look at the bear. Maybe I will post to a diary on DailyKos or another political blog this weekend and someone may be able to pass it on.

While the Bearack auction was going on, Someone at, which is a right wing site, started a thread about my auction, posting the pictures and making snide remarks about Bearack and Barack Obama. Some were nasty and some were actually kind of funny, just not my point of view. That kind of gave me the idea for the blog and in deciding to go the positive, friendly route. There is way too much negative stuff going on already.

It's funny that I am doing the blog from a bear's point of view...
I don't collect  bears and was never the type to talk teddy bear ( BEAR-son ) like some of my collectors do. I even poked a little fun at them ( in a good natured way of course). So now I'll have to take a crash course in BEAR words to use on the blog. I should start a thread here so you guys can help me make a BEAR word list! LOL


Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

I, too, think you've captured Obama amazingly in your BEARack. You're blog is just a delight.

I was thinking that you should notify the Obama campaign about your bear and blog, but you indicate they pretty much gave you a typical response. I suppose they get all kinds of emails, but still, they should read them completely.

Maybe you should contact the local campaign office in your city or nearest city. Actually go down to the offices and talk to some one with copies of BEARack's pictures to pass out and print outs of your blog. Couldn't hurt. It seems like this is something they'd really like.

Of course, another path may be to contact your local paper or tv news station. 

Good luck with the blog. It's a great idea.

Bayside Bears Bayside Bears
Cape Cod, MA
Posts: 13


   I've sent out a few emails to local DNC offices and in the next couple of weeks, I'll put out more effort to get it seen. THe blog is new this week and with the Democratic convention coming up, I'm trying to get it noticed. It's promoting Barack Obama....but it also promotes teddy bears....two things I am very fond of!
Feel free to send out links to the blog to anyone you think might like it...or to you own local Campaign office. I live on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. I'll have to check and see if we have a local office here.
Maybe I'll send it to Oprah! :-)

Mary Lou

danceswithteddybears Dances With Teddy Bears
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 697

Mary Lou
Actually, that's a great idea!  Try to get ahold of Oprah's people.  Really. 
The only problem I see is that you don't have Bearack bear any longer.  Otherwise, she'd probably have you on her show!
You need to make another!!!  I know, easier said than done!

Bayside Bears Bayside Bears
Cape Cod, MA
Posts: 13

Oh, I'm already started on another! I have the head done and I think it looks even better! He will be a different size though bacause the woman who bought him almost went apoplectic when I told her I was making a limited edition of Bearack bears.
I assured her it would be a different pattern and different size ( ten inches smaller) and lord knows I can never duplicate the needlefelted face.
I'm even spelling the name different. Hers is Bearak and now I spell it Bearack. After the first one, there are a few little pattern improvements I want to make anyway. So, unless I'm mistaken hers still fits the criteria of one of a kind?
Speaking of Oprah.....maybe an Oprah character bear is next?

Mary Lou

danceswithteddybears Dances With Teddy Bears
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 697

Oprah would love it!  That would get you on her show!
I think you're safe with the one of a kind thing.  Your nips and tucks will surely make a uniquely different bearack. 
Now, who out there knows how to contact Oprah or Obama?

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