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I am shocked that anyone could say anything against you! I have nothing but good things to say as all the rest of us TT's do. Let it go Jane and remember all the good kind words and forget that one bad one. It takes a lot of fun to be here and talk to all of us TT's, keep those pictures coming, I loved them.
Kisses and hugs to you Jane, not to worry, you are in great standing here!
My dear Jane, it is unthinkable that someone would find your TT parties and fun festivities offensive. Most, if not all, of us think you are so generous with your time and effort to create these works of art for our entertainment. The cute/fun photos and your narration to go along with them are absolutely priceless, and I feel really sad that someone has upset you regarding those efforts. I will go on record here to say that the TT administration supports you totally 100% and regards you as a valuable member. We so appreciate all that you contribute to help make our forum a fun and interesting place to be. So, my friend, please know that you are well loved by members and those behind the scenes as well. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Jane, are you certain the person is offended, rather than just uncomfortable with their own photographic image? Just a thought, but as you know, I hate to have my picture taken (and bless you my friend for always respecting that!) so I wonder if it was just embarrassment that urged them to write?
Having said that, I can't imagine why anyone would take offence at the way you create such fun scenes for us all to enjoy ... even I can cope with my head plastered onto an athletic body for a cartoon ski run, or added to a fabulous female form for an evening out with George Clooney!
There are many on here who simply won't know exactly how much time and extreme effort you put into your work for Teddy Talk and beyond, so I'll just let 'em know right here, right now, that you are one of the bravest, friendliest and most thoughtful people in the UK teddy bear world and would never willingly do anything to hurt anyone. Those of us who know you personally have nothing but the highest respect and regard for you, so please don't take that comment to heart.
No worries here :hug:
Hi Jane
I didn't know of your parties, as I joined TT just a few months ago.
So I took a look.
They are great!!! You must have put a lot of time and work into making them.
Can't imagine why someone would complain. I agree, some people lack a sense of humor. Too bad. They're missing out on life.
I'd be honored to someday find myself at one of your parties ..even as a reindeer. :crackup:
Hope you continue throwing your wonderful parties!!!
So if we need to find a funny part in this it's that the last party thread dearest Jane complete was in January 08...over 8 months ago. Has someone's been surfin' the library looking for stuff to be annoyed by (??)
When you look at Janes "user posts" it is simply amazing HOW MUCH she does for this community.
The birthday posts, the full and complete threads on Hugglets always packed with gorgeous photos, and the party threads. Jane is a teddy talk super star.
Shel, I swear my one cat gives me that look all day and I know the bratboy is thinking the same thing most times. I have to eat this and you get ot eat that...."wtf"...I have to sleep here and you get to sleep there .....
" "....I have to share a litterbox with those 2 idiots and you get your own room with running water... " "
That makes no sense. Jane your pics are great, and I can't even wrap my head around the thought that someone would complain. Keep doing what you're doing!
Sorry, I could be nice and say everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I won't be ....this made me a little mad! Laughing at us? I feel more insulted that someone could have thought that about Jane, really, that does make me feel bad. They are great fun. So....if it featured you and you feel slighted, fair enough, but don't knock Jane if you were'nt in the pictures, in fact, its nothing to do with you.
I've been in them by the way, great fun and an honour!!!!
I can barely begin to imagine how much work goes into each and every single lovingly crafted photo for these parties. And I can say I was thrilled beyond belief to be added to the Christmas party!!! :bday: :dance: :dance: You certainly never, ever, ever offended me :hug:
I think Shell's cat sums it up perfectly :crackup:
You have always been very nice, Helpful, you gave me great tips about my webpage and help with getting it straight.
I love your party montages and quite frankly I was disappointed that once I couldn't make it to the party. :crackup: I agree with everyone else!! You are a wonderful asset to this website and we would be highly disappointed if you stopped the great parties cause someone mistook humor for insult. :hug:
I for one can't wait for the next party, you should see the dress I got this time!!!
Jane please don't take it to are so supportive of TT members and I love the cards you post to celebrate birthdays. ...but please someone point me in the direction of the other pics....I've never seen them and now I'm soooo curious!! :photo:
Hugs Lynne
they are great, keep them up. I will have to put my pic up so I can be in one. I would really like to be with Robbie Williams HINT HINT LOL
Jane, your parties are a great fun.
I wish we could do them for real...
Oh, did I ever told you I love Georges Clooney too???
Please, make more!
Beary hugs,
I have received an email from one of our not so regular TT members complaining about the pictures. She says I make fun of you all and make you all look ridiculous.
This sounds like someone deliberately trying to make trouble and to upset you possum. Ignore such rubbish.
I for one love to see your party pics. Maybe this xmas you could place our heads onto animal bodies. :crackup:
Now if I did it it would be offensive :crackup: You my dear couldn't offend your way out of a paper bag. So don't go fretting over this nasty trouble maker.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Jane. just giving you my support, I found them great fun.
I agree with Wendy, it may be someone passing through and wanted to cause abit of mischief.
Please don't stop giving enjoyment to so many over one silly person.
Also, this is probably the response they were after. It will be the only way they can be noticed, if they are a bear maker they should concentrate on improving there skills, a much more gratifying way to be noticed don't you think?
I don't think there is much more to say...
WE LOVE YOU JANE!!! I love being a part of your photo shoots and parties. I think you just need to brush this under the rug or even better out the door and forget about it.
Oodles of hugs,
Hi Jane, It is just so sad that someone could possibly take any offense at this wonderful gesture of yours, bringing us all together in a fantasy story and promoting the wonderful friendships on TT. I for one so look forward to your efforts and would be so disappointed if you weren't able to do it. I think you need to print out all of the wonderful comments that have been posted here and realise that you are so loved and respected here at Teddy Talk and everyone knows you would never deliberately do anything to offend anyone. Please, please continue your terrific work as goodness knows, in this world, we all need all the laughs we can get. If you cannot have a laugh at yourself, you might as well give up.
Now, a special request. I would like to see us all as various Monkeys at Monkey World this year. And I especially want Sandi's request filled of her head upsidedown and between her legs!!! See, you can't offend me at all. You would have to hit me over the head!!!!! We love you Jane. :hug: :hug:
Well Jane, now what do you think? Do you think we all love and adore you here? YES WE DO!!!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Now we're ready for a HUGE only you can do Jane. You are the best my friend. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Shelli....I laughed out loud at your kitty picture. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Jane I love you pictures and parties!!!!! You can add me to your parties!!!! I love a great party.
With every thing else out there in this world going on this is nothing to fuss a about. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo you go girl!!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Jane, I had to go and look for the photos, i havnt been here long enough to see them. What fun. Bit like having an alter ego to do stuff you wouldnt... I mean given a body like some I would also romp around in a bikini etc.
I hate having my photo taken personally. I think there is something wrong with the camera but to be included in something like that would be such fun.
I really wouldnt take the negative comment personally. Dont even know if the person was portrayed??? Therein could lie the rub. If left out they could feel they should be in the pics and if in the pics they could.... oh who knows....
I think you are wonderful, (well obviously we all do). And maybe the person who commented is just having a hard time and need a hug. :hug:
Jane they are so much fun and just love what you do in giving us a party or holiday - thank you.
As I know how much time you must put into all that work.
You are a true gem and friend and many thanks again for all you do here, I really appreciate your kindness.
Warmest bear hugs
:hug: :hug:
Goodness grief Yeh to what Chrissi said....8 mths ago...ya gotta think what the motive was, people try and upset others, its how they feel better about themselves....hmmm
The only thought that I'd ever had is that maybe people would feel left out if they weren't included, which is virtually impossible to do now with our member list I love them!!! humour, everyone needs it!! It makes life sooo much more bearable
Luv ya bunches Jane, and love your parties :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dear Jane
I just wanted to say I was really proud to have had my picture chosen the last time too, I love the parties you do, it must take you hours and hours and it is very, very entertaining, we all need a laugh sometimes! Everything you do is very much appreciated. :hug: :hug: :hug: