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Pumpkin & Pickle Bears Pumpkin & Pickle Bears
East Sussex
Posts: 2,047

bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad

Is anyone else finding trade sooooo sloooow at the moment? It's totally depressing. It was only a matter of months ago that my bears were snapped up within days of me advertising nobody seems to have any money to spend on such luxurys as bears. I know I'm not the only one - I've heard the same thing from many of you. I've also noticed that bears on ebay aren't selling for as much as usual.

I was hoping to raise funds from my bears to treat my husband, our 2 boys and I to a few days at Disneyland's not looking good!  bear_cry

I really hope we get over this Credit Crunch's making me feel down in the dumps....  bear_sad

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

I know what you mean Gemma as it can be a bit depressing bear_sad
I am hoping to find the time to try out new things with my bears including the needlefelting kit that I bought last xmas bear_rolleyes
If sales are a bit slow it is the best time for trying to do these new things that you want to do but always put off doing.
The luxury items are the first to go when money is short but hopefully things will pick up soon bear_thumb  bear_flower
Laurie :hug:

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

I'm with you there Gemma - Almost given up listening to the news - it's positively DIRE. I just feel that someone needs to shoulder a bit of blame for all the financial mismanagement which seems to be at the core of  this escalating problem..........but what happens - the governments throw huge amounts of "tax-payers money" at the problem and hope it goes away. And what do we get out of it? More taxes, no doubt............while I bet there are a lot of "Masters of the Universe" who can quite happily retire to a life of luxury...............GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR
Better get off my soapbox!
Sadly, right now, there's not a lot we can do - just hang on in there - and yes - maybe take time to try out all the new techniques we've been meaning to experiment with - who knows - I might even have another go with my  neglected air brush!
big huggies

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

I agree, the world economy is going to take time to recover, never mind the politicians all not knowing what they want.
However it is in difficult times like these, that many new ideas are formed, as life has to go on,  one has to find other ways of supplementing an income.

At the end of the day, it is still horrid and depressing when your work does not sell and you need the funds from your bear making to supplement your income.
Gemma have you tried singing on the street corner ???????


kellydean k e l l y d e a n & c o m p a n y
Narrowsburg, New York
Posts: 718
fredbear wrote:

I agree, the world economy is going to take time to recover, never mind the politicians all not knowing what they want.
However it is in difficult times like these, that many new ideas are formed, as life has to go on,  one has to find other ways of supplementing an income.

At the end of the day, it is still horrid and depressing when your work does not sell and you need the funds from your bear making to supplement your income.
Gemma have you tried singing on the street corner ???????


oh, so true. . .and at the end of the day, it's also horrid and depressing when your work does not sell and you need the funds from your bear making because it IS your only income.   this is one nasty economy.  I hadn't been paying much attention to the news, but several of the posts about ebay had links that led to economic websites like the Wall Street jounal & such.  I spent most of a morning giving myself the willies before I decided that I was better of not knowing this stuff. . .

Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

Definitely- but I can't blame people either!  Just wish there was enough money to splash in my direction a little more bear_laugh  No bids on my auction yet, so figers crossed for a flurry this weekend!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

This down trend began over the summer..... shows I did didn't produce the sales they were just a year ago or even close to the sales I was making at other shows early this year. And even once things begin to improve it certainly isn't going to happen overnight.

I'm not going to complain about the lack of sales though. We do have to face the fact that we've chosen to make and sell something that is very much a luxury item and with the exception of the current, highly dedicated collectors, we certainly aren't going to to attract many if any new collectors... most everyone is pinching their pennies, waiting for things to get even worse. And I don't blame them. As Kelly has learned, watching or reading the news is enough to send anyone into a state of fear and panic or in our case, depression!

I don't HAVE to sell my bears to keep a roof over my head or food in my belly so what I'm about to suggest isn't something everyone can do but it's what I'm doing starting with the Kohler, WI show I'm doing this weekend:

The price of everything keeps going up.... and people HAVE to pay the higher prices if they want gas in their car so they can get to work, and higher prices if they want to eat. But they don't and obviously won't pay high prices for luxury items right now. So.... I'd rather sell my work for a bit less than usual than not sell any at all thus am going to lower my prices on my bears and see if it helps. I want collectors to be able to continue collecting or else they'll stop and we'll likely loose them for good! And I feel that folks should be able to enjoy and take home a little bit of handmade unconditional love and comfort in these trying times.

For me making bears is a "feel good" thing, not a money making thing so I can afford to lower my prices. I certainly repsect those who can't do that but then if you aren't selling any or very little would it be better to sell for a little less and still sell? The answer to that is different for everyone. I certianly am not suggesting that we devalue our work and I truly feel that once the economy does improve the demand for artist bears will grow again and we'll see our prices increase again.

I'm going to try and roll with the changes... do what I can to give collectors a little relief without going broke in the process... I do have a pretty expensive passion to support here but I won't be able to support it at all if I don't have a little money coming in, which, in my opinion is better than none!

My guess is that it will be well into next year, once the new US President takes office and gets settled and we start to see serious changes, before the economy improves. We've got to do something in the meantime so our bear businesses don't die off entirely.

OK... I'm ready... go ahead and attack me for suggesting such an appalling idea as lowering prices a bit! bear_tongue  Just keep in mind that I said I understand and respect those who can't afford to do so or simply don't want to! bear_original It's an individual choice and business decision!

KJ Lyons KJ Lyons Design
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1,413

catandthefiddle1.jpgGemma & Lynette,
I'm sending them out to fend for themselves!
No, it's not a joking matter. I, too, depend on bear/cat income for rent and food. But I have to lighten-up to create. I always tell myself to remember the reasons I love to create and block out the negative forces. Just one note; I got a message from a collector saying that the venerable Disney Doll & Teddy Bear EXPO at Epcot, FL. is no more. It is canceled for 2009  bear_sad
KJ Lyons Design

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Bwahaha... Karen...  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Problem is if you believe everything is doom and gloom it will be. I tend to hope it all will come right ..and to be honest I took more money in the salon last week than I have taken in ages and so I try to stay positive. Sometimes the feelgood factor is what people need and getting your hair done..or buying a teddy makes you feel good. Maybe I'll give up bear making and go back to the salon full time! 
No,  I won't do that but I don't believe reducing prices will sell bears either. I think if someone wants a bear they will buy one...and if they feel like it's a waste of money that is hard come by then they won't...even at a reduced price. I think if anything it might make people more selective about what they do spend on..and sometimes that might mean not buying a bear at all...My bears (so far) seem to be still selling but then again I am not making as many ..and I am determined to stay positive.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

     I'm like you - I seldom listen to the news as it is so doom and gloom.  However, like Daphne, my bears are used for extras - like holidays, so I am certainly luckier than a lot of artists.  I've also done many things in the artworld -  and just recently dusted off my paint brushes and have been hand painting wildlife on glass balls for Xmas ornaments, to go in my Etsy shop, along with my jewelry in the next week or so.  I did them for 20 years and I decided smaller items might go well right now.  I've been fortunate to pick up a retail shop that has been selling my bears as fast as  I sold them on Ebay and I'm very happy with the price she pays me.  I guess I agree with Jenny - if people want a luxury item, they will find a way to purchase what they want.  I do watch Ebay and  I think there is definitely a slowdown in the bear market  and maybe this is the time to try some new ideas.


karenaus Melbourne
Posts: 694
kellydean wrote:

I hadn't been paying much attention to the news, but several of the posts about ebay had links that led to economic websites like the Wall Street jounal & such.  I spent most of a morning giving myself the willies before I decided that I was better of not knowing this stuff. . .

It doesn't seem like all these "experts"  know what's going on or what's going to happen next either, so I am feeling kinda the same way,  so I am trying to stay informed but not listen to TOO much since a lot seems to be guesswork and speculation at the moment..... However  I  I admit I am a bit apprehensive about a show here in a couple of weeks time... thank goodness it won't  cost a lot to do so I won't have much to lose if it doesn't go too well.  But hoping for the best, trying to stay positive like Jenny:)

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Well, I am a collector as well as an artist, and for myself, if a bear is priced too high, then no - I will NOT buy it and I will buy a bear that is priced more in my price range... as long as I love it bear_original 

I've also heard at shows that quite often the bears that are selling are the lower priced bears.   So for many people.. price IS an issue.  Just thoughts ......

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

oh so its not just me then!  I've been wondering whats going on and thought it was just me and that I'd slipped out of the loop from being away for awhile, but then I don't listen to the news too much, although our dollar has fallen dramatically....not sure why that is, not sure i want to know or would understand even if i did bear_wacko but hoping things get better for everyone  bear_thumb

BFB-Lyn Brimbin Forest Bears
NSW, Australia
Posts: 3,973

bear_original Yep, not a good time at the moment for anyone but don't they say it gets worse before it gets better  bear_ermm I reckon we just have to hang in there! I try to switch off to all this doom and gloom and think positive especially where the bears are concerned - yeah, sales on down for me too but I try not to let it get to me and carry on happily sewing and improving. I think I would get bad withdrawal symptoms if I was to stop making bears - enjoy it too much!  bear_grin

Put on a happy face! Hugs Lyn  bear_flower

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

My auction this week is a new direction for me, too; a lower price to begin, with a No Reserve.
Perhaps a new Collector, perhaps not.
I'd rather sell than not so I'm willing to accept the same premise as Daphne's as I too am fortunate that mine too is just put back into my business budget.

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I've rolled with the punches over many years in the bear world and have to agree with Daphne, when times are tough if you want to sell your bears regularly, you need to reassess how best to accommodate your collectors.  It may not mean an obvious drop in prices, it may also be worth considering 'offers', or discount vouchers for shows, free shipping, loyalty schemes etc etc ...

I think recent weeks in the UK have seen much unsettling financial news broadcast on TV and now that the winter months are nearing meaning high fuel bills and of course Christmas commitments, people are starting to be more cautious with their cash ... I don't blame them for that.  Naturally, I want to stay in business, so to achieve that I accept I may need to become even more flexible than I already am and not expect bears to sell the moment they are put on my website, for example.  It's a difficult balance that's for sure.  Not impossible though - I'm ever the optimist!

kellydean k e l l y d e a n & c o m p a n y
Narrowsburg, New York
Posts: 718
Laura Lynn wrote:

Well, I am a collector as well as an artist, and for myself, if a bear is priced too high, then no - I will NOT buy it and I will buy a bear that is priced more in my price range... as long as I love it bear_original 

I've also heard at shows that quite often the bears that are selling are the lower priced bears.   So for many people.. price IS an issue.  Just thoughts ......

I'd say price is definitely an issue.   I call it the 'oh' factor, as in the 'oooohhhhh' they say when they hear the price, right before they put it back down.  for manufactured, store-bought bears, the 'oh' factor is about $20.  On artist bears, my experience has been has been that it's around $300, and after that your collector base drops of dramatically.  the next big drop-off happens at $500 and you'll hear me say -often - that when you get over to bears over $1000, there are only about 12 collectors in the whole world - and I only know 5 of those  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup: .       

I don't think my 'oh' factor scale has much to do with current economic conditions, I think it's always been that way, but  I think the current economy has everything to do with it.

Paula, I've rolled with the punches, too, and while I haven't really lowered my prices, I've had people come into shop on the right day and a get a heck of a bargain.  I've also been trying to do smaller pieces and leave the vignettes alone, but my problem is that I'm so ADHD that if it's not an interesting project, I just can't get into it. (I literally can't sit still for more than 5 minutes  :redface: explains alot , doesn't it. . )

and I, too, am thinking about posting on ebay with no reserve.  in this case, it's less about selling the item than the absolute, total tension you are under for a week, while wondering if your piece is gonna meet that reserve or if you're gonna end up with egg on your face in front of 187 watchers. . .  completely nerve-racking. . .

The Rabbit Maker The Rabbit Maker
Posts: 680
kellydean wrote:

the absolute, total tension you are under for a week, while wondering if your piece is gonna meet that reserve or if you're gonna end up with egg on your face in front of 187 watchers. . .  completely nerve-racking. . .

I don't think your alone in that thought!!!!


Jack&Lilia Jack & Lilia
Posts: 3,488

I agree it's all so depressing on the financial front....and ebay selling has dropped off dramatically....I had the first non-sale bear a couple of weeks ago and the poor little guy is sitting on my website waiting for a new home awwwww!  :redface: ....two more bears that finish today may go the same way as no bids as yet  bear_sad yet Im still selling ok through a shop and a gallery/shop wants to look at them I think we switch off the news, put on some lively music, get the coffee on and the biscuits out and keep creating and stay optimistic!  bear_original
positive hugs to all Lynne  :hug:

The Rabbit Maker The Rabbit Maker
Posts: 680
Jack&Lilia wrote: I think we switch off the news, put on some lively music, get the coffee on and the biscuits out and keep creating and stay optimistic!  bear_original
positive hugs to all Lynne  :hug:

Here , here Lynne!! bear_grin

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Kelly I know exactly what you mean...this week my bear is not near it's reserve and already I am thinking...maybe I should've not put a reserve on him...but it's a huge risk. It is nail biting time ..and it isn't a pleasant experience. I also think when bears fetch really high prices on eBay it has a dampening effect because people don't dare bid in case of getting sucked into something they can't afford..and so I worry about that.

kellydean k e l l y d e a n & c o m p a n y
Narrowsburg, New York
Posts: 718

. . .try the pure embarrassment of having your bear sit a 99 cents for 2 days. . .  {{{{shudder}}}}

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

There is a caveat to lowering your prices.  Once you drop them it takes awhile to get them back up where they belong....the consumer sees that you're willing to discount.  It's a tough road but it will get better.  It always does!

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

Paula, whether you answer in this forum or privately, I'd be interested in what constitutes some of your loyalty schemes.

I still find that a funny/odd word to use, as, here, for us Yanks, a 'scheme' generally has a slightly shady, nefarious implication!

If you'd rather keep the ideas totally to yourself, I can understand that too!


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