For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Well, I had to check the ebay ME page in the "new" version...I had not noticed that they took away the ME icon......AAAUGH! Thank goodness, I also put a link to my ME page in my listings. I really like having my ME page.
Kelly, I didn't have any problem linking to your ME page through your listing.
Laura, I totally agree with you about using eBay to expand our mailing lists....I can add several collectors with each auction. There always seems to be someone who is discovering you for the first time. As much as I hate the thought of it, I will probably still list auctions on eBay for "advertising" purposes (which is why I usually list my pandas for as long as 10 days...just for the visibility). But I'm also going to list on B4B, just so my collectors get used to checking there for my auctions too. And I have some collectors who don't like ebay and won't bid there.
Thanks to all who took the time to look at my Pandora's Box panda! :crackup:
Trouble is eBay has a monopoly really...and they can do what they want. They haven't any truly viable opposition in a broad sense..nowhere that offers as wide an audience for artists. I hate the deviousness that's allowed to go un-checked on eBay..the way it's so easy to run scams and be dishonest...and this business of holding funds is just another money making scheme which they can inflict on anyone they choose.
I am fed up with the way we as THEIR customer are poorly treated whilst they MAKE us offer service of a standard we don't get from eBay to our customers. I treat my customers fairly...but I won't be walked over...basically ebay are asking us to allow buyers to do just that....My son fell foul of the 'Item not received' scam...a mobile phone sent in good faith to a Paypal buyer only for them to claim they didn't receive it...which of course they questions... the buyer was refunded withou even a 'by-your-leave' leaving Oliver broke and phoneless..this in spite of the fact that the person had done this 6 times in one year according to feedback...
It's just that kind of thing that bothers me..and why I won't send parcels untracked now!
There again when it's's really good....
Jenny I am SO sorry about your son! That just stinks
Kelly, your link worked for me. Your bunny vignette & auction listing are AWESOME!!! Wow, you even put wire in the rim of your "can" so the new owner can "dent it" if they want :crackup: that is such a cool extra touch
In all the years I sold on ebay, I never bothered with a ME page. As I was leaving Ebay in April, I finally did one, so I could put links to my blog, etsy shop, website etc. I'm sure it won't be long before they completely stop these links, but I'm getting my advertising while I can.
hey Brenda,
I never bothered with an 'about me' page either, on ebay or at my website, but I'm dating a PR guy these days and he's pretty tough on wrangling as much PR as you can get. I suck at selling myself - I freely admit that much of my initial success in the TB world was due to my x's big mouth!!! - and I had pretty much let everything slide over the past few years. I'm trying a little harder these days :pray:
Jenny, I agree with you, I think ebay feedback is joke these days. my one bad feedback came about on a transaction where the seller didn't set a reserve & the item (ok, converse john varvatos in hunter green lizard!) went for far under what he expected. the shoes never arrived, he claimed lost in the mail but wouldn't provided documentation. I filed against him w/paypal, got my money back and left, shall we say. . . rather appropriate feedback & he retaliated with vicious bad feedback in return. now you can't leave that kind of feedback for a buyer, but they didn't remove THAT one. . . pricks, I say!
however, they do have some lovely collectors hanging about :dance: :dance: :dance:
I have not been very pleased with the new ebay either.. I don't think anyone is.. but when you need exposure it's hard to not use ebay. I have been selling my Dollhouse minis on ebay and being fee-ed to death. It's hardly worth selling when you have to pay so much in fees. The charge a buck here and there.. even on cheap items.. then the paypal fees. Ebay is making shows more affordable... I am planning on doing an additional show this year. It's alot better for me to spend $50-200 on an average local table than $50 in ebay fees to list one bear.
I think they will slowly drown themselves in greed.
Ok, so this may just be a totally stupid question but I'll go ahead and ask anyway
So, ebay...paypal...whoever... is holding money for close to a month now. What happens if they go under, take a dive suddenly go bankrupt. No likely, but in today's belly up world, who knows. What happens to the money they're holding if that ever (doubtfully) happened? Are they insured like a bank at this point?? Since I don't use ebay anymore for selling (and I NEVER keep a paypal balance of more than say $50) I'm too lazy to go looking too far, but I did find this one blog in a google search...whether it's solid info or not I cant say...but an interesting read given today's market. … 1511560000
Not a stupid question at all! I was thinking; what if at work your boss held your paycheck for 21 days? People would be outraged and storm the office! But ebay/PayPal have the power. But that won't be forever
If ebay wants to have a site mainly for wholesalers why didn't they just make a new site for that instead of trying to drive everyone else out? That way they could have had their cake and eat it too. It could have still been linked to the ebay name. What total stupidity!!!!
I haven't tried Bid4Bears yet--I am pretty new to the teddy bear scene but I think I will try it.
Wow...that had not even occurred to me...I usually keep a small balance in PP but after reading that blog, I'm moving most of it out.
Thanks for sharing.
I guess I'm just cynical - I have never trusted Paypal because it is not a "bank". I always transfer the entire amount from my Paypal account, the minute I get paid for something. If I know I have a payment coming and I need something, I try and co-ordinate it so I can buy it the minute I get my money, and then transfer the rest. I want my money in my local bank, not in the hands of a business that is as unscrupulous as Ebay! At least they can't hold my money for 21 days, as I don't use it for Ebay anymore, but I have over 100 feedback anyway.
Don't forget... you can also offer to receive payment via your own merchant account or ProPay if you don't want to worry about having your money held for 21 days.
Hello all I've been away for a few months, good to be back. This thread is so informative, thank you all for such good info, I had been thinking of listing some items on Ebay again, but after reading this, I decided it's not worth the aggravation right now. I normally make candles/soaps and am "teaching" myself via books, to make bears and I love doing it, but I'm of course a newbie and in the very beginning stages, hopefully when I feel comfortable, I'd like to share my bears
, but at the rate I'm going it'll be a few years
zapped!!! the little suckers got me! a nice little email telling me they were holding $975 dollars for 21 days 'just to be safe'.
yeah, right,
I've had that paypal account since '98, with nary a single error, a transaction number over 1500 AND over $800 in my account and suddenly I might be a risk???
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
color me unimpressed
Same happened to me.......................they reel you in, make you feel comfortable
they got ya
I don't think buyers are happy when they know, well I wouldn't be if I had paid good money, I would want to know you got it ok and promptly
zapped!!! the little suckers got me! a nice little email telling me they were holding $975 dollars for 21 days 'just to be safe'.
yeah, right,
I've had that paypal account since '98, with nary a single error, a transaction number over 1500 AND over $800 in my account and suddenly I might be a risk???
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
color me unimpressed
OH NO! Ugh I'm so hating ebay. This 21 day hold is the pitts, and the "featured' fiasco is such a PITA. I featured and my auction has about 1/3 of the looks that it they usually do at this time.
Hey, I was wondering if paypal is just holding ebay sales.. or all sales? just curious.
I believe it's only Ebay fees that they hold. I've been selling off of my blog and to a retail venue and I've not had any problems when paid by Paypal. I really miss the excitement of the auctions, but I would not go back to ebay now for anything. Way too much grief! I'm surprised they haven't been challenged, legally. I wouldn't be surprised to find what they are doing is illegal.
I have been wondering how legal it is to hold money... Well just think of the interest that paypal makes holding what I would guess to be Millions of dollars of peoples money every month... and people who keep Balances.. they don't give you interest.. but I'm sure they are making it!
Well, they don't make any interest from me - the second I get money, I transfer it out to my bank account. I don't trust them at all.
Oh dear. I hope I didn't mess you up with the suggestion of adding Featured Plus! I'm soooooooooo sorry! I wasn't aware that they wouldn't accept that with a new user. How strange. I never knew eBay to turn down a buck before - ha. The new search is going to be a lot better for that as I think it will no longer be a benefit to pay the extra $19.95. Goody! I'm in for that. Anyway, I didn't mean to cause you so much headache!
Yeah, well I use to have a little float of money in my paypal account... but I don't anymore. I don't trust them either and why should they have my money when they are holding other peoples money. That's my little opinion anyway.. lol.